
Seven leaves and one flower-- seven leaves and one flower

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Seven leaves and one flower is a plant of the genus Liliaceae. Alias flea Xiu, Chixiu, Chong Taigen, Chuanxiu, Caohe cart, Chongtai Grass, White Gansui, Golden Row, Trichosanthes, nine hoops, mandarin duck worm, branch flower head, screw seven, conch seven, lampstand.

Seven leaves and one flower is a plant of the genus Liliaceae. Alias flea Xiu, Chixiu, Chongtai Root, whole Xiu, Caohe car, Chongtai Grass, White Gansui, Golden Line, Trichosanthes, nine hoops, mandarin duck worm, branch flower head, screw seven, conch seven, lampstand seven, Baihe car, Luotuo Panax notoginseng, soil Panax notoginseng, also known as seven leaf lotus. Its characteristic is that a flower emerges from a circle of whorled leaves, the shape of the flower is very similar to its leaves, it can be divided into two parts, the outer whorl and the inner whorl are very similar, there are about 6, and the inner whorl has about 8. The leaf sequence of one flower with seven leaves belongs to whorls, and the number of leaves varies from 4 to 14. "Seven leaves" is just a name. The structure of the flower is special: the center of the leaf, such as a wheel, will bloom, the calyx is green, and the petals are ribbon-shaped. In the early days of Taiwan, it was used to treat symptoms such as snake venom and sores. It has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, relieving swelling and relieving pain, drying the liver and relieving shock. For sore sores, sore throat, snakeworm bites, fall pain, wind convulsions.

Paris polyphylla

Growth habits:

Seven leaves and one peanut under the forest on the hillside and in the shady and humid places of the bushes. He was born under the forest at an altitude of 1800-3200m. Like temperature, dampness and shade, but also resistant to cold and drought, afraid of frost and sunshine. The average annual temperature is 13-18 ℃. The sandy soil and loam with high content of organic matter and humus should be planted, especially in riverside, riverside and back shade mountain.

Paris polyphylla

Distribution of origin:

A flower with seven leaves produces Xizang (southeastern), Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou. Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal and Vietnam are also distributed. Distributed in South China, East China, Southwest China and Shaanxi, Shanxi, Gansu, Henan, Hubei (Enshi, Yichang, Shiyan, Xiangyang, Huanggang, Xianning, Shennongjia forest region), Xizang, Jiangxi, Guangxi and other places.

Paris polyphylla

Legend and allusion:

Seven leaves and one flower is a blindly heat-clearing and detoxifying herb with a long medicinal history and has always been known as the sacred medicine of snake wound and carbuncle.

According to legend, the name of flavored herbal medicine comes from a fairy tale. A long time ago, there lived a young man named Shen Jianshan in Tianri Mountain, Zhejiang Province. his parents died young and had no brothers or sisters. He made a living by going up the mountain to cut firewood. One day, while he was chopping wood, a poisonous snake suddenly sprang out of the grass, and before he could escape, he was badly bitten by the snake in the shin. After a while, he was unconscious and unconscious. Coincidentally, at this time, the seven fairies in the sky came to Tianmu Mountain to take a bath on colorful clouds. When they saw Shen Jian Shan who had fainted, they felt compassion and sympathy. They gathered him in a circle and took out the Luopa cover they had carried around his wound. Coincidentally, the Queen Mother also drove here at this time, saw the ropa of the youth, the wound and the daughters, understood everything, and then pulled out the Jasper hairpin on her head and placed it in the center of the seven Luopa. Perhaps the wound got the fairy spirit of Luopa and Jasper hairpin, the snake venom soon dissipated, and Shen Jian-shan gradually woke up. After a moment of awakening, he only listened to the "whoosh" of the wind. Ropa and the Jasper hairpin fell to the ground together and immediately turned into a weed with seven green leaves holding a golden flower. He was stunned, as if he had just had a dream and looked at his calf without scars. At last he realized that it was the beautiful weed that saved his snake wound. So, after going down the mountain, he repeatedly told the villagers the strange story of being rescued after being bitten by snakes, and took the villagers up the mountain to acknowledge the medicine. The villagers speculated that the herb contained immortal spirit and could overcome snake venom, demons and so on, so whenever there was a snake bite, they dug up the medicine and got the magic effect. When everyone inquired curiously about the name of the herb, Shen Jianshan thought for a moment and said, "Seven leaves and a flower."