
High efficient cultivation Model of Corn interplanting Konjac + Green manure

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Research background Analysis on efficient cultivation Model of Corn interplanting Konjac + Green manure 1 Hot Spring Town is located in the southeast of Changning County, adjacent to Fengqing County in Lincang City in two directions and bordering Wengduan Town and Tian Town in two directions in the northwest. Hot springs.

High efficient cultivation Model of Corn interplanting Konjac + Green manure

1 Analysis of research background

Hot Spring Town is located in the southeast of Changning County, adjacent to Fengqing County in Lincang City in two directions and Wengduan Town and Tianyuan Town in two directions to the northwest. The hot spring town covers an area of about 236 square kilometers, and the mountain area accounts for about 99% of the total area. The area of cultivated land in Hot Spring Town is 20,274 mu, including more than 9,000 mu of paddy field and more than 10,000 mu of dry land. The highest elevation of Hot Spring Town is 2400m, and the lowest elevation is about 140m. The average annual temperature in Hot Springs is about 14 ℃ and the average annual rainfall is about 1 300mm. In order to promote the agricultural production in Hot Spring Town, the method of interplanting konjac with corn was selected with the period of 3 years from 2016 to 2018 as the period, mainly with the matching of improved varieties and methods, the assembly of practical techniques, the matching of crop varieties and the guidance of integrated technology. to achieve the purpose of saving cost and increasing production and generating income. First of all, popularize the core demonstration model of interplanting between 300 mu, with radiation driving 30000 mu. After a year of unremitting efforts, the realization of Xinhe Village Sanyi, Sanwai, Xiaoxinzhai, Zhangjiazhai 4 village groups of 100 families of corn interplanting konjac 100 mu. The yield measurement results of technicians, village committee leaders, villagers group members and farmers of the comprehensive agricultural service center showed that corn yield per mu was 602kg, konjac 1 120kg, equivalent to grain 224kg, and grain yield was increased by interplanting with 110.2kg per mu in hot spring town.

2 Analysis on the efficient cultivation model of interplanting maize with green manure

2.1 soil selection

Soil selection is the key. The soil suitable for the growth of konjac is generally deep and loose, and the soil is rich in organic matter, which can fully meet the growth needs of two kinds of crops. The soil is relatively hard, the drainage performance is not good, the soil is often hardened, which is not suitable for the growth of konjac, which is easy to cause the yield reduction and disease problems of konjac. The quality of konjac is relatively poor, and the processing is more difficult. In addition, too shallow soil is not conducive to the growth of konjac corm.

The pH value of soil suitable for growth of konjac is about pH6.5, and slightly acidic soil is the most suitable. In neutral or alkaline soil, konjac is also planted, but if the acidity and alkalinity is too high, then the growth of konjac will be seriously affected. So Hot Spring County chose to plant konjac at an altitude of 1 600 m to 2 000 m. Because the topography of these areas is relatively high, the drainage of the soil is better, the organic matter in the soil is sufficient, the permeability is good, and it is also a weak soil suitable for the growth of konjac. Soil selection should also pay attention to avoid the previous crop is Cruciferae or Solanaceae areas, try to choose Gramineae crop areas for konjac planting, can also reduce bacterial infection.

2.2 adopt measures to reduce expenditure and increase efficiency

First of all, it is to promote the relevant technical concepts and means of returning straw to the field to farmers in Hot Spring Town, and combined with the actual situation of Hot Spring Town, we choose the technical model such as straw crushing and returning directly to the field, in order to improve soil fertility and reduce the application amount of chemical fertilizer. in order to save cost and increase efficiency. The second is to promote the technology of soil testing and formula fertilization to the farmers in the hot spring town, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing the production cost in the experimental area.

2.3 Variety selection

The main crop varieties selected in the demonstration area of Hot Spring Town should follow the main principles of high yield and disease resistance. The choice of maize quality is to choose the hybrid maize variety such as Huidan No. 4 with good lodging resistance and high yield, so as to be the main variety sown in spring. The main variety sown in autumn is "gold and silver millet". The variety of konjac chooses red konjac. Red konjac is a new quality of konjac found in Yunnan in recent years. This kind of konjac has high disease resistance and high yield, which is convenient for processing. The green manure used is a conventional variety.

