
All kinds of flowers can be cultivated well. Let's grow flowers together in spring.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Do you have a few pots of green plants or pots of flowers at home? Do they look good? Do you know how many days these flowers and plants should be watered indoors or on the balcony? Spring is a season for planting flowers. The following is for everyone.

Do you have a few pots of green plants or pots of flowers at home? Do they look good? Do you know how many days these flowers and plants should be watered indoors or on the balcony?

Spring is a season for growing flowers. Below, we have sorted out the breeding methods and matters needing attention of 35 kinds of green flowers. Let's plant beautiful flowers together.

Of course, you can also tell your friends about these practical methods, which they may also need.


Green pineapple

Like water, water once every three or four days, pour thoroughly, rarely bask in the sun, you can also put it in a place with light.

2 gentleman orchid

Water once every half a month, not completely, just after watering, put it on the balcony where the sun is not strong for a few days, otherwise the root will rot because it is too wet. It is not suitable for exposure to the sun.

3 tiger skin orchid

Water once every half a month, not completely, just after watering, put it on the balcony where the sun is not strong for a few days, otherwise the root will rot because it is too wet. It is not suitable for exposure to the sun.

4 rhododendron

Like cool ventilation, avoid high temperature and heat; like semi-shade, avoid scorching sun; like moist, avoid drying; like acid soil, avoid alkaline soil; like loose soil with good drainage, avoid stagnant water; if good drainage, water can be larger, foliar should often spray water.

5 longevity flowers

Water once a week, water thoroughly, rarely see the sun, put in the light, the sun direct flowers will shrink.

6 Wealth Tree

Do not like water, 20 days to spray a small amount of water, or pour some water to the chassis, can not bask in the sun, if often once thoroughly will die, careful watering.

7 Dragon spits beads

Like warm and humid, not cold-resistant; like plenty of sunshine, afraid of direct light; like fertile humus soil with good drainage and air permeability.

8 money tree

Do not like water, spray a small amount of water in half a month, or pour some water to the chassis, can not be exposed to the sun.

9 Portulaca oleracea (golden branches, jade leaves, Yushu)

Like water, water once a week, pour thoroughly, bask in the sun more.

10 Ping an tree

Like water, water once a week, pour thoroughly, bask in the sun more.

11 Camellia

Camellia is negative flowers and trees, afraid of sun exposure, summer like cool and humid, winter like warm environment, flowers and leaves should often spray water. Fear of drought, avoid stagnant water.

12 tiger tail orchid tiger skin arrow

Like warm and sunny environment, resistant to semi-overcast, afraid of sun exposure; dry, avoid stagnant water; lax requirements on soil quality, usually put in a well-ventilated sunny place, watering should see wet and dry.

13 rich bamboo

Like warm, humid and semi-shady environment, like scattered light, avoid the scorching sun; like loose and fertile soil, usually put in the bright indoor light, avoid direct sunlight in summer, need to see more sunshine in winter.

14 pots of pomegranate

Like warm and sunny environment, more cold-resistant; drought-resistant, afraid of waterlogging; like loose and fertile soil, if the light, water, fertilizer, pruning in place, flowers and fruits.

15 Dragon beard

Like water, water once a week, pour thoroughly, bask in the sun properly.

16 jasmine flowers

Like the hot and humid sunny environment, not shade, cold, drought, the temperature in 25-30 degrees grow well, the temperature below 4 degrees began to freeze leaves withered or even died, like loose and fertile drainage smooth soil containing organic matter.

17 articles 12 volumes

Like warm and sunny environment, drought-resistant, afraid of waterlogging; like sandy soil with good humus drainage.

18 big leaves fall to the ground and take root

Like warm and humid environment, although like the sun is also more resistant to shade; avoid heat, drought; like well-drained sandy soil, watering should see wet and dry; proper shade and ventilation in summer, watering should be strictly controlled in winter.

19 aloe vera

Like sunshine and warm and humid environment, not cold-resistant; like sparse; pine fertile and well-drained soil, need adequate watering in summer, often spray water to the leaves, control water in other seasons, and shine directly in spring and autumn.

20 Anthurium andraeanum

Water once every 12 days, thoroughly, and see the sun properly.

21 Chrysanthemum

Belong to positive flowers, like cool characteristics, like sufficient sunshine; cool in autumn, cold tolerance is the best at 18-22 degrees; drought tolerance, but not moisture tolerance, especially afraid of stagnant water; can tolerate weak alkali, requires sandy soil rich in humus, loose and well drained.

