
What are the green prevention and control technologies in orchards?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the green prevention and control technologies in orchards? With the rapid development of ecological agriculture, ecological pest control technology with new green prevention and control means as the core has become one of the key links in the production of green fruits and organic fruits. Green prevention and control not only saves.

What are the green prevention and control technologies in orchards?

With the rapid development of ecological agriculture, ecological pest control technology with new green prevention and control means as the core has become one of the key links in the production of green fruits and organic fruits. Green prevention and control can not only save labor, labor, low cost and simple operation, but also avoid or reduce pesticide residues caused by chemical pesticides to ensure the safety of fruit consumption. Through the exploration and practice of ecological pest control techniques in orchards for many years, and on the basis of summarizing experiences and lessons, the author puts forward three kinds of comprehensive techniques for green prevention and control of orchards for reference.

1 using biological measures to prevent and control

1.1 controlling insects with insects

Fruit trees are recommended between rows (hundred-day chrysanthemum, okra, etc.) (figure 1) [Yoshama Hua Yao] to attract all kinds of natural enemies to inhabit and achieve the goal of controlling insects with insects. According to the occurrence types of insect pests in orchards, the release of natural enemies to control pests can greatly reduce the amount of pesticides, reduce pesticide residues in fruits and protect the ecological environment. For example, swollen leg wasp and velvet parasite can parasitize stem borer larvae such as peach red neck longicorn beetle, Zhou's rodent wasp parasites American white moth larvae, Trichogramma parasites many kinds of fruit tree pests, aphid wasps control whitefly, seven-star lady beetles prey on aphids, lacewings prey on aphids, red spiders and whitefly, long beard mites prey on leaf mites such as red spiders, heterovelvet mites prey on pests such as aphids and two-spotted leaf mites, and persimmon borer moths prey on longicorn beetle eggs.

Fig. 1 recommendation between orchard rows to attract natural enemies

1.2 Control insects with birds (birds)

According to the investigation, most of the birds inhabiting in China, such as gray magpie and woodpecker, are beneficial birds that prey on pests, which play a great role in controlling fruit tree pests. In or around the orchard, insects can be controlled by hanging artificial nests to protect and attract beneficial birds. The habits of chickens and ducks pecking at green worms, caterpillars and beetles can also be used to carry out bulk breeding in the orchard to control the occurrence of insect pests.

1.3 use bacteria to control insects

Pathogenic microorganisms have the advantages of rapid reproduction, low dosage, no residue, no pollution, no pollution and so on. It is one of the green prevention and control measures for the production of pollution-free fruits. Microbial pesticides such as Bacillus thuringiensis, Beauveria bassiana and Beauveria bassiana have been widely used in orchard pest control. Chunramycin, Jinggangmycin, gentamicin and polyantibiotic mycin are used to sterilize orchards. Spring inchworm nuclear polyhedrosis virus can control the larvae of spring inchworm and gypsy moth.

1.4 Pest control with plants

(1) intercropping plants to control pests. The special odor and some pungent ingredients of intercropping plants such as Compositae, Leguminosae, Rosaceae and Solanaceae in orchards are used to prevent and control pests. The plants with better comprehensive deworming effects are: pyrethrum, marigold, mint, Artemisia annua, Artemisia annua, plum flycatcher, pepper, garlic, lavender, castor, astragalus, patchouli and so on. For example, prickly ash leaves can avoid beetles, Artemisia annua and Artemisia annua can avoid red spiders; castor can trap beetles and marigold can kill golden nematodes. Using plants to control pests can reduce the use of pesticides by nearly 50%.

(2) using plant extract to prevent diseases and insects. Botanical pesticides produced by plant extracts such as pyrethrum, tobacco and neem have been widely used in orchard pest control. Such as nicotine, matrine, camptothecin, alopecine, tripterygium wilfordii, azadirachtin, toosendanin, tea saponin, sinensis, pyrethroid and so on. In addition, you can also do it yourself, using peppers, onions, garlic, onions and other plant extracts, spray to control aphids and other orchard pests.

(3) using plant fragrance enzyme to control insects. Plants generally produce fragrance enzymes. After being bitten by pests, the leaves will flow out green juice (which can give off a special fragrance) and contain some volatile information compounds that can induce the natural enemies of the pests to come and remove the pests.

2 using physical measures to prevent and control

2.1 using phototaxis to control insects

According to the phototaxis of insects, black lights (such as solar energy insecticidal lights) are hung in the orchard during the adult stage (figure 2) to trap and kill Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and other pests in the orchard; frequency vibrating insecticidal lamps can also be used to trap and kill adults of Orthoptera pests. A 20-watt black light can radiate 20 mu of orchards, which not only has high insecticidal efficiency and easy to use, but also has no pollution and can produce green and pollution-free fruits.

2.2 using armyworm board to control insects

Make use of the chromotaxis of insects, control small pests by hanging color armyworm boards (yellow board, blue board, green board, etc.) (figure 3, figure 4); use armyworm glue to kill longicorn beetles, mole crickets and other large pests.

