
Recommended | these 8 kinds of succulent plants are the most likely to burst. There are too many at home to put them down.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Flower cultivation Daquan & nbsp; Subscription account Click to follow, Hua Hua teaches you to grow flowers! When it comes to raising succulent plants, many flower friends shake their heads and raise them several times, each time they die for no reason, and they don't want to raise them any more! In fact, Huahua feels that raising succulent plants.

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When it comes to raising succulent plants, many flower friends shake their heads and raise them several times, each time they die for no reason, and they don't want to raise them any more! In fact, Huahua feels that raising succulent plants is not so scary, but you haven't found the right variety for you. Today, Huahua will introduce several succulent plants that are particularly easy to explode, which will make you become a big god easily.

Ji Xing Beauty

Flower cultivation Daquan

Key points of maintenance:

1, the summer weather is hot, must pay attention to shade, but do not bask in the sun at all, otherwise the stalk is easy to lodge.

2. Cuttings are very easy to survive. Cutting 5-7cm is directly inserted into the loose and breathable soil, and it can take root in about 15-20 days.

Zi Zhi Lianhua

Flower cultivation Daquan

Key points of maintenance:

1. Like the light, there is enough sun to grow and flourish, but you must remember the shade in summer. Usually it is easy to burst without fertilizing.

2. If you want it to burst as soon as possible, you can usually use the method of beheading to breed.

Golden perennial grass

Flower cultivation Daquan

Key points of maintenance:

1. The golden evergreen grass likes to bask in the sun, and the better the light is, the more obvious the color is, so be sure to put it in a place with good light, such as the south balcony or south windowsill, and find that the basin soil has completely dried before watering.

2, in the growth period, there will be leaf shedding phenomenon, at this time take scissors a little pruning, and then cut the stem directly, soon burst the pot!

Jade of the Rainbow

Flower cultivation Daquan

Key points of maintenance:

1. Rainbow jade must be given enough light, otherwise it is very easy to grow in vain, so many flower friends call it "the king of disciples". It is usually placed on a well-ventilated south balcony or south windowsill, and it is best to put it outdoors if there are conditions.

2, rainbow jade is very easy to raise, if the leaves fall in the flowerpot, they can take root, so usually whether it is branch cuttings or leaf cuttings, it is easy to burst pots!

Money string

Flower cultivation Daquan

Key points of maintenance:

1, although Qian string likes to bask in the sun, but the summer temperature is too high, it will still enter a dormant state, at this time, we must pay attention to water control, otherwise the root will rot in minutes!

2. The money string needs to be constantly pruned to cut off those messy branches to ensure that the plant looks good; if the cut branches are directly used for cutting, they will take root in about 10 days and will soon burst into the pot!

Millet star

Flower cultivation Daquan

Key points of maintenance:

1. Millet Star likes to bask in the sun, but if it is too hot in summer, it will go dormant, so be sure to put it in a cool and ventilated place, reduce watering, and let Xiaomi Star spend the summer safely.

2. Millet stars are generally propagated by beheading, cut off a healthy branch, dry the wound and cut it into the soil, which will soon take root and burst the basin.

Ji Meiyue

Flower cultivation Daquan

Key points of maintenance:

1, the more light, the better the color, so it is best to put it on the south balcony or south windowsill. But in the hot weather of 35 ℃ in summer, it must be shaded to prevent leaf burns.

2. Jihaoyue is resistant to drought. Every time the basin soil is dry and then watered, there is no stagnant water in the basin. Applying organic fertilizer or compound fertilizer once every 20 days can make Jihaoyue burst the basin more quickly!


Flower cultivation Daquan

Key points of maintenance:

1. Guanyin lotus grows in spring and autumn and dormancy in summer. At this time, you can put it in a well-ventilated place in the indoor corridor, or where there is no direct light on the inside of the balcony.

2. Guanyinlian often explodes a lot of cubs. Cut off these cubs, dry the wound and serve it directly. It will soon become a new Guanyinlian seedling!

Huahua, that's all for today.

Ladies and gentlemen, hurry to the flower market to buy a pot.

Let the succulent plant in the family explode quickly.

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A complete Collection of Flowers

Hua Hua

Teach you how to grow flowers.


The name of the plant (eg a fortune tree)

Check the culture method