
My wife comes back late every day. I wonder if there's a man at the door. I get my eyes wet.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, (from readers, pictures of this article are from the Internet) my wife comes back very late every day, I am suspicious, there is a man at the door, I wet my eyes, my wife comes back very late every day recently, which is quite unusual, so it also attracted my attention.

(From readers 'contributions, pictures in this article come from the Internet)

My wife comes home late every day, I suspect, someone appears at the door, I wet my eyes

My wife has been coming home late lately, which is quite unusual and has caught my attention. I went to her company to investigate, her colleagues said that recently did not work overtime, we are walking according to normal hours, then what did she do? I can't help but think about these things. Just as I was suspicious, someone appeared at the door, and my eyes were wet.

When I was a child, it was full of tears. My father died young, when I was less than 10 years old, originally like this situation, my mother needed more love and care, but my mother directly left me, left me alone in my father's home, after the elderly grandparents pulled me to eat a lot of suffering. For this reason, after many years, I still hate it, and I don't want to talk about or see this woman again.

There was no connection between us. For me, my mother almost died with my father, at least in my heart. All I know is that after she left our house, she remarried not long after, and I don't bother to ask how she lived after that. Because of this woman's cruelty, at that time I lost trust in my family and became an extreme and insecure person. It wasn't until I met my wife as an adult that I felt there was a woman in the world who was so pure and beautiful, which led me into marriage.

After my marriage, my mother suddenly appeared and begged me for forgiveness. Her current husband had passed away. After that, she did not have any more children. The son and daughter of the other family's ex-wife were not good to her. She could not live in that family and had moved out herself. Although she looked pitiful, I could not forgive her when I remembered what happened back then. My mother's presence had already upset me, but what added fuel to the fire was that my wife had also been returning very late recently. As long as I asked, she would stammer and not speak, which made me suspicious. That day, she did not return, I called no one answered, until nearly eleven o'clock in the evening, she finally came back, I was angry with her under the argument, two people quarreled.

At this moment, there was a knock on our door. I opened it angrily and saw that it was my mother. Only then did I know that my wife had been taking care of my mother recently. She often went to see the elderly and accompany her again. Her mobile phone was also left behind at her house. She knew my complex feelings for my mother, but she was more afraid that I would regret it later, so she wanted to fulfill my filial piety on my behalf. My mother was glad I had found such a wonderful daughter-in-law. She said she would be content if I didn't forgive her. My eyes watered. My wife had taught me about thoughtfulness, love and marriage, which my parents had never understood. I still hate my mother a little, but I don't reject her, because no matter what, she had conceived me in October, but can someone tell me how to get along with her?