
The newly bought gardenia yellow leaves fall bud quickly do this or it will be too late to regret

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Newly bought gardenia leaves wilt, in fact, this problem is very common, then how to remedy this situation? today, let's briefly talk about our new gardenia, we can carefully observe the potted soil, in general.

Newly bought gardenia leaves wilt, in fact, this problem is very common, so how to remedy this situation? let's talk about it briefly today.

Our new gardenia can take a closer look at the basin soil, which is usually very hard yellow soil, which leaks out immediately after watering, and it doesn't have much nutrients, so it's necessary to change the basin.

You can also take a look at the roots of gardenias, which are usually broken. This is because gardenias in the flower shed are planted on the ground. In order to sell, they can directly break the roots and install pots. In these two cases, the roots of gardenias are seriously damaged, and it is normal to have wilted yellow leaves.

When we buy it back, usually with a bud, we let it bloom first. if the leaves wilt, we can soak the gardenia in a basin for half an hour, so that it can be watered thoroughly. After a few hours, the leaves will stand up and blossom. Then, put them in a place where there is enough scattered light to let them blossom. After flowering, the remnants will be trimmed in time.

Change the basin and raise it with loose, breathable and fertile soil, which can be planted with rotten leaf soil, large-grained river sand, garden soil, 4:2:1, or peat soil, perlite and vermiculite at 4:1:1. This kind of soil is loose, breathable and fertile. It is very suitable for the growth of gardenia.

When changing the basin, you can put the bare root on the basin, that is, soak the original yellow soil of the gardenia with water to reduce the damage to the root system. Then, take the gardenia plant in one hand, slowly fill the pot with the other, gently shake the basin soil, and don't let the roots squeeze together. Try to let the roots spread out inside.

After changing the basin soil, pour through the water, it is best to cover a convenient bag to moisturize, put a few holes in the bag, put in the place of astigmatism, about 7 days, gardenia can recover, during this period there will certainly be fallen leaves and yellow leaves, after changing the basin will be gradually alleviated

When gardenia grows obviously, you can gradually receive light, about three or four hours a day. Such gardenia leaves begin to be dark green and grow vigorously, and there is basically no wilting of yellow leaves.

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