
Succulent pests can infect one pot and ten pots, so it doesn't leave them any way to live.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The 29th? Qian Yan love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply to "Community" and 20W meat friends to bask together! Backstage reply "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil, disinfestation, black rot" view phase.

29 July


Foreword Qian Yan

Love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply "Community" to share with 20W meat friends!

The background replied "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil allocation, disinfestation, black rot" to view the relevant maintenance knowledge.

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Editor / succulent plant sink

Although raising succulent plants is a quiet and wonderful thing, only if you raise it yourself can you know that there will always be some near-facing things in the process, such as those insect pests and diseases.

No matter how beautiful plants are, they can't escape the trouble of being invaded by diseases and pests. For delicate meat friends, how can they be allowed to run rampant and ignore them? It affects the beauty of our flesh too much! At the same time, it can also cause harm to succulent plants.

In the case of high temperature, high humidity and poor air circulation, insects are more likely to breed and spread, mainly from the soil. At this time, it is necessary to disinfect or even change the basin soil, and pay attention to good ventilation, light and appropriate temperature, of which ventilation is particularly important.

With the arrival of the high temperature in summer, many diseases and insects have begun to do evil frequently. Today, Huichang wants to pick out these common diseases and insects one by one!

No. 1 crime bug: scale bug

Meat friends should know that this bug, white, fat and seemingly fluffy, suffers as soon as it sees it. They survive by sucking up plant juice, resulting in poor growth and serious withering and death of the plant.

At the same time, they also release a kind of mucus. If you have strange stains on your succulent plants, it is likely to be left by scale insects. This mucus is also very deadly and can easily cause diseases such as "bituminous coal disease".

Shell insects that fall to the ground can also crawl, which is relatively fast. They can climb from a piece of meat to a clump of meat, and then take the opportunity to reproduce a large wave of shell beetles.

Coping methods:

1, when the quantity is small, it can be removed manually, can be scraped with a brush, or combined with pruning, to remove insect branches and leaves, requiring brushing, cutting, and concentrated burning, do not throw them, or you can directly pierce them with toothpicks or tweezers.

2. When the quantity is large, special insecticides are needed. According to the occurrence of scale insects, the insecticides are sprayed in the peak period of nymphs.

Therefore, most nymphs do not hatch soon, the body surface has not yet secreted wax, the shell has not been formed, and it is still easy to kill with drugs. Spray once every 7 times every 10 days for 3 consecutive times.

Huichang also found some small ways to control scale insects, but Huichang himself hasn't tried it yet. Some meat friends who have tried can comment on it.

① mixed liquor with water at 1:2. When controlling insects, water through the surface of the basin soil. Scale insects begin to move when the room temperature is 7 ℃ in spring. It can be watered once in April, and then every half a month or so, and it has been effective for 4 times in a row.

② use vinegar (rice vinegar) 50ml, soak small cotton balls in vinegar, gently wipe the damaged stems and leaves with wet cotton balls, you can wipe off the shell insects.

③ can get rid of the scale insects by gently wiping the diseased plants with alcohol, and the scale insects can be removed very clean and thoroughly.

Crime No. 2: aphids

When they gather densely on succulent plants, they can really drive dense phobia crazy!

Aphids are the fastest propagating insects. When eating meat, aphids will also scatter some liquid similar to oil stains, especially sticky hands, together with a variety of stains on the leaves, not easy to clean.

Most succulent plants that harm crassulaceae and Compositae often suck the juice of the young parts of the plant, causing plant growth to decline, and their secretions also attract the invasion of ants. Aphids are often found on succulent foil, mostly attracted by nectar.

Found that they are quite easy, those a large area of black or green, usually aphids.


1, if on the foil, cut the arrow directly and throw it away, and then use a cotton swab to clean the leaves with water.

2, if the number of the rest is small, you can hunt it manually and pinch one at a time. Spraying with 1500 times of 80% dichlorvos EC at the initial stage of damage, German Bayer-imidacloprid can also be considered.

No. 3 crime bug: root powder scale insect

Different from ordinary scale insects, because under normal circumstances this bug is invisible! Almost all of them live in the soil, live by sucking nutrients from the roots, and then lay eggs and hatch. it is extremely difficult to find that they will not climb out or flow out of the outlet of the flowerpot unless the worms have been flooded.

Generally speaking, you can only see it when you turn the basin and change the soil, so it requires us to do all kinds of inspection and cleaning when we buy the new meat.

Its infectivity is also terrifying. Adults will climb out from the bottom of the flowerpot and get into another flowerpot.

But the most frightening thing is that their eggs will leave flowerpots when they are watered. If they touch the soil and are mixed into other flowerpots, they will soon explode collectively.

Coping methods:

1. Change the soil for succulent plants. In this case, the original soil is not recommended to be used again, and all the roots of the plants need to be cleaned.

Then simply trim it, soak it in clean water for half an hour, then dry it for 1-2 days, put it back on the pot, and clean the original flowerpot again.

