
In the years when succulent plants were raised, the pots were similar year after year and the meat was different year after year.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Follow Encyclopedia to meet Beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author [demon] for his original contribution sharing contribution date: 2018-04-26 Editing: encyclopedia coordinates: Changde City, Hunan Province, I don't know.


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

The text begins:

Thank the author [demon] for his original contribution and sharing.

Submission date: 2018-04-26

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Changde City, Hunan Province

I don't know exactly how I got into the pit. It seems to have been taken by a college roommate. A picture, the fleshy leaves, instantly melted my heart. As a result, I fell into the pit, but she abandoned the pit and escaped. So far, she has not raised a proud meat! Ten thousand words of contempt are omitted here.

Get to the point...

In the past few years of raising succulent plants, succulent plants have died one after another, and new meat has also entered one after another, to paraphrase some meat friends, that is, the pots are similar year after year, but the meat is different year after year! It's the truth.

Succulent plants have gone through round after round of spring, summer, autumn and winter, although they have experienced water, black rot, rotten roots, insect pests, and rodent infestation. But as long as they do not die, there will be a rebirth, amazing counterattack that day, all they need is time. Succulent to me, never let me down, is the only comfort to me in this lonely world. And all the good things are worth waiting for. Waiting for the next better encounter!

Two years ago, as a balcony party, raised batch after batch of disabled, Yunnan meat friends saw my succulent, called weeds and weeds. My heart is broken! Can not, can only control their own love of watering claws, admonish the balcony party, can not all-weather light, with few soil particles, try to control how smart you are, after all, spread a big cake, hate the sky high what, is not our pursuit! In winter, I did not water for more than half a month. I waited until the meat leaves became soft, and only a small amount of water was watered when there was a sun. the soil particles were only about 30%.

A year ago, when I went back to my parents' house, the succulent plant migrated with me, and began a life of pure dew farming. A number of people died at a high temperature of 40 degrees last summer. This year, there was a winter snow, and all the succulent plants froze. Fortunately, it took them a few days to move indoors. It took them half a month to see the sun. Unfortunately, some delicate varieties, pink snow lotus, raindrops, sapphire, snow rabbit, star prince, etc., are still dead. The collective photos before snow are attached at the end of the article. There are pictures of them.

Now let's take a look at the existing varieties. There are not many new varieties recently. Now they are all general goods, and no one takes good care of them, so they can only let them fend for themselves on the roof, and they have not let me down and easily control all kinds of environments. Time has proved to me one transformation after another!

Maruyeji Qiuli, a small one when she came, has been growing in a pot with her thumb, and has always kept it small and exquisite. At its best, it is pink and jelly, which is simply sprouting. Although it is a big commodity, it also has its loveliness.

Thick-leaf pink blue bird, these two are what they are now, they fade a lot, but with more traces of time, the leaves have increased several times.

The pink bluebird before the winter is worthy of the name. There is powder in the blue!

The drunken beauty and the special jade lotus are much longer than the second picture.

Soft seat, sent when the whole plant scattered into two, simply separated from the species, look at the comparison of figure 1 and figure 2 (now), the same basin, now or a lot of fat!

First love, accidentally Amoy in the greenhouse of a pot of Sansheng, reason told me to change the soil, but really do not want to break this flowerpot, the neck is small, it is not easy to move out …...

Chihuahua, growing up from a leaf, has experienced all kinds of big cakes, it is not easy to counterattack, at the end of the article can still find the figure of a year ago, it is really very pussy, after all, it is in the postal area of Hunan, can not be too demanding

Lime pepper, there is a little color difference between the two pictures, the angle is different, the light has changed.

Smurfs or blue apples, I don't remember much, and I'm face-blind.

Onslow, who used to be triplets clinging to each other, now has piles underneath

The special jade lotus with big seedlings from the leaves, this basin has more particles, has been empty more fierce, four years grow so big, the leaves are short and fat, big love

The Queen of Jelly Sasha was raised with a sense of vicissitudes.

Cixi has gained more than a little weight and feels very sensual.

White Beauty, crazy cub

Flowers and moonlight night or lotus miscellaneous, silly do not know. Is also a big cake professional, once thought of losing it, fortunately did not give up, and finally gorgeous turn around!

The second girl's heart, when the store did not see the sun for a long time, only became a dog, and it was full of cubs after moving back for a week!

Winter beauty, the following picture is before the snow, before and after the change is not very great, but this shape I give 100 points!

Lu's stone lotus, without the steamed stuffed bun shape pictured below before the winter, the cub has grown a lot, rotten to its roots in summer, and has been cut into two by one! Tenacious vitality

Platter, Ji Meiyue, began to take shape, and the rainy days in Hunan for a week began to fade.

The red edge of the crispy duck

Ji Xiaoguang, cut off the foil, the last one was before the winter, and now I can't even start if I want to cut off my head.

Marcus, an expert at exploding cubs, is also full of traces of time and scars all over his body.

Lovely rose, entered in summer, the basin has been used for more than half a month, it is sad to think about it.

Three-headed orange Monroe, let's see if it can be in good shape this spring.

Lina Lian, Dongmei and other platters, let it develop, can always amaze me.

Purple Pearl, the mother already has thick piles, and behind them are her children, who are growing very fast.

The rising Jade of the Rainbow has tried to rip it off.

This is Jihaoyue, which was beheaded and inserted back into the rotten root by me, still alive and well, but divided into many heads.

The decapitated butterfly fairy has shorter and fatter leaves.

Life can always surprise us, looking at them, I am very satisfied, no matter what the environment, always tenacious live, Nirvana rebirth, gorgeous transformation!

The more beautiful things are, the more quiet strength is needed to protect them.

The picture below is a group photo taken before the winter.


This article has been exclusively authorized by the author on the official account of Wechat: ID:duoroubaike, and the content of the article does not represent the views and positions of the official account.

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