
Gardenia is the most difficult to raise yellow leaves, bare leaves, teach you to save it and let it explode again.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It just so happens that a lot of flower friends keep asking me. All the leaves of the gardenia have fallen off, whether they can live or not. What should be done to save him? I'd like to answer this question today. If all the leaves of gardenia are gone, the first one.

A lot of my friends keep asking me. Gardenia leaves are all off, in the end can still live. What should he do to save him?

Today I will answer this question. Gardenia If all the leaves are gone, the first thing to do is to cut a branch with scissors. Check its freshness, if the branches are still fresh. proof that they can survive.

The gardenia whole plant from the pot soil out, water washed off the roots of the soil, check whether there is growth of roots. If it's not growing, it must be decaying. Cut off the rotting roots. Soak gardenia root system with mancozeb: water ratio of 1:1000 for more than one hour.

Use fresh soil to plant the soaked gardenias in a pot. With soaked mancozeb aqueous solution, direct irrigation through the basin soil. Cut off all the dense branches and small internal branches of Gardenia. Cut the branches short and trim the inner branches appropriately, as shown in the picture above. Just keep a few short, thick branches. The rest were all repaired by him, so he could recover quickly. There would be a lot of buds growing, and they would grow faster at that time. It also reduces nutrient consumption.

Put it in a cool, ventilated place, away from bright lights and ventilated. Every morning and evening I spray water on it. Spray carbendazim every seven days or so. Spray three times. Until his new buds sprout. Put it in a place with a little more light and gradually return to normal care. During this period must not fertilize, can not pour sulfuric acid. When the bud grows to about 10 cm, start fertilizing normal maintenance can be.

If you don't see new leaves budding for half a month. Just put it in a plastic bag with holes in it. Take ten minutes or so a day to open his plastic bag and ventilate him.

Generally, according to this method, if nothing unexpected happened, it would take at most a month to recover. Fertilizer and water keep up, maintenance a year's time, next year when will certainly flourish, flowering more.

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