
Development Advantages and Countermeasures of Evodia rutaecarpa Industry in Zijin County

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Advantages and Countermeasures for the Development of Evodia rutaecarpa Industry in Zijin County

Development advantages and Countermeasures of Evodia Industry in Zijin County

Evodia rutaecarpa (scientific name Tetradium ruticarpum, formerly known as Euodia ruticarpa), alias Evodia, tea spicy, lacquer spicy seed, smelly spicy tree, Zuo Li Chun Youzi and rice spicy seed and so on. It is usually divided into several common traditional Chinese medicines, such as Evodia rutaecarpa, Evodia rutaecarpa and Evodia rutaecarpa. Its hot taste is bitter and cold, and it has the effect of dispelling heat and relieving pain, reducing adverse events and stopping vomiting. It is used to treat symptoms such as headache or stomach and wrist pain caused by deficiency and cold of the liver and stomach and turbidity. Since 2012, Evodia rutaecarpa has been planted on a large scale in Zijin County, Guangdong Province. The author has been involved in the construction and research of the base. According to the county situation and forest situation of Zijin County, the author puts forward development countermeasures for reference.

1 natural general situation

Zijin County is located in the east of the central part of Guangdong Province, on the east bank of the middle reaches of Dongjiang River, at longitude 114 °38 ~ 115 °29 'east and latitude 23 °10 ~ 23 °47' north. Zijin County is bordered by Wuhua County, Luhe County and Haifeng County in the east, Boluo County across the river in the west, Huicheng District in Huizhou City in the south, and Heyuan City in the north. Zijin County is a mountain hilly, the terrain extends and tilts from the middle to the east and west, the mountains are mainly distributed in the southeast and north, the mountains are high and deep, the topography is complex, the mountains are steep, and the hills are mainly distributed in the middle and west, and the terrain is relatively flat. Zijin County belongs to the south subtropical monsoon climate, with mild climate, sufficient light, abundant rainfall, long summer and short winter. The annual average temperature is 20.0 ~ 20.9 ℃, the annual average rainfall is 1700 ~ 1900 mm, the dry and wet season is obvious, the soil-forming parent rock is granite, and the regional soil is mainly red soil, followed by lateritic red soil [Jishan Huayao].

2 current situation of Evodia rutaecarpa cultivation in Zijin County

There is a historical tradition of planting Evodia in Zijin County. A long time ago, there was sporadic distribution of Evodia in Zijin County, which was mainly planted in vegetable gardens, houses, villages and other places. At present, the scale planting area of Evodia rutaecarpa is 30.00 hm2 in Zijin County, including 10.00 hm2 in Longwo Town, 6.67 hm2 in Zicheng Town and 13.33 hm2 in Yirong Town.

3. The development advantages of Evodia rutaecarpa industry in Zijin County.

Land resources Zijin County has forestry land area of 28.200 million hm ~ 2, accounting for 80% of the land area of Zijin County, including 13.982 million hm ~ 2 of ecological public welfare forest and 14.218 million hm ~ 2 of commercial forest, which is the second largest forestry county in Guangdong Province. Evodia rutaecarpa is not strict on soil, generally hillside, plain, brackish or slightly acidic soil can grow, and temperature and rainfall are suitable for the growth of Evodia rutaecarpa. Therefore, according to the principle of suitable land and suitable trees, Zijin County is rich in land resources for planting Evodia rutaecarpa.

3.2 considerable profits from planting Evodia according to the survey, the cost of planting Evodia is shown in Table 1 (4 years can reach the high yield period). The fruit of Evodia rutaecarpa can produce 1 kg per plant in the fourth year. According to 111plant / 667m (2 row spacing 2 m × 3 m), the fruit of Evodia rutaecarpa can produce 1 × 111 kg. At present, the market price of Evodia rutaecarpa is 404 yuan / kg, so the output value of Evodia rutaecarpa in 4 years is 111 kg × 404 yuan / kg=44 844 yuan. 4 a gross profit of Evodia rutaecarpa = 44 844 yuan-3 260 yuan = 41 584 yuan. In the future, only upbringing expenses and other management fees are needed every year, that is, about 4000 yuan / 667 m2, and the annual profit of 667 m2 can reach more than 40,000 yuan.

Table 1 Statistical element of planting cost of Evodia rutaecarpa 667 m2

To sum up, Zijin County has a long history of planting Evodia rutaecarpa, rich land resources and considerable profits. Therefore, the development prospect of Evodia rutaecarpa planting base in Zijin County is broad.

4 Development countermeasures of Evodia rutaecarpa industry in Zijin County

4.1 strengthen publicity, raise awareness of county and town forestry authorities and poverty alleviation offices to strengthen publicity on the ecological, economic and social benefits of planting Evodia rutaecarpa, and create a good atmosphere for Evodia cultivation, guide forest farmers and the public to consciously participate in the construction of Evodia rutaecarpa base. The purpose and significance of planting Evodia rutaecarpa can be publicized by issuing pamphlets, holding meetings, hanging billboards, posting slogans and so on.

4.2 Scientific planning and strengthening guidance the competent forestry department should designate special personnel to be responsible for, according to the principle of suitable land and suitable trees, conduct an investigation of woodland in the whole county, and guide farmers or enterprises of Evodia to select woodland suitable for planting Evodia rutaecarpa. At the same time, technical training and on-site guidance for forest farmers should be strengthened. First of all, in afforestation and soil preparation, it is better to choose loam or sandy loam with good drainage, and it is not suitable to plant in low-lying waterlogged land, plant row spacing is 2 m × 3 m, planting hole is 50 cm × 50 cm × 40 cm, and farm manure is applied to each hole as base fertilizer, and then cover the soil after deep exposure for several days. The planting time was chosen before and after Arbor Day, and after Rain Water was drenched through the cave soil, it was planted. Secondly, root cuttings, branch cuttings or tiller propagation can be used for propagation. In addition, field management should be strengthened. After planting, it should be watered in time during drought, and pay attention to loosening the soil and weeding. At the same time, we should do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in all growth stages of Evodia rutaecarpa, such as coal pollution, rust, brown cattle, citrus butterfly and so on.

4.3 Industry support, demonstration drive powerful enterprises, can adopt the form of "company + peasant household + company" to develop Evodia rutaecarpa planting industry, the company can provide seedlings, fertilizer and technology for farmers, farmers invest in labor and woodland, develop Evodia rutaecarpa industry under the guidance of the company, the products are recycled according to the market price, the company only collects management fees and is driven by company demonstration. In order to achieve the large-scale development of Evodia rutaecarpa base.

4.4 to strive for funds and increase support for the development of Evodia rutaecarpa base, party committees and governments at all levels allocate certain funds every year for the development of Evodia rutaecarpa planting industry, forestry authorities can strive for central financial subsidies for afforestation and support funds for under-forest planting or discount loans for farmers, and poverty alleviation offices at all levels can support Evodia as an industry for the broad masses of people to get rid of poverty and actively strive for funds. So as to promote the development of the base and drive the people in the mountainous areas to shake off poverty and become healthy.

In a word, through the study on the planting situation of Evodia rutaecarpa in Zijin County, it is found that the planting prospect of Evodia rutaecarpa is broad, and it is a tree to get rid of poverty and become rich in the mountain area. Therefore, measures should be taken to strengthen publicity, raise awareness, scientific planning, strengthen guidance; industry support, demonstration drive; strive for funds, increase support and other measures to promote the development of Evodia industry.