
And raise green orchids? These four kinds of flowers are super popular, beautiful and easy to raise this summer.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Summer has arrived, if the home can be full of beautiful flowers, then it is not very cool? So flower friends, quickly plant a pot, this summer super popular these four kinds of flowers, easy to raise and beautiful, easier to raise than green orchids, really worth having! One.

Summer has arrived, if the home can be full of beautiful flowers, then it is not very cool? So flower friends, quickly plant a pot, this summer super popular these four kinds of flowers, easy to raise and beautiful, easier to raise than green orchids, really worth having!

1. Paulownia

Paulownia, also known as Liuxueni, perennial bulb flowers, underground with hypertrophic rhizomes, leaves long oval, thick, the whole plant is white tomentose. The flowering period is from March to September, but the big paulownia cultivated in greenhouse can blossom all the year round, such as peony, which is liked by many flower friends and become the new favorite of flower lovers.

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Maintenance is as follows:

1. It is a kind of half-sun plant, so we should pay attention to shading it at ordinary times. You can put it in the north house and the east balcony for maintenance. You can give it more light in winter, but you can't expose it to the sun.

2. Be careful not to sprinkle flowers and leaves when watering, otherwise they will rot, so the method of water immersion is generally used to replenish water.

3. After flowering, put the tree tree in the semi-shade and keep the temperature at about 20 ℃. It can keep blooming. Keep the basin soil moist and fertilize frequently.

Second, fragrant vines

A new type of ornamental flower, like light, the hotter the weather, the more beautiful the flowers bloom, suitable for planting in June. She can open pink and red flowers at the same time, beautiful and festive, so she is also named "Shuangxi vine". The vine blossoms wherever it goes, and is known as the "queen of vine flowers".

Maintenance is as follows:

1. The fragrant vine blossoms from early spring to late autumn. Like warm, humid and sunny environment, can also be placed in a slightly shady place, lack of light flowering will be reduced.

2. Tripterygium wilfordii is generally propagated by cutting, which can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn, and has strong adaptability to soil, but the sandy loam rich in humus and good drainage is the best.

3. During the growing period, an appropriate amount of compound fertilizer 3Mel can be applied for 5 times, and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be controlled to avoid excessive vegetative growth affecting growth and reducing flowering. The hotter the weather is, the more brilliant the flowers are, and there are even more flowers than leaves, which is particularly eye-catching. Potted plants in a greenhouse will blossom all the year round as long as there is enough light.

4. In watering, it is necessary to control watering, do not be too waterlogged and dry, so that the plant growth is poor. Do a good job in water and fertilizer management, can form a developed root system, the growth of fragrant vine will be exuberant.

Third, geraniums

Pelargonium has a long florescence, strong adaptability to the environment, plant size suitable for family potted plants, easy reproduction, very popular, geranium florets reunion, large inflorescences like hydrangea, bright colors, very suitable for indoor maintenance.

Maintenance is as follows:

1. During the growth period, liquid fertilizer is applied every 10-15 days, while in spring and autumn, liquid fertilizer is applied every 7-10 days. Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer before budding, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is the main fertilizer after budding. The appropriate concentration is 0.1%-0.2%.

2. Watering can be seen as dry and wet, do not accumulate water, and can be watered several times in summer.

3. There is more sunshine, but when the summer light is too strong, it is necessary to shade 30% to 50%. When raising families, they should be placed in places with direct sunlight in autumn, winter and spring, and can be moved indoors to enjoy them when they are in bloom, but they should still be placed in a place with light after flowering. Like plenty of sunshine, when there is not enough light, it will not blossom.

Catharanthus roseus

Plant a pot of Catharanthus roseus on the balcony and you can enjoy the four seasons. Rare is that it is still colorful and diverse, easy to raise and easy to live, accidentally can burst into the shed of lovely florets, let's start right away.

Maintenance is as follows:

1. Catharanthus roseus avoid dampness and fear of waterlogging, basin soil watering should not be too much, too wet affects growth and development.

2, suitable for fertile and well-drained soil, resistant to barren soil, but do not be alkaline. Clayey soil with hardening and poor ventilation results in poor growth of plants, yellowing leaves and no flowering.

3. Topdressing should be applied every 30 days or so in the growing season, watering should be paid attention to at any time, but no stagnant water should be allowed and drainage should be paid attention to in the rainy season. In order to promote branching, 2-3 coring should be carried out from planting to the middle of August, so that flowers and leaves can flourish.