
Eight kinds of exquisite potted flowering plants suitable for growing on the windowsill can bloom continuously when properly maintained.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, If you want to raise some delicate, short, continuously blooming plants on balconies and windowsills, the following are suitable for you. They look fresh and beautiful, short plants, and it is very easy to grow in flowerpots.

If you want to grow delicate, short, continuously flowering plants on balconies and windowsills, these are for you. They look fresh and beautiful, short plants, and are very easy to grow in pots. As long as there is proper light and a warm and humid environment all year round, they will continue to bloom.

The first one: rain orchid

Wind and rain orchid has different forms, generally divided into onion and leek orchid, onion orchid has leaves like green onion, color is white, and leek orchid has leek leaves, some pink flowers.

It is very simple to cultivate wind and rain orchids. You can buy some bulbs directly, prepare loose and well-drained soil, cultivate in an environment with proper light, keep the environment warm and humid, and have a certain air humidity, so that wind and rain orchids can easily bloom.

Second: Spring Day

It is also called periwinkle. It is a flowering plant that is particularly resistant to sunlight, drought and heat. It can even grow in rock crevices. It has low requirements for moisture. It likes warm and sunny environments all year round. It has different varieties. Its colors are common pink and white. It grows very simply. It likes loose and well-drained soil and sufficient light. It can grow in the sun in summer.

Third: Dragon Boat Flower

Dragon boat flower also called water hydrangea, is a very beautiful fresh tropical flowering shrub, suitable for potted maintenance, regular pruning, can promote continuous branching. The location of maintenance should be kept warm and humid all year round, with appropriate light, high air humidity, regular spray water, and the minimum maintenance temperature maintained at more than five degrees.

Fourth: Sunflower

Sunflower also has different varieties, divided into pine leaf peony and large flower purslane, their maintenance methods are similar, you can choose to sow directly after warm spring breeding, their varieties are rich, a variety of colors.

Sunflower maintenance is very simple, directly use nursery pot to cultivate seedlings, can use the method of soaking pot to keep the soil moist, grow seedlings after slowly see the light, then give as much light as possible, maintain a warm and humid environment all year round, they can keep blooming all year round.

Fifth: Tiger thorn plum

If you want to raise a heat-resistant, drought-tolerant flowering plant, then Tiger Juniper is a good choice, but it has thorns all over it, so be careful to care for it. Moreover, its sap is poisonous. If you have children or small pets at home, you should keep it out of their reach.

In order to promote the flowering of tiger plum, the location of conservation should not only have sufficient light, but also keep the environment warm and slightly dry, with good ventilation and loose, well-drained sandy soil.

Sixth: Hibiscus

Hibiscus, also known as hibiscus flower, is a tropical plant that can keep blooming all year round. It has many varieties, many colors and easy to grow. The most common colors are red, pink, yellow, purple, etc. It has serrated ovate leaves and very large flowers, which can keep blooming continuously in sunny and warm and humid environment all the year round. Potted maintenance of hibiscus flowers must be regularly pruned to promote continuous branching, which is conducive to breeding more flowers. Acid fertilizer should be given regularly.

Seventh: Zinnia

This is a flowering plant that is very easy to reproduce. It can be sown and propagated after warm spring. It is easy to grow. It can grow well if it is given good sandy soil with good drainage. The location of maintenance has appropriate light. The minimum maintenance temperature is kept above five degrees.

Eighth species: golden chrysanthemum

Golden rooster chrysanthemum is my favorite herb, but also through sowing and reproduction, suitable for planting in the yard, conservation location, to have loose drainage good soil, cultivation method is sowing and reproduction.

Golden rooster chrysanthemum is particularly easy to grow, ordinary maintenance does not need too much attention, it has good drought and heat resistance, in the flowers wither after the timely removal of long flowers, can maintain a longer flowering period.