
Will brushing turn gray?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Article: DADa Taobao is a popular online shopping and retail platform in China, with nearly 500 million registered users and more than 60 million regular visitors every day.

Text: DADa

Taobao is a popular online shopping and retail platform in China, with nearly 500 million registered users, more than 60 million regular visitors per day, and more than 800 million online items per day, selling an average of 48,000 items per minute. This is a convenient and affordable thing, however, where there is profit, there is competition, where there is competition, there are people who want to take shortcuts and cheat to win from competition. Taobao brush single, it is the product of this background.

It is well known that shops on Taobao platform are ranked and rated according to sales volume and customer evaluation. Taobao brushing refers to the cheating behavior taken by Taobao shops in order to obtain a single product or shop better Taobao search ranking. At the same time, it often cooperates with overseas shopping traffic brushing flow and express delivery empty package. Good guy, let the act of swiping continue, who else can we online shoppers trust? We know very little about the information of online shopping products, and then through the negative impact brought by the behavior of swiping orders, the lack of integrity, what can our vast number of online shopping consumers rely on to choose goods?

Existence is reasonable, Taobao brush single behind what unknown hidden feelings?

Brush single brush single, nothing more than a low-cost way of operation to gain popularity. Nowadays, all walks of life in the world are competing, various commodities are also replacing each other, and customer needs are increasingly diversified and personalized and customized. To say that business is not easy to do is light, this is completely a buyer's market. In this context, either you have a relatively large asset to build momentum for yourself, or you have an exclusive "formula" to "exclusive", otherwise you should calm down your restless heart and put down your daydream of getting rich overnight. "I have a dream to make a daydream come true, and the way to do that is to cheat!" Different from the general advertising of enterprises, the focus of brushing orders is on sales volume and praise. The practice of openly accumulating popularity and sales day after day is extremely inefficient in some commodities, such as food and clothing industries where the replacement rate is 100%. Maybe others set up stores on Taobao one year earlier than you, but he owns 90% of the market share. Moreover, in this year, he uses his accumulated funds to expand reproduction and improve services, tying customers firmly to his chariot and not giving latecomers a chance. When you invest money in this industry, you are not destined to make big waves. What if things backfire? How many regrets? How many helpless? How many unwilling? Some people disappear after a few months of hard work, while others believe in the principle of "there are always more ways than difficulties";"if the white road fails, I will go underground". So brush single method into their eyes, applied to Taobao.

"If you don't get caught cheating, there won't be any actual losses." The benefits of swiping orders were still many:

1. Improve the reputation of the store. By swiping orders, the overall reputation of the store can be improved, thus retaining users.

2. Increase baby sales. Most of the preferential activities on Taobao require Taobao stores to have a certain sales volume and a certain praise before they can sign up. And buyers have herd mentality, zero sales baby, it is difficult for customers to make up their minds to buy. On the contrary, high-sales, high-praise products, buyers gathered.

3. Improve ranking. Taobao search results are greatly affected by sales. The bigger the sales, the more likely it is to rank high.

4. Brush through train click and convert. Increase click-through rate and conversion rate, and achieve through train promotion at lower cost.

However, if you want others to know, you must not do it yourself! You sell on Taobao platform, transfer money and pay on Alipay. You're playing lanterns in the toilet! What a big heart! Let's take a look at the dangers of Taobao to brush orders:

One: improve the ranking but reduce the conversion rate, the loss outweighs the gain

Some so-called single-swipe experts could indeed deceive the system to a certain extent, increase search weight and optimize ranking. But there are hidden dangers, if the seller swipes this baby, and does not meet the needs of search buyers, then even if the baby has a certain ranking, the number of clicks also increased, but because the search term and baby matching degree is not high, or does not meet the needs of buyers, inevitably lead to low conversion rate or even no conversion rate, then once stop swiping, that baby ranking will soon drop. If you want to maintain the ranking, you can only continue to brush the list repeatedly to maintain this low conversion rate, which is not worth the loss.

Two: consuming energy, easy to meet swindlers, high cost

In fact, it takes a lot of seller's energy to brush the order, not only to ensure that they choose the right baby, but also to find different people to carry out illegal operation every day, so that they can not operate the online store normally, resulting in the loss of some customers is also not a small loss. And in the process of swiping orders will inevitably encounter some network swindlers, swindlers use some loopholes in Taobao rules to cheat, but suffer from the seller's own swiping orders is also a shameful act and dare not report, let swindlers defraud money in vain.

Three: Once found, face Taobao punishment

In fact, it is easy to be found, once detected, will face Taobao search official punishment. Taobao system background for each online store violation records have been retained, although some have not been caught or punished temporarily, but violations are too frequent or illegal transactions exceed the corresponding number, Taobao will do points to reduce the right to delete the credibility of the store processing, if not easy to manage a baby, brush the order was caught after the baby was false trading reduced for 30 days, then according to Taobao 30 days update once rule, this baby is from scratch, All the efforts and costs before that would have been wasted. If the store was even closed, all the years of hard work would have been wasted. It was really a feeling of wanting to cry but not tears. It was a small loss.

From the standpoint of consumers, I cast aside the souls of cheaters; from the standpoint of poor shopkeepers, I hope you can find another way out without losing much.