2.4 reasonable close planting to ensure yield increase

When interplanting konjac with corn, the density of corn should be kept at 3 600 ~ 4 000 plants / mu. Sow 2 rows of corn and 2 rows of konjac in the width of 160cm moisture, and sow them in trenches. According to the slope aspect of the plot, the trench is drawn from top to bottom, the ditch depth is 5~10cm, and the width is determined according to the size of the taro. Another trench was opened side by side between 20~25cm, and the seed was planted in the ditch, and the plant spacing should be controlled according to the size of the seed taro. Generally, the position of 2.5 to 3.0 species of taro is maintained between the two kinds of taro, and the seeds are planted in two ditches side by side at the same time, using seed 420kg per mu and planting 2803 plants.

At the same time of rational planting, the fertilization scheme must be arranged reasonably. Base fertilizer is about 1 500 000kg per mu of farm organic fertilizer. Common calcium is about 30kg, potassium sulfate fertilizer is about 9kg. At the same time, 40kg corn special compound fertilizer was applied per mu. When applying base fertilizer, you can dig a fertilizing ditch between the planting ditches, mix the base fertilizer and compost, and then apply it in the ditch. There is another way to apply compost at the bottom of the ditch after digging the ditch, and then apply base fertilizer, covering the soil with about 3cm. It should be noted that nitrogen compound fertilizer can not be applied, nitrogen fertilizer is not conducive to the growth of crops, secondly, the cultivation of konjac can not be in direct contact with fertilizer, and chicken manure can not be used as farm manure.

2.5 Disease and pest control

The first is the prevention and control of diseases. The main disease of konjac is soft rot. The main measure is to give priority to prevention, using the combination of agricultural control and chemical control. When Amorphophallus konjac grows to a certain stage, it is necessary to carry out unified disease prevention treatment: use broad-spectrum, low-toxic and low-residue pesticides as preventive fungicides. The specific fungicides are as follows: 70% of 1 million units of dimethazone and 72% of agricultural streptomycin spray. The frequency of drug use is 7-10 days, spraying 3-5 times continuously, which can play an effective preventive effect. Once an infected crop is found, pull it out and sprinkle lime on the soil where the crop grows. Step on it tightly to prevent the bacteria from flowing away and infecting other crops when it rains. The pest control measures are as follows: 40% dimethoate emulsion 1 000 to 1 500 times can be used for aphids and leafhoppers. The control of moths can be sprayed with 50% of the enemy killing 2, 000, 000 and 3, 000 times.

2.6 timely harvest and safe storage

It is also important to harvest konjac in time, which is directly related to the storage of the next year and the quality of konjac in the current season. When the growth of the leaves of konjac slows down, when the leaves are yellow and lodging, and the corms of konjac no longer grow, konjac can be harvested. Should wait for konjac leaf lodging to start more than 10 days after the harvest, choose to dig in sunny days to keep the corm intact. After harvest, konjac can be sold directly or processed into konjac products. After the taro is dug up, it should be dried in a ventilated place for a day, and the storage temperature should be kept at 15: 20 ℃ [Yoshama Huayao].

(3) effect analysis

Through the efficient cultivation mode of konjac interplanting corn and green manure, a total of 300 mu interplanting model was completed, and the area completed 100% of the planned area. Farmers in the model area trained 300 people and completed 100% of the plan. The rate of increasing farmers' income in the project area exceeded 10%, reduced costs by 5.2%, and stabilized the balance of total grain production and output value. Among the 15 households surveyed on the satisfaction of farmers in the project area, 14 farmers expressed satisfaction, and the satisfaction reached 93%. The technical staff of the Agricultural Center measured the production of corn interplanting konjac, the equivalent grain yield of konjac is 224kg. The average yield per mu of interplanting grain was 110.2kg, which was 367% of the planned. The comprehensive measures such as selecting one high and one dwarf crops, rational fertilization and effective prevention and control of diseases and insect pests have promoted the agricultural development of 30000 mu of cash crops in winter in the whole town.