
This kind of tree is worthless, but the bark is rare and contains silver. Some people make a fortune by selling bark.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Warm Tip Wo Mu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if you need medicine, it is recommended to consult a professional physician to avoid problems! In the countryside of our country, there are many precious trees, such as the ones that give off fragrance.


Wo Mu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if you need medicine, it is recommended to consult a professional physician to avoid problems!

In the countryside of our country, there are many precious trees, such as incense wood that can emit fragrance, Huanghua pear that can make valuable furniture, classical mahogany wood and so on. They are all famous for their good wood and are very expensive. There is also a kind of tree in the countryside, its own value is not valuable, what is valuable is its bark, which is more valuable than wood. When people see this kind of tree, the first thing that comes to mind is how to peel off its bark. This kind of bark is unique in that it contains colloidal "silver wire". It is not only a precious medicine, but also a raw material for high-end rubber products. Many farmers have made a fortune by selling bark.

This kind of tree is Eucommia ulmoides, which is now planted in many places. But the saplings are worthless, and only Eucommia ulmoides, which is more than 15 years old, is valuable. The dry bark of Eucommia ulmoides originated from the Classic of Shennong Materia Medica, which is believed to be able to "tonify, replenish vital energy and strengthen muscles and bones". If you wear it for a long time, you will be light and bear old age. " And listed it as the top grade. Since then, Eucommia ulmoides has been regarded as a valuable nourishing medicine in a variety of ancient medical books, and its main function is to tonify the liver and kidney and nourish qi and blood. Nowadays, Eucommia ulmoides is also a common tonic in people's life, so the bark of Eucommia ulmoides is in great demand.

Eucommia ulmoides is good, but its bark is not easy to get. First of all, we should select the year-long tree and use the "half-ring peeling method" to get the bark. Because if you don't keep part of the bark, the tree will die completely after peeling. Secondly, we should choose to peel the bark on cloudy days, which can reduce the water evaporation of the trunk. When cutting the bark, choose 10 centimeters from the ground. The bark cut is no more than half of the trunk. Too much bark will cause the trees to wither and die. At the same time, when cutting, you must be careful not to hurt the wood layer inside, cut off the bark and peel it off slowly. After peeling the bark in this way, after about 3 years, the bark of Eucommia ulmoides can grow again.

The bark of Eucommia ulmoides is easy to identify. After breaking the bark, you can see the fine "silver silk". This is its colloid. People call it "silk bark" and "jade silk bark". It is an important feature to distinguish the authenticity of Eucommia ulmoides, because most of the bark does not have this silver-like gum. This layer of gum is called Eucommia ulmoides gum, which can not only be used as medicine, but also make hard rubber. Because it is not deformed after processing and cooling, it is not afraid of acid-base corrosion, but also can insulate and insulate, so it is one of the high-end materials for making submarine cables and oil pipelines. Therefore, the old bark of Eucommia ulmoides is a rarity and has become a "cash cow" for farmers in the mountains.

Although Eucommia ulmoides is rare, it is actually a relatively high-yielding tree. The bark yield of five-year-old trees can reach 5 tons per hectare, and the overall price per jin of bark is about 12 yuan, and the price of good quality is even higher. Farmers can earn a lot of money just by selling bark, and then they can also sell saplings and seeds, bringing in additional economic income. Readers, do you know Eucommia ulmoides?

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