
Useful | other people's succulent little fresh your succulent spicy eyes?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Flower cultivation Daquan & nbsp; Subscription account Click to follow, Hua Hua teaches you to grow flowers! Succulent good-looking and do not occupy space, now is a pot of posture, every time see the meat god sent out the beautiful map, can not help sighing: the same variety, how.

A complete Collection of Flowers

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Click to follow, Huahua teaches you to grow flowers!

Succulent and good-looking and do not occupy space, now it is a pot of posture, every time I see the meat god sent out the beautiful map, can not help but sigh: the same variety, how there is such a big gap in appearance, it is simply the difference between the seller's show and the buyer's show!

Blue halo (bunny)

Flower cultivation Daquan

It can be said that the little rabbit is the first generation of succulent "Internet celebrities". It is because of it that many people have entered the succulent "pit". Look at its cute rabbit head, who can not be moved?

However, many flower friends have developed the rabbit's head into four different, do not doubt, this is still your little rabbit, but it has grown up, it has other growth states.

1. Summer dormancy

The rabbit is dormant in summer, when it is completely dry and dead. Don't worry, when the temperature drops in autumn, the ears of the watered rabbit come out again.

2. Lack of water

Rabbit ears grow up and become less cute, and flower friends also find that sometimes their ears droop, which is a sign of lack of water, so pour some water quickly.

3. Cut ears

Some flower lovers think their ears are too ugly, so cut them off (don't forget to smear some carbendazim on the incision), and they will grow small ears after cutting.

Bear Boy

Flower cultivation Daquan

Chubby bear boy, the leaves are like bear paws and painted with red nail polish

Let's take a look at some bear boys in Hua you's family: the leaves are not full, the small claws are not obvious, they can only be regarded as ordinary, where is the bear paw?

1. Raise small claws

The red claw tip is a sign of the bear boy's good condition. When he is exposed to the sun in the spring and autumn growing season, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the state comes out.

2. Fattening bear paw

With loose, nutritious soil: sand and gravel mixed with coconut bran, rotten leaf soil, etc., watering in spring and autumn depends on the soil, and the soil is dry and rewatered. Less water should be watered during summer dormancy.

Black mage.

Flower cultivation Daquan

The black mage is very cool, and it is easier to raise and bear the sun than ordinary succulent plants, so it is the first choice for novice flower friends.

However, there are still flower friends to ask for help: how can a good black mage grow thinner and thinner? at a glance, there is no domineering at all.

1. Water control

Usually, the black master can water it once every 10-15 days, and you don't have to worry about it in summer. You don't have to worry about it as long as you put it in a cool and ventilated place. It is estimated that watering once a month is too much.

2. Single head becomes long

The black master with a single head is not very good-looking. He can be beheaded in spring and autumn (the incision is smeared with carbendazim solution), and a circle of small flower heads will be added immediately.

Peach egg

Flower cultivation Daquan

Pink and tender peach eggs are also the new succulent favorite in the past two years, and the most attractive thing is its color.

But the problem is also its color. Many peach eggs raised by flower friends are pale and white, and some of the leaves are not round and do not look like eggs at all.

1. Color

If you want to maintain the pink and tender color, you must bask in the sun. If there is no high temperature in winter, spring and autumn, you can rest assured that you can keep warm in the house at night. Peach eggs have a short dormancy period in summer. Just bask in the sun for 2-3 hours a day (shade at high temperature).

2. Get fat

The leaves of peach eggs are not compact and shrivelled, and they may be short of water. First, choose loose sandy soil to plant, watering every 3-5 days in spring and autumn, less watering in summer dormant period, and less watering in winter cycle.

Mountain rose

Flower cultivation Daquan

Mountain roses are also popular because they look like roses, and they are both romantic and special to raise.

Some flower lovers wonder why they don't have any roses when they are obviously "roses".

1. Growth period and dormancy period

Mountain roses dormant in summer (June-July), and their leaves begin to gather into roses, even if it is too cold in winter. In spring and autumn, they open their leaves and become bold and unrestrained.

2. The effect of exploding rose pots

If you want to maintain the effect of roses during the growing period, please raise the pot quickly: when you are dormant in summer, keep it in a ventilated and cool position, control the water (water once every 10-15 days), and accumulate nutrients to grow small heads.

Special Yulian

Flower cultivation Daquan

Flower lovers who raise succulent plants must have a "lotus". The special jade lotus is a relatively special one, with its leaves curled upward and raised inward like a tribute chrysanthemum.

However, most of the flower friends' special jade lotus is four-sided and octagonal, not to mention the inner hook, the number is also small, thin and long

1. Avoid overgrowth

The slender leaves of Teyu lotus are also overgrown. At this time, watering should be controlled (once every 5-7 days). You can bask in the sun in the spring and autumn to make the leaves compact.

2. Affixing

Teyulian is an easy variety. If some flower friends are not used to it, they can cut the head and pick the leaves directly and cut them again.

Golden evergreen

Flower cultivation Daquan

As the fastest growing golden evergreen in meat, it is also a necessary match for florists who raise meat. It really adds a lot of color to the combination basin.

Even if the grass is so easy to feed, some flower friends wilt it and look lifeless.

1. Flood and insolation

If you want more gold, you can bask in the sun in summer (below 32 degrees). If you want to do so, you can bask in the sun as much as you want. Wilting is short of water. Usually water is watered every 2-3 days. Be careful not to have too much or you won't digest the rotten roots.

2. Pruning

As a protective plant, the fast-growing golden grass is easy to become cluttered. Just pinch it off.

Let's talk about these succulent types today.

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A complete Collection of Flowers

Hua Hua

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