2. If you find it troublesome, you can use drugs. At present, the most effective drug "scale must be treated", but drugs can not kill insect eggs, do some harm to plants, and cause secondary pollution to the soil. This needs to be measured by yourself.

No. 4 crime bug: red spider

Red spiders are small, flexible, crawl very fast, often gather in groups, gnawing on the epidermis of stems and leaves, so that the injured areas appear yellowish brown spots or withered yellow shedding, this kind of scar will never fade.

It propagates rapidly in the dry period, and foliar spraying can restrain the damage of flowers, such as cactus, apricot, Euphorbiaceae and Liliaceae.

Generally speaking, you can see if there are cobwebs on the back of the leaves, and there are very small red / white / dark bugs, which are usually red spiders.

Coping methods:

The spread can be reduced and avoided by increasing the humidity of the environment. In addition, 1000-1500 times of dicofol or avermectin can be used to kill it.

Red spiders are easy to develop drug resistance, long-term use of a drug, will reduce the effectiveness. At present, the drugs used are imidacloprid, nicotine, carbofuran, pyrethroid insecticides are not very effective on it, the radar and other pesticides on the market have no effect, the above drugs are relatively easy to buy, but carbofuran is extremely toxic and cautious.

Meat can also be sealed with mosquito-repellent incense for 30-60 minutes at a time.

PS: the method of self-made pepper water is simple, as long as crushing raw pepper and garlic, and then mixing with water, but the effect is not as effective as insecticides, so it is suitable for prevention and use in advance.

Crime No. 5: whitefly

Whitefly is not pink, but white, with transparent wings with white fine powdery, with a wide range of hosts, body surface wax, generations overlap, rapid reproduction, many ways of transmission, easy to produce resistance to pesticides and other characteristics, so it is difficult to control it.

Whitefly will cause leaf yellowing, shedding, and coal fouling disease at the same time, and there will be a large piece of ugly black powder on the stems and leaves, which will directly affect the ornamental value of the plant.

Coping methods:

In addition to improving environmental ventilation, 40% omethoate EC can be sprayed at the initial stage with 1000-2000 times liquid, and can also be sprayed with marathon 500x solution or dimethoate mixed with dichlorvos 1000 times liquid. After spraying for 2 days, the dead insects together with black powder can be washed away with strong water flow.

Crime No. 6: Xiao Fei Hei

The larvae of Xiaofei nibble on the roots of succulent plants (wounds can cause infection and then rot) and the tender leaves of succulent plants. Worst of all, some seeded seedlings are their favorite objects, and they often run out of them.

The long-term damp and dark environment is a perfect match, and Xiaohefei really likes it if there is more humus in the soil (what eggshell tea, unripe organic fertilizer). Then we must not let Xiao Feihei succeed!

Coping methods:

In fact, the most effective way to treat Xiaohefei is to keep the planting environment dry and ventilated. The larvae will die in a slightly dry environment for two or three days.

After some granular soil paving, they feel that Xiao Hei flies less, in fact, it is a disguise to make the surface of their planting environment become dry.

If you can't guarantee that your planting environment is dry in a short period of time, you can consider physical control. Xiaohefei has phototaxis and can be trapped by black light or ordinary incandescent lamp. and placed under the lamp containing insecticide liquid pot (imidacloprid, dimethoate, fenvalerate, etc.), trapping.

Can also be placed in the mosquito activities and access to the window of the armyworm tape, armyworm killing.

As for chemical drugs, there are mainly domestic pyrethroid insecticides, which can be irrigated and sprayed with Huasheng in the soil, or carbofuran can be buried in the soil, the use of drugs has both advantages and disadvantages, depending on the individual.

The prevention and control of succulent plant diseases and insect pests is mainly based on prevention, keep the environment clean and tidy, and strictly check the external succulent plants to prevent diseases and insect pests from being brought into the home.

Diseases and insect pests are most likely to occur at the turn of seasons. Concentrated spraying in the shed before early winter, early spring and Meiyu can get twice the result with half the effort. Now the Meiyu season is coming, so get ready quickly!

Hurry up to take a look at the two beautiful pictures to relax, for the sake of this article, you can live up to this piece of painstaking efforts ~ ~ of course, meat friends have better opinions and welcome to put forward them!

There is another thing that Huichang would like to show off today, that is, our succulent plants are imported! Army! Shake! Sound! La! Douyin account is: 994840018

Today, I was so excited that I trembled with my cell phone and made my debut. It's a succulent, black and rotten class. Oh, you hurry to watch!

Well, do you think the remittance length is becoming more and more fashionable, ? in fact, it is also because it is not so convenient to insert short videos into the official account, and the number is limited, so I want to share it with you on Douyin.

Here, Huichang is strong and shabby to invite all meat friends to spoil my Douyin account ~

* some of the information in this article comes from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact the chief executive to delete it.

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