
When the pebbles in the courtyard magnified unexpectedly

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Pebbles are named because they are shaped like goose eggs. In the course of tens of thousands of years of vicissitudes of life, they have gone through the movement of waves, lost their irregular edges and corners by gravel collision and friction, and were buried deep in the ground with sand and silted millions.

Pebbles are named because they are shaped like goose eggs. In the course of tens of thousands of years of vicissitudes of life, they have been washed by waves, lost their irregular edges and corners by gravel collision and friction, and have been buried deep in the ground with sediment for millions of years. I don't know how many years it took the pebbles to grind off the edges and corners and become what we see now.

You must not think that a few large pebbles, thrown aside at will, will become a unique scenery. After years of vicissitudes, will eventually wear off the edges and corners, be careful to calm down, you will find that he is so gentle.

No matter the running water or the years. Although it made him smooth and his appearance was no longer what he used to be, he never changed his heart.

After thousands of years, I will not change my mind. I wonder if you touched his soft heart when you touched him.