
If you want to grow flowers, you can't water them. Try to raise these plants.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. Aloe perennial herb, it is resistant to drought and afraid of water stains. In the past, when I was on summer vacation, I didn't water it for two months, but when I went to school in September, I poured some water and it came back to life. It should be noted that aloe is afraid of cold, it is at 5 ℃.

1. Aloe vera

Perennial herb that is resistant to drought and afraid of water stains. In the past, when I was on summer vacation, I didn't water it for two months, but when I went to school in September, I poured some water and it came back to life. It should be noted that aloe is afraid of cold. It stops growing at about 5 ℃. If it is less than 0 ℃, it will be frostbitten. The most suitable temperature for growth is 15-35 ℃.

2. Succulent plants

Succulent plants are higher plants with hypertrophic vegetative organs, which usually have three kinds of vegetative organs: roots, stems, leaves and flowers. There are more than 10,000 kinds of succulent plants in the world, and the most common species are sedum and cactus. Watering principle grasp to see dry and wet, watering should be thoroughly watered, do not be exposed to the sun after watering, put in a low light and cool place.

Among them, the "desert hero flower", the cactus, should not be watered when it is just planted, and should be watered thoroughly every time it takes root and sprouts. It is not advisable to water more cactus at ordinary times to avoid stagnant water in the planting soil. The simplest way to test is to replenish water in time when the hand-pinched soil cannot form a mass.

3. Money tree

Perennial evergreen herb, rare foliage plant with underground roots. Like warm, slightly dry, semi-overcast and small annual temperature change environment, resistant to drought, but afraid of cold, avoid strong light exposure, afraid of soil viscosity and stagnant water in basin soil, if the basin soil is not permeable, it is easy to lead to tuber rot.

4. Hanging orchid

Cymbidium likes warm, humid, semi-shady environment, strong adaptability, drought tolerance, not cold resistance, does not require soil, and grows better in well-drained, loose and fertile sandy soil. Because the fleshy root of Cymbidium can store a lot of water, it will not dry to death if it is not watered for several days. When 5 ℃ in winter, less watering, basin soil should not be too wet, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow.

5. Purple bamboo plum

Even the purple duckweed has a strong ability to adapt to drought and will not die if it is not watered for many days. It's also easy to raise. Cutting branches in water or soil are easy to survive. There is also its brother, duckweed, is also a very easy to raise plants, roadside everywhere, lavender flowers.

6. Longevity flower

The florescence lasts for more than 4 months, from which the name of longevity flower comes from. It is a favorite indoor potted flower with rich colors. Like warm, moist and sunny environment, not cold-resistant, it is a succulent plant, contains a lot of water in the body, is more resistant to drought, and does not need to pour too much water.

7. Douban green

Like warm and humid semi-overcast environment, the lowest temperature can not be lower than 10 ℃, not resistant to high temperature, requires higher air humidity. Avoid direct sunlight, loose and fertile west, and well-drained moist soil. The growing period from May to September should be watered, and the leaves should be sprayed or drenched with water when the weather is hot, so as to keep the clear pattern and green color of the leaves.

8. Desert Rose

In fact, this plant does not grow in desert areas, nor is it closely related or similar to roses. It is a plant of Oleaceae. It is warm, hot, dry and sunny. It is resistant to heat and cold. A wet environment should be avoided during the growing period, and before each watering, it must be made sure that the surface of the basin soil is completely dry. Do not water during the dormant period, as it is easy to suffer from cold injury and wither.

9. Tiger Pilan

Watering should be appropriate and not too wet. Tiger skin orchid is a desert plant, can withstand harsh and prolonged drought conditions, watering too often, the leaves turn white, the striped color will become lighter. The growth is exuberant from spring to autumn, so it should be fully watered. Winter dormancy period to control watering, keep the soil dry, watering to avoid pouring into the leaf clusters, avoid stagnant water, so as not to cause decay and collapse below the leaves.

10. Guangdong evergreen

Like a warm, moist environment, shady, avoid direct sunlight, not cold. Winter overwintering temperature is not less than 12 ℃, strong negative resistance, avoid direct sunlight, requires loose, fertile, well-drained slightly acidic soil. Strong drought tolerance, no timely watering will not bring great damage, therefore, the management is more convenient, generally will not die.

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