
Such a group of roses will be full of flowers when they break their heads.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Since May, the rose is in full bloom, where there are roses, there are flowers everywhere, how to maintain the rose has become a hot topic among flower friends. What Huahua is going to talk about today is the rose raised in groups. How can you break your head and keep blooming?

Since May, the rose is in full bloom, where there are roses, there are flowers everywhere, how to maintain the rose has become a hot topic among flower friends. Today, Huahua is going to talk about the group-raised rose, how to break its head and keep blooming and blooming in a pile.

Good drainage

The ventilation of the group rose is definitely not as good as that of the free rose. Coupled with the large amount of rainfall in summer and the uneven distribution of Rain Water, while ensuring that the rose absorbs enough water, we should also pay attention to drainage, especially on the rainy day, the ditches should be dredged properly under the ground load, and the water at the bottom of the tray should be poured out by pot planting.

In the south, there are usually typhoons, torrential rains and other disasters. When the rain stops, it should be properly drained so as not to cause excessive temperature, burn the roots, and the soil is too moist, which will also cause plants to be unable to breathe, resulting in rotten roots and yellow leaves.

Fertilize properly

Even in summer, the rose needs enough nutrients to maintain its growth. in order to meet the exuberant growth needs of the rose, fertilizers must be replenished in time, and the concentration of fertilizer is one and a half less than that in spring, and the frequency is also less than half.

If you use ready-made organic nutrient solution to protect fertilizer, use it once a week in spring, dilute it 500times, and use it once a month in summer, diluting 1000 times, which can not only ensure fertility, but also stimulate rose growth factors. It can blossom and burst in summer as usual.

Prune and sprout

Rose branches cultivated in groups are relatively luxuriant and should be pruned in time, especially now that the temperature is relatively high and there are many Rain Water, it is easy to cause rose branches to breed diseases and insect pests if they are not ventilated, and blind branches, withered branches and insect pests should be cut off properly.

Properly watered

The summer temperature is high, the water evaporates quickly, and the soil is easy to lack water, so it is the most vulnerable to drought at this time. Watering time is best carried out in the morning and evening, watering, to irrigate the soil, and to properly spray, let the leaves absorb water, carry out photosynthesis, to avoid excessive water in the basin soil and lead to poor root growth.

Shade to prevent sunburn

In summer, the temperature is high, the sun intensity is large, and the water evaporation of leaves is relatively large, so it is necessary to shade properly, and cooling measures should be taken at the initial stage of growth to reduce the adverse effects of high temperature heat damage.