
If you have eaten three of the six kinds of wild vegetables that foreigners hate, you can only be called a real tuhao if you have eaten all your cattle.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, One of the six wild vegetables that foreigners hate: coriander contains a lot of volatile oil, and its special aroma is emitted by the volatile oil. It can appetizer and awaken the spleen. Parsley also contains potassium malate. The ratio of vitamin c in coriander (coriander).

One of the six wild vegetables that foreigners hate: coriander contains a lot of volatile oil, and its special aroma is emitted by the volatile oil. It can appetizer and awaken the spleen. Parsley also contains potassium malate. Coriander (coriander) contains much more vitamin c than ordinary vegetables, and parsley contains more than 10 times more carotene than tomatoes, beans, cucumbers and so on.

The second of the six kinds of wild vegetables that foreigners hate: celery is mainly used to clear away heat, remove annoyance, and calm the liver. Main treatment of hypertension, headache, dizziness, sudden heat and thirst, jaundice, edema, unfavorable heat and astringency in urination, irregular menstruation of women, it has a large amount of gelatinous calcium carbonate, which is easy to be absorbed by the human body and can supplement the calcium needed by the legs.

The third of the six kinds of wild vegetables that foreigners hate: Houttuynia cordata, cold and cold, returning to the lung meridian. Can clear heat and detoxification, diuresis and dehumidification, heat clearing and dysentery, stomach digestion, this product has antibacterial, anti-virus, improve body immunity, diuresis and other functions.

The fourth of the six kinds of wild vegetables that foreigners hate: wild garlic white has a warming effect, can strengthen the spleen and appetizer, aid digestion, relieve greasy, and promote appetite. Regular consumption is good for strengthening muscles and bones, especially for growing children and calcium-deficient elderly.

The fifth of the six kinds of wild vegetables that foreigners hate: peppermint has both medical and edible functions, the main edible parts are stems and leaves, but also can be juiced. In edible, peppermint can be used as seasoning, spice, wine, tea and so on. Crushing smells like fish.

Six kinds of wild vegetables that foreigners hate: fennel, also known as Xiaohuaixiang, also known as spicy vegetables, its stems and tender leaves can be used as dishes, seasoning cumin, the dried ripe fruit of plant fennel is rich in vitamin B1, carotene and cellulose, so it is an excellent vegetable with meat and oil.