
There is no potted fruit for growing flowers and grass in the courtyard. It can be both harvested and ornamental.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Blueberry fruit is rich in nutrients, which can prevent brain nerve aging, protect vision, strengthen heart, fight cancer, soften blood vessels, enhance human immunity and other functions.

Blueberry fruit is rich in nutrients, which can prevent brain nerve aging, protect vision, strengthen heart, fight cancer, soften blood vessels, enhance human immunity and other functions.

Blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, which can activate the retina, strengthen eyesight and prevent eyeball fatigue. It is also one of the five healthy fruits recommended by the World Food and Agriculture Organization.

The dragon fruit is rich in nutrition and unique in function. It contains rare plant albumin and anthocyanins, rich vitamins and water-soluble dietary fiber. The dragon fruit is a cool fruit. In the natural state, the fruit is ripe in summer and autumn, sweet and juicy.

To make a small potted plant, the seeds should be spread more closely, especially at the edge, otherwise they will lose their sense of beauty. If the basin does not have a bottom hole, do not use a kettle directly to avoid overwatering. Spray water with a spray can once every 2-3 days.

The flowers are large and beautiful, without fragrance, and can be used as ornamental plants in the garden. In other parts of China, egg fruit is known as "king of fruit juice", "cash cow" and so on.

The fruit can be eaten raw or used as vegetable or feed. The medicine has the effect of excitement and strength. Juicy pulp can be made into fragrant and delicious drinks by adding calcium bicarbonate and sugar, and can also be added to other beverages to improve the quality of beverages.

Lianwu is a good fruit that can treat a variety of diseases. It has a sweet taste, moistens the lungs, relieves cough, removes phlegm, cools the blood, and converges. Mainly for the treatment of lung dryness, cough, hiccup, hemorrhoid bleeding, abdominal distension, enteritis, dysentery, diabetes and so on.

Soak the slices of lotus in salt water for a period of time, and then stir-fry together with cucumbers and carrots. It is not only good in color, shape and taste, but also crisp and delicious. It is a rare summer diet delicacy.

It is like pomelo non-pomelo, like melon non-melon, the fruit is aggregate type, the surface looks like football, the fruit diameter is 10ml 12cm, the single fruit weighs 0.6-0.8kg.

The appearance looks like a pineapple, hanging like a lantern, the young fruit is turquoise, and the maturity is crimson. It is a promising fruit rookie.

Fruit football size, peel solid, dense triangular thorns, pulp is composed of aril meat package, flesh color yellowish, sticky and juicy is a kind of fruit of great economic value.

Durian is the most famous in Thailand, known as the "king of fruit". Its smell is strong, lovers praise its incense, and those who hate it resent its smell.

Grapefruit can protect against heart attacks by lowering cholesterol, which is a new discovery by scientists and has a better preventive effect on cerebrovascular diseases.

Grapefruit is suitable for people with indigestion; it is suitable for people with chronic bronchitis, cough, sputum and asthma; it is suitable for eating after drinking too much alcohol, and fresh grapefruit after drinking can keep lips and teeth fragrant.

It is green at first maturity and becomes fleshy, dark purple or red after maturity, with small seeds, florescence from March to May and fruiting period from May to June. Mulberry can also appear yellowish brown, brownish red to dark purple.