
Etiological analysis and prevention of yellow scorched edge drying of Anthurium andraeanum leaves

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Anthurium andraeanum, also known as Candle, Anthurium andraeanum, is a perennial evergreen herb native to the tropical rain forests of South America. Friends who like to raise Anthurium andraeanum will encounter Anthurium andraeanum leaves yellowing, scorched edges, withered, rotten leaves and so on.

Anthurium andraeanum, also known as Candle, Anthurium andraeanum, is a perennial evergreen herb native to the tropical rain forests of South America. Friends who like to raise Anthurium andraeanum will encounter various situations such as yellow and scorched leaves, rotten leaves and so on. This will indeed make flower friends feel more sad. How to solve this kind of problem? Hua Youjun below for everyone to analyze the specific reasons and preventive measures.

First, how is the yellow and scorched edge of Anthurium andraeanum leaves going on?

1. The first situation is that the old leaves and new leaves turn yellow at the same time, the main reason is the lack of light for a long time.

Flower cultivation: six kinds of flowers with long flowering period and very easy to raise

Solution: increase the light appropriately.

2. The second situation is that the old leaves turn yellow, which is mainly due to the long-term lack of water or the lack of thorough watering.

Solution: water thoroughly every time.

3. The third situation is that if the new leaves turn yellow, but the old leaves are normal, it means that the amount of watering is too large, or the lack of fertilizer.

Solution: control watering, or topdressing.

II. Prevention

First of all, cut off the yellowing leaves, put them in the shade, wait for the water to dry, and then water it, don't fertilize it in a hurry. There may be two situations, one is that the air humidity is too low, that is, too dry, and the other is the lack of trace mineral elements.

In fact, it is to control the temperature and humidity, bask in the sun sooner or later, and apply fertilizer properly.

When Anthurium andraeanum leaves are yellowed, withered and rotten, it may also be caused by bacteria. To remove bacteria, you can spray 0.3% solution of garlic juice, 0.2% solution of vinegar or 8-1000 times of carbendazim and chlorothalonil.

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Indoor maintenance of Anthurium andraeanum should be managed in a semi-overcast, humid and warm environment, with the best temperature between 20 ℃ and 25 ℃, not higher than 33 ℃, otherwise it is prone to uncomfortable symptoms; the air humidity must be between 75% and 90%, and the leaves below 50% are prone to scorch edge drying.

When the Anthurium andraeanum leaves are yellow and scorched, first cut off the yellowed leaves and put them in the shade. Wait for the water to dry and then water it. Don't worry about fertilizing. There may be two situations, one is that the air humidity is too low, that is, too dry, and the other is the lack of trace mineral elements. Control the temperature and humidity, bask in the sun in the morning and evening, and apply fertilizer properly.

The symptoms of yellowing, drying up and decay of Anthurium andraeanum leaves are caused by bacteria. In order to remove bacteria, 0.3% solution of garlic juice, 0.2% solution of vinegar or fungicides such as carbendazim and chlorothalonil can be sprayed to prevent and cure. But this can not solve the fundamental problem, because Anthurium andraeanum has such symptoms, because the maintenance environment is not suitable, Anthurium andraeanum should be managed in a semi-shady, humid and warm environment, and the temperature should be between 20-25 ℃, not higher than 33 ℃, otherwise it is prone to uncomfortable symptoms; the air humidity must be between 75-90%, and the leaves are prone to scorch edge drying.

The leaves of Anthurium andraeanum are easy to turn yellow, so pay more attention to conservation. If you want to maintain it well, you have to know the causes and rescue methods of yellowing leaves. In this paper, we sort out some yellowing and rescue methods of Anthurium andraeanum leaves. I would like to share it with my friends who like breeding. I hope I can help you.

Third, the cause analysis and treatment methods of Anthurium andraeanum leaves yellowing.

1. Too much watering leads to the yellowing of Anthurium andraeanum leaves.

The new leaves of Anthurium andraeanum are yellow and the old leaves are normal. In general, too much water will make the medium in the basin too wet for a long time, or even stagnant water, causing some fibrous roots to rot, hindering normal breathing and absorbing nutrients, causing the leaves to turn yellow and fall off gradually.

Solution: we should pay attention to the weather conditions and the habits of Anthurium andraeanum to water.

2. soil discomfort leads to yellowing (burning yellow) of Anthurium andraeanum leaves.

There are more salt and alkali in the medium and water in most areas of the north. Due to the lack of soluble iron that plants need to absorb in the medium, the leaves will gradually lose green and turn yellow.

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Solution: use oxalic acid and other treatment media and water for watering flowers.

3. Dry air leads to yellowing of Anthurium andraeanum leaves.

When the air of indoor flower cultivation is too dry in winter, the leaf tip is often withered and yellowed, or the leaf edge is scorched, or the leaf has scorched spots, edge curling and so on.

Solution: according to the growth characteristics of Anthurium andraeanum, increase the air humidity appropriately.

4. Lack of sunlight leads to yellowing of Anthurium andraeanum leaves.

If Anthurium andraeanum is placed in the shade or in a place with insufficient light for a long time, it will lead to weak growth, thin and yellow leaves, no flowering or rarely flowering.

Solution: according to the growth characteristics of Anthurium andraeanum, increase the light intensity appropriately.

5. the low temperature leads to the yellowing of Anthurium andraeanum leaves.

If the indoor temperature is too low in winter, the leaves will turn yellow; if the room temperature is too high, the plant transpiration is too high, and the root water and nutrients are insufficient, the leaves will turn yellow.

Solution: keep the temperature in the greenhouse relatively stable.

6. The lack of fertilizer in Anthurium andraeanum leaves causes the leaves to turn yellow (fat yellow).

Little fertilization, or no change of soil for a long time, lack of nitrogen and other nutrients in the soil led to thin branches and leaves, thin and yellow leaves. In addition, excessive fertilization will also appear new leaves hypertrophy, uneven, while old leaves dry tip, scorched yellow shedding.

Solution: should immediately stop fertilization, increase watering, and remove part of the old soil, replace the new cultivated soil, carry out normal management.

7. Diseases and insect pests cause Anthurium andraeanum leaves yellowing

Such as yellow spot, leaf blight.

Solution: the whole plant can be sprayed with 800 times of carbendazim wettable powder; red spiders and shell insects are among the pests, which can be prevented by special agents, or wiped with a dishcloth and rinsed with clean water.


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