
A generation, no matter the grandson, no matter the grandma, some old sayings are really interesting.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, When I saw this sentence, the first thing that popped up in my mind was the saying, "one generation does not care about two generations." In fact, as an old saying in the countryside, it can be handed down to show that it has a certain Tao.

When I saw this sentence, the first thing that popped up in my mind was the saying, "one generation does not care about two generations." In fact, as an old saying in the countryside, it is reasonable to explain that it can be handed down. Here, small farmers will talk about their own views.

What does this sentence mean?

"A generation does not care about a generation, a grandson does not care about a grandmother" literally means that a generation manages the affairs of a generation, and do not overstep each other. Grandson, regardless of grandma, should say that grandma should be taken care of by his father's generation. If you look at it carefully, there is still some truth in this sentence.

Why is it that "generation does not care about one generation"?

First of all, let's take a look at the first half of the sentence. The first half of the sentence should be for the elderly, which means that the elderly should not meddle too much in the affairs of their children. As a matter of fact, this is what they say, but how many people can really do it?

On the one hand, old people are used to worrying all their lives and usually express their own views on family problems more or less, but what about young people? Always feel that they are the most correct, very often do not know how to listen to the command of the elderly, which is easy to breed family conflicts. Especially the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. If you meet another strong mother-in-law and the husband of mama's boy, you may not be able to live on in the future.

In addition, the old people sometimes disobey the old and always like to give orders, but the young people are not convinced, but they are unable to express them, which will lead to contradictions. The most common is that grandparents' ideas often deviate from those of their parents when it comes to educating grandchildren.

In fact, the best state is that the older generation let go and let the children handle things on their own. If they can't handle it well, they can consult their parents, but don't interfere too much in their lives. Only in this way can we have a better life. In fact, letting go is also love.

What do you mean, "grandson doesn't care about grandma"?

Then take a look at the second half of this sentence, "grandson does not care about grandma". Personally, I think this sentence is a little unreasonable now. It is said that the other generation is the closest, and the ones who loved us most when we were young were grandparents. However, this sentence can also be explained in some special circumstances. For example, if the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law do not agree with each other, such a family is likely to cause the grandson and grandmother not to be close to each other. That's why there is such a saying as "grandson doesn't care about grandma".

But now many children in rural areas are brought up with their grandparents, and they are naturally very close to their grandparents. Children naturally show filial piety to their grandparents when they grow up. Moreover, the situation of grandson regardless of grandma is not in line with the tradition of filial piety in our country.

The above comes from the original creation of promoting agriculture through science.