220000 young, also known as bright silk grass.

Like warm, moist and negative-resistant, avoid dryness, afraid of direct light, slightly cold-resistant; keep room temperature above 5 degrees in winter to survive the winter safely. The high temperature in summer should be watered more, the watering in spring and autumn should be wet and dry, and the watering should be controlled in winter.

23 discolored wood and leafy wood, also known as sprinkling golden banyan

Like high temperature, wet and sunny, not cold-resistant; like loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil, the winter temperature grows well above 15 degrees, and less than 10 degrees will cause death.

24 smile

Like warm and humid, belong to semi-negative flowers, require good ventilation and proper shade. The air humidity is high, the leaf color is thick green and smooth. Not resistant to drought, avoid the scorching sun exposure, otherwise the leaves are easy to turn yellow. Like fertilizer, like water but afraid of waterlogging, not very cold-resistant, like fertile and loose slightly acidic sandy soil.

25 stone lotus flower

Like warm, dry and adequate light, can also withstand semi-shade, fear of cold, should be fertile sandy loam with good drainage. During the growth period, if you keep 4-6 hours of light every day, you will grow and thrive, and the leaves will be delicious. Spray the leaf surface with clear water once every 7-10 days. It doesn't matter if the stone lotus is not watered for ten and a half days. If you leave it in the shade for a long time, it will lead to fallen leaves.

26 banyan tree

Like warm and hot, not cold-resistant, in the north winter into the greenhouse winter. Need a humid and sunny environment, but also resistant to semi-overcast. It has a strong adaptability to the loose requirements of the soil, although it likes acidic soil, it can grow normally on slightly alkaline soil.

27 gardenia

Gardenia like warm, humid climate, not cold-resistant; in the south of the Yangtze River can be overwintered in the road, the north are potted, winter moved into the indoor winter. Like light, but also resistant to shade; when the summer sunshine is strong, it is appropriate to keep it in a semi-shady place, and the leaf surface should be sprayed with water frequently.

28 plain sailing

Belongs to the perennial herbaceous flower, divides into the big leaf and the leaflet two kinds, the sex likes to be warm and humid, belongs to the semi-negative flower, requires good ventilation, appropriate shade in summer. Watering should see wet and dry, water is large and easy to rot roots, which requires sandy soil rich in humus, loose and well drained.

29 Golden Tiger

Belong to perennial fleshy flowers, like warm and dry environment, like adequate light, but also resistant to semi-shade, drought, not watered for a long time will not die, but the water will rot and die, requiring sandy soil with good drainage. Note: the habits of fleshy flowers such as mountain shadow, tiger head, keel and measuring ruler are basically the same as those of golden tiger.

30 Milan

Like warm and humid, afraid of dry, not cold-resistant; like sunshine, not resistant to shade; like fertile and loose slightly acidic sand. A poem praised said: "Guazi leaflet is also elegant, full of trees and rice-shaped flowers, fragrant who can be compared, ushered in distant guests to make fragrant tea."

31 Ivy

Like warm, humid and semi-shady environment, more cold-resistant; like fertile, loose and well-drained soil.

32 June snow

June snow is evergreen or semi-evergreen shrubs, like wet and warm climate, not cold-resistant, soil requirements are not strict. Like humus soil with good drainage and air permeability. Moderate shading in summer, winter room temperature above 10 degrees can safely survive the winter.

33 crabapple flowers

Water once a week, water thoroughly, rarely see the sun, put in the light, the sun will lose its true color, it is not easy to watch.

34 African violets

Also known as African pansy. Like enough scattered light to thrive and blossom. Violet pot soil should not be too dry or too wet, and should not be watered on the leaves, otherwise the leaves will be macular or rotten. Like warmth, avoid direct sunlight in summer, and keep the overwintering temperature above 12 degrees.

The 35th rose

Rose is very adaptable to the environment and likes to be warm. It is most suitable for growth when the average temperature is 22 ~ 25 degrees. During the growing period, there must be plenty of sunshine. Rose flowers must be pruned. In winter, it is best to put them in the cellar to make them hibernating. Take out the pruning around the middle of March next year.

It's really too comprehensive and practical, more complete than a florist! Collect it quickly, and you'll depend on it to grow flowers in the future! Remember to give it to those friends who like to grow flowers!