
What on earth can I do to save my succulent plants from falling leaves to luxuriant leaves?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Text: when the network comes to succulent in summer, there will be all kinds of problems. Succulent leaves actually hide a mystery, and each place is a different alarm for the body. Succulent and leafy people need to pay attention to where their own meat is.


Graphic: Network

All kinds of problems arise when summer comes and there is plenty of meat. Flesh leaves actually hidden mystery, each place is a different body alarm. We need to pay attention to observe which part of our meat is wrong, in order to prescribe the right medicine.

I. Roots

Observe if there is a problem with the roots. If the new species is fleshy, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the roots are slow. When transplanting, just contact with a new environment, the root system has not yet slowed down. If it is planted for a long time, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the dormancy period is watered. Floods tend to rot roots. If rotten roots appear, they must be replanted. Too much water will cause the leaves to fall off at a touch. Therefore, watering must pay attention to, in addition to dry re-watering, but also can not cause basin soil ponding.

II. Pathogens

Some fungi are parasitic on the roots of leaves. If you look at the back of each fallen leaf and you see something black or dark brown attached to the back of each leaf near the growing point, that's mold. More serious cases are that the roots of the fallen leaves are directly rotten, and soft rot occurs. If so, then the leaf drop was caused by a fungal infection. A topical fungicide, such as mancozeb, should be used to spray the leaves. The spray must be uniform, especially to the blade gap spray.

III. Natural shedding

Metabolism, which generally softens and withers from the root leaves, but is not easy to fall off and is easy to identify. Every plant has its own growth law, and so does every leaf. Leaves can't be immortal. They go through the process from birth to senescence. If you notice that an older leaf on a fleshy body is undergoing a process of wrinkling, drying and finally losing water to become a crisp, hard, dried leaf, this is metabolism. However, metabolism was not necessarily a normal phenomenon. If the metabolic rate was obviously much faster than the rate of leaf regeneration, and the metabolic rate was very fast, it was worth being vigilant.

IV. Moisture

Water shortage will also drop leaves, if only leaves and leaves do not wrinkle, then it is not water shortage. Watering according to varieties will not be finished seriously. The temperature difference between day and night in autumn, winter and spring is large. I will choose 1-2 weeks to water near winter, depending on the situation; water less in summer and spring and autumn, about once a month, a small amount of water will not be watered thoroughly. Some varieties are easy to dry, so it is necessary to spray fog occasionally or move to shade area.

V. Ventilation

More ventilation is conducive to soil drying, dry is a fleshy environment; ventilation and drying can also reduce the chance of bacteria attacking plants. And summer sultry, low air pressure is easy to cause more meat off the leaves. Especially succulent plants such as bear cubs and peach eggs, we must be more ventilated.

VI. Refuse exposure

Flesh in the hot high temperature, exposure is easy to appear off the leaf phenomenon. For succulent plants planted, they must be exposed to more sun, of course, more sun, not exposure. Especially in the summer, meat is most afraid of exposure. Set up sunshades for meat in the summer, or move to other places with less intense sunlight to avoid direct sunlight.


Meaty summer must reduce the amount of watering, about 1/3 less than spring can be. Summer watering must choose in the morning or evening, do not water at noon, otherwise it is easy to lead to rotten roots and leaves.

Meaty summer must pay attention to window ventilation, if there is no way to open the window, it is also best to use the fan to blow more meat, in order to keep the meat in a ventilated environment.

If black rot is found in the fleshy roots, remove the fleshy pots, clean the roots, and cut off the rotten parts; if black rot occurs in the fleshy stems, cut off the rotten stems as a whole.

If found to have water leaves to be removed in time to throw away.

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