
The culprit that causes the highest death rate of succulent plants is that it is quick to see if you have any meat.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Succulent plants are favored by the majority of flower friends because of their stupid and cute appearance. However, there are many novice friends who find meat really difficult to raise, and they always die without knowing what's going on. In fact, what causes the death of succulent plants.

Succulent plants are favored by the majority of flower friends because of their stupid and cute appearance. However, there are many novice friends who find meat really difficult to raise, and they always die without knowing what's going on. In fact, there are many causes of death of succulent plants, such as bacterial infection, diseases and insect pests, frostbite and sunburn, but these causes are not as common as fungal diseases, which are the biggest culprits of meat death.

If we do not consider the professional scientific knowledge, in fact, the fungal diseases of succulent plants can be roughly divided into three categories: external infection, internal infection and black rot. We can judge the disease and choose the corresponding treatment and drugs in time. Next, Little exquisite Life will work with you to analyze the manifestations and treatment of three major types of fungal diseases.

1. External infection

External fungal infection in succulent plants can be simply understood as a skin disease of succulent plants, mainly due to fungal infection of the skin of meat, external infection will also leave scars when cured. Coal fouling disease, powdery mildew, gray mildew, anthrax, rust, downy mildew and so on all belong to the category of external infection, because fungi are on the surface of meat and fungal spores can be transmitted through the air, so this kind of external infection is highly contagious. once found, it needs to be isolated and dealt with in time.

Once succulent plants find external infections similar to the above symptoms, in addition to immediate isolation and placed in a ventilated environment, those with mild symptoms can be sprayed with broad-spectrum mancozeb or chlorothalonil. If the internal absorption type of carbendazim irrigation root cooperation effect will be more significant; if serious must spray the corresponding specific drugs.

2. Internal infection

Typical succulent plants, such as Maruyeji Qiuli, Norma, Allen, etc., are very prone to pimples, bulging, bubbles and other problems on the leaves in a muggy and humid environment, although such problems can be observed from the surface, but from the external treatment or medication is basically ineffective, can only use internal absorption type fungicides from the inside of succulent plants for sterilization treatment.

Most of the causes of this kind of internal infection are that fungi invade the body through the leaf stomata of succulent plants, and then survive and reproduce under the leaf epidermis of meat, resulting in bulging, bubbles and so on. Because the fungus is infected under the epidermis of the leaves, the chance of transmission to other meat is relatively small, but it is precisely because of this that the common practice of spraying drugs does not have much effect. if you only infect one or two leaves, you can break off the leaves directly, and if the infection area is large, use internal inhalation carbendazim root irrigation plus spraying.

3. Black rot

Black rot is mainly caused by the invasion of vascular bundles of succulent plants by Fusarium oxysporum. It is difficult to detect at the initial stage of infection. If your flesh continuously loses leaves without warning or a large area of water melts, you need to be vigilant. If the pole has blackened to the point where it can be seen from the outside, behead as soon as possible.

Although black rot is also infected from inside succulent plants, because it spreads very fast, it is basically found to be late, so it is grouped into a separate category.

To sum up, fungal infections of succulent plants are mostly caused by muggy + humid environment and basin soil with poor drainage. Usually pay attention to creating a cool, ventilated, dry and well-lit environment for meat. In addition, pay attention to watering as far as possible not to pour into the leaves and top buds, so that the healthy growth of meat, prevention is the king.

Small exquisite life arrangement and release, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.