
I won't stop pursuing succulent plants on the way.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Follow the encyclopedia meet beautiful (WeChat: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author [Lin Jia Xiaozhu] for the original contribution sharing contribution date: editor: encyclopedia coordinates: Qingdao City, Shandong Province from May last year.


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

The text begins:

Thanks to the author [Lin Jia Xiaozhu] for her original contribution and sharing.

Submission date:

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Qingdao City, Shandong Province

I have been in the meat pit since May last year, but I can't remember exactly how I entered it. At that time, it was already hot, and when we first entered the meat pit, everyone should be well aware of the frenzy of wanting to net all varieties, even in summer. At the beginning of raising meat, I knew nothing about succulent plants, only relying on the meat-growing knowledge sent by the seller to strictly follow this, for fear that this little life might die because of a little carelessness.

Since I started to raise knowledge, I couldn't keep up with it, so I looked everywhere for learning websites and groups, eager to find an organization. Added a group purchase group, followed the group some, but everyone only group purchase, and did not exchange much maintenance experience. There are some succulent articles on Taobao, but after reading it, I found that there is too little useful content and space is extensive. Also downloaded a succulent app, here I had the honor to know my sister Ping, to find that her husband is actually my fellow-townsman, or the kind of neighboring village, is not very predestined? Sister Ping is so good at raising succulent plants that she doesn't really care about being so beautiful. She is definitely the kind of meat-raising god she is talking about nowadays.

Too far, or back to my Xiaobai advanced road, with the arrival of summer, I raise more and more meat, the soil is also ready-made granular soil bought from the Internet. The light at home is not good, so my husband made me a shelf and put it on an unused air conditioner outside, put on a sunshade net, and can bask in the sun until one or two o'clock at noon. I watch it on a ladder every day when I go to work and after work. Perhaps because it is located in Qingdao, and the wind is strong in the suburbs, ten or eight trees died in one summer, and all of them were watered by my hands.

After it was cold, they were all transported to my mother-in-law's yard, which was sealed and the sun could not come in. The temperature is OK during the day, and it can be below zero at night when it is coldest. Watered at noon on weekends, I found that they were also growing and did not freeze to death, nor did they grow in vain. The problem lies in the days of the first lunar month. I think the sun is too good before the fifteenth day. Despite my mother-in-law's dissuasion, I finally moved to the bungalow, and now I finally bask in the sun. It was all watered that day, and at night it fell below zero, and there was a lot of frostbite. I hurriedly moved the frostbite down, recovered for a few days, and then frostbitten again, and then died completely after going back and forth a few times.

Then I was caught in the rain, and even though I froze to death with plastic film every night, it was a bloody lesson. Therefore, I would like to tell you here that we must pay attention to this late spring cold and not take a chance. Later, I concluded that although the temperature often dropped below zero, if I had not watered or been caught in the rain, it would not have been so tragic. Even if a few trees would have died, the roots would not have grown well in the first place.

During this period, I paid attention to the encyclopedia of succulent plants. Read or not every day, the previous articles are over, all the way to read all the way collection. Spring in Qingdao is really coming now, and I am busy turning the pot again. There is another lesson of blood and tears. In order to save trouble, I changed the soil directly without pruning the roots. I always thought I had taken the pot. Later, after watering it, I found that the leaves were still wrinkled, and some of them had air roots. I picked them up and pulled them out, and the roots were rotten. So warn your friends not to save trouble, it's best to put it in place in one step.

Summer is coming soon. I hope my babies can spend the summer safely under my efforts this year and accompany me for a long time. There's so much nonsense, come and have a look at my heart. Many of these meats are from Sister Ping, so I can't name some of them. If you know anyone, you can leave a message and let me know. )

I don't know the name. It's from my sister Ping.

I can't remember the name. Sister Ping said this basin was the most sensual and dragged.

Is this a green peach? sister Ping gave me several trees. I'm blind.

This is the same breed as the one above, doesn't it? it looks the same.

Swan Lake?

Yilo, looking forward to becoming a big old pile.