(1) trapping and killing insects. Using color viscose board (yellow board, blue board, etc.) to trap and kill pests, hanging 25 sheets per mu can effectively reduce the density of small pests such as winged aphid, whitefly, leafhopper, thrips and so on. The suspension height should be located in the middle and upper part of the canopy between rows. After the trap board is covered with worms, wash it with clean ball dipped in water and continue to use. In general, 10 boards are equivalent to the control effect of a bottle of pesticides.

Fig. 2 Solar Insecticidal Lamp to trap and kill pests

Fig. 3 Blue armyworm board to trap and kill pests

(2) stick and kill longicorn beetles. According to the habit of longicorn beetle adults crawling back and forth many times in the branches of fruit trees before spawning, to find suitable spawning sites (such as sloping upward smooth parts) and to lay one egg for another place, insect-trapping glue was used at the junction of tree trunk and branch to coat a 3-5 cm wide sticky ring to kill adults such as peach red-necked longicorn beetles. You can also use armyworm tape to set up an isolation belt to catch and kill adult mole cricket, blind Toona sinensis nymphs and other pests.

2.3 using taste taxis to control insects

According to the tendency of insects to sour and sweet odors, sugar and vinegar solution was set up to trap apple leaf roll moth, pear heart borer, apple bark moth, small land tiger and other moths and beetles. The ratio of sweet and sour liquid is generally V brown sugar (or granulated sugar) ∶ V edible vinegar ∶ V wine ∶ V water = 2 ∶ 3 ∶ 1 ∶ 11. In addition, 0.5% detergent solution can also trap and kill pear heart borer and other pests.

2.4 using sex attractants to control insects

Sex attractant is a method that uses synthetic sex attractants to trap and kill specific male adults (figure 5), by destroying the sex ratio of the insect population, controlling the occurrence of the next generation, and finally achieving the goal of pest control. Generally, one should be placed along the diagonal of the orchard every 50 to 100 meters, with a height slightly higher than that of the fruit tree. The setting season begins with the emergence of overwintering adults in spring in order to continuously suppress the population growth of pests. Replace the lure every 25 days. The utility model has the advantages of trapping and killing adults, interfering with mating, protecting natural enemies, reducing pollution (reducing agricultural chemicals by more than 30%), low cost (saving more than 30 yuan per mu), good control effect (average control effect 50% to 80%), simple operation, non-toxic and harmless, and so on. It is especially suitable for the control of moth pests such as Spodoptera litura, pear small, peach heart borer, peach moth, jujube armyworm and so on.

Fig. 4 Yellow armyworm board to trap and kill pests

Fig. 5 Solar traps to kill male adults

(3) using agricultural measures to prevent and control

Comprehensive agricultural measures are used to create the most suitable growth environment for fruit trees and enhance their resistance to insect pests. Agricultural measures are economical, simple, protect natural enemies, have no pollution to the environment and are ecologically friendly, so they are generally valued and applied in orchard pest control.

3.1 selection of insect-resistant fruit tree varieties

Insect-resistant fruit tree varieties were selected to reduce the occurrence of insect pests.

3.2 reasonable close planting and shaping and pruning (figure 6)

Fig. 6 reasonable close planting and shaping and pruning of orchard

According to the shrub type and growth strength of fruit trees (short branch type, long branch type) and other factors, we should reasonably determine the planting density, ensure the ventilation and light transmission of the crown, and create environmental conditions that are not conducive to the occurrence and reproduction of insect pests, so as to reduce the occurrence of insect pests. Flexible use of winter and summer shears, keep the crown shaping reasonable, ventilated and transparent, purposefully change some environmental factors, and destroy the environmental conditions suitable for the occurrence of insect pests.

3.3 Scientific management of soil, fertilizer and water

In the later stage of fruit tree growth, less nitrogen fertilizer and less irrigation water should be applied to avoid the decline of tree potential and insect resistance caused by freezing injury, and increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and organic fertilizer to enhance the tree potential and improve the insect resistance of fruit trees. In addition, fertilizer can also be used to control pests: when pests occur, 2% urea solution is sprayed outside the roots to control red spiders, leaf mites, thrips and other pests; 10 kg of plant ash is used for 50 kg of water and the filtrate soaked for 24 hours can effectively control aphids and add potash.

3.4 clear the garden after falling leaves

Clear the garden in time after the defoliation of fruit trees, destroy the overwintering place and transmission route of pests, and reduce the overwintering base. Cut off insect branches, collect dead branches, fallen leaves, insects and fruits, scrape off the old skin of stems and branches, burn them or bury them deeply, prevent pests from latent over the winter, spray scavengers on the tree body and ground (3-5 Baomeidu stone sulfur mixture), apply protective agents on tree trunks, and ploughing tree plates to kill insects and eliminate overwintering insect sources.