
No matter how you raise these 20 kinds of flowers, you will not die and then you will find me.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Flower cultivation Daquan & nbsp; Subscription account Click to follow, Hua Hua teaches you to grow flowers! Recently, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and many flower friends have come to complain that "I have raised the flowers again." Hey, Huahua can't be saved one by one, and I feel distressed to death.

A complete Collection of Flowers

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Click to follow, Huahua teaches you to grow flowers!

Recently, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and many flower friends come to complain, "me again."

The flowers were raised to death by the double cymbals.

"Hey, Huahua can't be saved one by one. I'm so distressed to death that I just introduce 20 kinds of flowers to you today. Even if you forget to water them, you can live and lie down and raise them well. I see who can raise them again!

Make the arrow lotus

Flower cultivation Daquan

It makes the arrow lotus blossom so much, not to mention the cactus-like habit.


Like half-shade, afraid of strong light; drought-resistant, watering once every 10-15 days


Shade in summer and above minus 2 degrees in winter

Tiger Pilan

Flower cultivation Daquan

Tiger skin orchid has a lot of varieties, it is very decorative at home, and it can absorb formaldehyde, which is a must at home.


Like to scatter light, put it in a well-lit room; water it once a week.


Dormancy in winter requires water control, usually watering to avoid stagnant water

Hibiscus jade

Flower cultivation Daquan

Don't think that the cactus will not blossom. It can be said to be a flowering machine. It can bloom all year round, and the flowering period can be as long as a month.


Like light, suitable for dew and balcony cultivation; drought-resistant, basin soil is never too late to water when dry


Don't drench on the ball when watering to avoid the ball collapsing.

Bamboo taro

Flower cultivation Daquan

Bamboo taro can be subdivided into many varieties, and the pattern of each kind of leaf is different, so it is the first choice for green plants with Nordic style and cold wind.


Like to scatter light, bear shade; like dampness, water once every 2-3 days


Avoid direct sunlight; wet leaves every day to humidify

Golden branches and jade leaves

Flower cultivation Daquan

Jinzhi Yuye has a strong ability to adapt, whether it is the environment or artificial transformation, once adapted, it can be done once and for all, no one cares about growing up!


Like light and endure shade, put it in a brightly lit place at home; drought-resistant, dry soil and then water it.


Avoid direct sunlight in summer; proper water control is easy to form old piles.

Undead birds (take root on the ground)

Flower cultivation Daquan

The undead bird in the succulent plant has strong vitality to "worry" you. It doesn't matter if you spend the summer or burst the pot. Just worry about how to get a few more flowerpots to hold its cubs.


Like light and endure shade; withstand drought, dry soil and then water it


Avoid direct sunlight at high temperatures in summer

Desert rose

Flower cultivation Daquan

Despite the bare branches, the flowers are unambiguous, they can blossom all the year round, and the flowering period is long.


Like light, suitable for dew raising, balcony raising; drought resistant, watering once a week


Winter may go dormant, the leaves fall off and less watering is needed.

Green pineapple

Flower cultivation Daquan

If you talk about growing flowers, how can you not say green pineapple? Pinching a branch and putting it in water can take root, not to mention how easy it is to raise!


Resistant to shade, can be raised indoors; like dampness, water is watered once in 2-3 days and changed once in 3-5 days.


Avoid direct sunlight and spray on the leaves to moisturize when watering


Flower cultivation Daquan

Oncidium has hundreds of flowers as soon as it blossoms, it is very lively, and it has its own orchid fragrance, so there is no need to spray perfume all over the house.


Like light, the more fragrant flowers with sufficient light; like dampness and fear of waterlogging, water once every 5-7 days


Pay attention to shade and avoid sun exposure in summer

Measuring ruler

Flower cultivation Daquan

The large "bachelor tree"-measuring ruler, is now one of the most popular Nordic plants, with its own unique "indifference temperament".


If you like the light, you can bask in the sun as much as you like. It is drought-resistant and can live without watering for ten days and a half months.


People and small animals should not be stabbed by its thorns.

Happiness tree

Flower cultivation Daquan

Happiness tree, it is rumored that the happier the family is, the more beautiful it will grow. I wonder if your family has planted a happiness tree?


Shade-resistant, balcony or indoor can be raised; like wet, water once every 3-5 days


It should be shaded in summer. Water can be sprayed on the leaves every day to increase humidity.

Miniature rose

Flower cultivation Daquan

Ou Yuemi is fascinating, but there are a lot of problems, so it is better to plant a miniature rose. Although the flowers are small, they bloom more and the compound flowers are strong.


Like light, dew or balcony; like dampness, water once every 3-5 days


Shade above 36 degrees in summer, add phosphate fertilizer after flowering to ensure the next flowering

Air pineapple

Flower cultivation Daquan

No soil, no water, only air can feed, if you can still feed to death, Huahua will really subdue you.


Like the light, keep it in the bright light; be resistant to drought and spray it with water every week


Don't spray too much water. Drought is better than waterlogging.

Tiger thorn plum

Flower cultivation Daquan

Flower friends who find it difficult to blossom by growing their own flowers can try tiger thorn plum, which is not only easy to feed, but also blossoms all the year round.


Like light, suitable for dew and balcony cultivation; drought resistance, watering once every 7-10 days


There are small thorns on the branches, don't be pricked.

Rich bamboo

Flower cultivation Daquan

When it comes to easy feeding, we can't forget the rich bamboo. Although its name is old-fashioned, its appearance is not low. It can be raised in living rooms and bedrooms.


Like yin, suitable for indoor hydroponics; hydroponics change water once every 3-5 days


Add a nail or half a grain of VC to the water to make the leaves greener, and add half a grain of VB12 to speed up rooting.

Wanzhong Mountain

Flower cultivation Daquan

Because it looks like a series of mountains, it is called "Wanzhong Mountain". It is often used as a supporting role in a succulent platter, but it is never tired of looking at it alone.


If you like the light, you can keep it in any place with good light; if you are resistant to drought, just think of it and water it.


Never water too much. Drought is better than waterlogging!

White palm

Flower cultivation Daquan

White palm is also called plain sailing and white taro, which not only means good but also easy to feed, no wonder so many flower friends like it.


Like semi-shade, suitable for indoor cultivation with bright light; like dampness and fear of waterlogging, water once every 3-5 days


White palm has not blossomed for a long time, move to a place with good light to bask in it, or water gibberellin with water for 2-3 times.


Flower cultivation Daquan

The climbing vine green plant-ivy, which must be planted in summer, grows rapidly and climbs quickly. It will give you a green plant waterfall in less than two months. It is easy to enjoy the cool in hot weather.


Shade-resistant, suitable for indoor cultivation; for fear of waterlogging, watering the soil when it is dry


Ivy should not be exposed to the sun in summer. Shade is recommended.

Wind and rain orchid

Flower cultivation Daquan

Even in bad wind and rainy weather, it can blossom as usual. This is the origin of the name Fengyulan. Do you think it is easy to raise?


Resistant to shade, can be raised outdoors and indoors; resistant to drought, dry soil before watering


It should be shaded when it is hot in summer, and should be properly divided and pruned after the basin burst.

Tortoise back bamboo

Flower cultivation Daquan

Raise a tortoise back bamboo at home in summer, immediately have a kind of tropical rain forest feeling, cool and cool good comfortable ~ can spend a holiday at home


Like Yin, suitable for indoor cultivation; like dampness, watering once every 2-3 days


Don't be exposed to strong light, spray water to the leaves to moisturize.

After watching these 20 kinds of flowers that are easy to feed

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A complete Collection of Flowers

Hua Hua

Teach you how to grow flowers.


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