The jade cup Dongyun feels that there is a layer of wax on the surface, isn't it too beautiful?

This is Chihuahua, Sister Ping gave me several, and there is a bleeding spot with three heads. I found that I haven't taken the basin yet. I'll show it to you next time.

Millet star, it's colored.

Crayons are also painted, looking forward to a large group, there was also one before, has frozen to death, let me cry

A large group given to me by Sister Ping, my root has been broken up, looking forward to the day when the basin is full, it will be beautiful when I think about it. This pottery pot is made of Buddha jumping over the wall. My husband found several of them to empty me, and it felt great.

My own snow claws, I think it's not bad, pink, foil pinch one crop after another

Orange Monroe. I raised it myself. I like the color very much.

Ruby, the water has faded with the rain these days.

The thick leaf moon shadow has grown up a lot, and there are also cubs below. I haven't changed the basin this year. Wait until the basin is full.

This green claw is given by Sister Ping, and it is in beautiful condition.

026, Sister Ping sent me all dried branches. I read Mingsha's article and bought the root of white leech stone hair. Now I have grown up a little.

Paper windmill, this is only a few frozen meat, under the explosion of a lot of small Yaya, did not dare to change the basin to change the soil, wait for the autumn! The black one next to it is pansy. If it's not Ye Xin, it still has some growth traces. I'll give it up.

Tang Yin, my husband's favorite meat, bought a big thick pile by himself. He didn't die in summer and winter. He died in the late spring. I bought a small one again.

Baby finger, given by Sister Ping, and one of my original. When I turned the pot, I found that the root system was not good, and I replanted it together.

Lipstick and ebony juice, bought booger seedlings, grew up a lot. The seedlings grow very well, and the seedlings slow down quickly, so I would rather buy the seedlings than the old stakes. It was so difficult for the old stakes to grow roots that I once doubted whether I could raise meat.

Morning dew, online shopping in the local greenhouse. Perfume, bought in the same batch as Chenlu, is very small, but it grows well.

Ivory, decapitated seedling, white vermiculite hair root, already taken basin, with cub below. Double-headed Helena, a small one, likes to bring it up since she was a child.

Romeo and Juliet love each other and grow up together, next to some of the leaves.

The chocolate line grew up a little bit. At that time, I bought two for seven yuan each, one with six leaves, and one for each serving basin. Now it's so chubby and cute.

Double-headed cheese, round, about 20 yuan, I rolled up the lower leaves and inserted them, and the next one began to burst in the head, but I didn't want to control it, so I couldn't be as round as others.

This is yolk milk from leaves. I bought a leaf in my twenties and thirties at that time.

Orange snowball, did not grow up, may be small, but chubby quite cute

Peach eggs were inserted in leaves, and some were not photographed. I bought them for one yuan a leaf at that time.

Is this Gao Sand Weng? Big cabbage must be right! At that time, the seller told me that he accidentally injected the medicine with brocade and gave me a refund of the money. Now I am not sure if it is brocade, and it is very strong and healthy.

Lily, who froze a little old pile to death, survived because my daughter pinched it down and I planted it in the earth. Am I also grateful to this naughty little boy?

Thousand bergamot, a lot of cubs have exploded, and the pots have not been changed this year, but the leaves are always a little deformed. I don't know if it is a sign of disease.

In fact, there are many, beautiful and ugly, the first time to submit a contribution, send these first, and then send something else if you have the opportunity.

I bought ready-made soil at the beginning, and now I begin to make my own soil. My husband washed a lot of cinder for me. I bought particles from the Internet, black volcanic stone, red fire stone, rainbow stone, vermiculite, coconut brick, peat, what is the use, anyway, it is more particles, less peat, when planting, put some small white medicine, all learned from the encyclopedia of succulent plants, not to mention. The most important thing is that I always want to join the succulent organization in Qingdao. I hope that the succulent family in Qingdao can open their arms and accept me after reading this article. Finally, I wish everyone's heart and flesh can safely spend the summer!


This article has been exclusively authorized by the author on the official account of Wechat: ID:duoroubaike, and the content of the article does not represent the views and positions of the official account.

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