
Propagation and Pest Control and cultivation techniques of Datura stramonium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Propagation and pest control and cultivation techniques of Datura stramonium mandala is an annual herb of Solanaceae. With flowers and whole herbs as medicine, the flowers taste bitter, warm and toxic, mainly for asthma, chronic bronchitis and cough.

Propagation and Pest Control and cultivation techniques of Datura stramonium

Datura stramonium is an annual herb of Solanaceae. With flowers and whole herbs as medicine, flowers taste bitter, warm, toxic, mainly for asthma, chronic bronchitis, cough, asthma and other diseases. It can also be used as a pesticide and as an insecticidal and fungicide, which has a good control effect on aphids and corn borer. Native to the tropics, it is widely cultivated in the north temperate zone. Tonghua, Baishan, Hailong, Liuhe, Huinan, Ji'an, Changbai and other cities and counties in Jilin Province are cultivated or scattered into the wild. In addition to this species, there are three species of Datura mandala, including Datura mandala, Datura mandala and Datura mandala.

I. Plant characteristics

The plant height of Datura stramonium is 50 ~ 150 cm, and the whole plant is smooth and smelly. The stem is erect, the upper part of the branch is green, the old stem is glabrous, the tender stem has powdery hairs. Leaves simple, erect, with long stalks. Leaf blade ovoid or elliptic, apex acuminate, base cuneate, margin with irregular wavy large teeth, dark green above, light color below, smooth glabrous or only short hairs below. Flowers solitary in branched branches or leaf axils, subsessile, white flowers, erect; calyx tubular, 3-5 cm long, green, 5-lobed, 6-10 cm long. Capsule spinulose, erect, ovoid, up to 6 cm long, split into 4 valves at maturity, seeds reniform or ovoid, ca. 3 mm, reticulate. The flowering period is from July to September and the fruiting period is from August to October.

Datura stramonium is often born on loam or sandy loam near forest edge, shrub, roadside, field and residence. It grows well in mild, humid, sunny and well-drained conditions, but grows poorly in cold and sunny conditions.

2. Cultivation techniques

1. Land preparation

Choose sunny, slightly higher, fertile soil, well-drained sandy loam, sunny sloping land, newly opened wasteland and larch young forest glades in mountainous areas can also be planted, but low-lying waterlogged land, saline-alkali land and clayey land should not be planted. Ploughing 25-30 cm before winter, combined with ploughing, applying 2000-3000 kg of ring fertilizer or soil fertilizer per mu, and ploughing once again after the beginning of spring, so that farm manure can be evenly mixed into the soil and play the role of deep fertilization. Break the clods, level and rake fine and ridge 15 days before sowing. The ridge height is 30 cm, the ridge distance is 60 cm, and the drainage ditch is dug around.

two。 Reproduction

To propagate with seeds, direct seeding or hole sowing is generally used, and the sowing time is from early May to early June. When sowing, first hold the ridge surface flat, plant distance 40 cm, step on the bottom grid, sow 6-8 seeds in each hole, cover soil 1. 5-2. 0 cm, properly suppress, keep the soil moist, and seedlings can emerge 15-20 days after sowing. The amount of seed used per mu is about 1 kg.

3. Field management

The main results were as follows: (1) the seedlings began to grow when the seedling height was 5 ~ 6 cm, leaving 4 or 5 strong plants in each hole, 2 seedlings in each hole when the seedling height was 10 cm, and 1 seedling in each hole when the seedling height was 15 cm.

(2) Intertillage weeding should be combined with intertillage weeding every time to avoid root damage, the depth is about 10 cm, the times of intertillage weeding depends on soil moisture and weed growth, and the soil should be kept loose and free of weeds in the planting area. After closing ridges, the plants will no longer be ploughed and weeded.

(3) after fertilizer and water management in the first ten days of June, the temperature is high, the light is sufficient, the plant growth is large, it needs a lot of nutrients and water, and topdressing is needed twice. After the second intertillage and weeding, the first topdressing was applied with 500 kg of human feces and urine water per mu, and once after fertilization; the second topdressing was before ridge sealing, about 2000 kg of human feces and urine water per mu was applied, and 20 kg of superphosphate was added, and water was poured through after fertilization, and ploughing 2-3 days after water infiltration to keep the soil loose and make the plant grow vigorously. Pay attention to drainage in the rainy season to prevent stagnant water. [Jishan Huayao]

III. Pest control

1. Aphids

Prevention and control method: spray with 2000 times of dimethoate emulsion.

two。 Eggplant 28 star ladybug

Damage to leaves is easy to occur in summer. Control methods: spray with 800 times of 90% trichlorfon; avoid rotation with Solanaceae crops.

3. Black spot disease

Damage the leaves. Prevention and control methods: clear the garden after harvest, burn diseased branches and leaves; spray 1000 times of 50% bacilli or 65% wettable zinc before and at the initial stage of the disease, spray once a week for 3 times a week.

4. Datura verticillium wilt

Symptoms: the infected plant leaves turn yellow between the lateral veins, then turn brown gradually, die from the leaf edge, the leaf veins remain green, and the leaves gradually wilt from the bottom up; cross-sectional stems, vascular bundles are dark brown; some only 1-2 branches; the disease can not bear fruit.

Prevention and control methods: carry out crop rotation and, if necessary, irrigate 50% methyl thiophanate or carbendazim wettable powder 600 times 700 times to prevent the disease.

IV. Harvest

Collect flower branches, stems and leaves during the flowering period in July and dry them in the sun. From August to September, the seeds were collected when they were mature, the seed coat was removed and dried in the sun.