
Give some milk to the hanging orchid to make a waterfall. The door of the small hanging house was broken.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, In addition to green pineapple, hanging orchid is also a good hand to purify the air, absorbing formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and other harmful gases in the air is even more powerful than green pineapple. Hanging orchid is known as the "fairy in the air", put it in the living room or balcony.

In addition to green radish, spider orchid is also a good hand at purifying air, absorbing formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and other harmful gases in the air is even stronger than green radish. Chlorophytum is known as the "fairy in the air" laudatory name, hang it in the living room or balcony, the effect is particularly good.

This will have a flower friend asked, then how to raise the hanging orchid beautiful little hanging? Generally speaking, more than a year of hanging orchid is likely to give birth to a small hanging oh, if it has not been more than a year old, it is not a good foundation. Today, I will introduce several ways to make your hanging orchid long, green and big, and develop a small waterfall.

The first is the watering problem. Chlorophytum is a foliage plant, summer weather heat transpiration is more intense, so basically 3 days to irrigate a water, keep the pot soil moist. Spraying water on the leaves every night can effectively reduce the yellow leaf phenomenon. 80% of flowers and plants in summer are watered to death. You can use the flower detector to monitor the water and fertilizer situation of flowers and plants in real time 24 hours a day, and accurately master the watering time of flowers and plants.

The second step is to give spider plants a snack, which is yogurt we usually drink. This yogurt is the milk we usually drink, because yogurt is rich in nitrogen, when watering to chlorophyllis eat a little, supplement nitrogen, rub into a small waterfall.

Each time as long as the bottle of finished milk put water natural fermentation for about 10 days, and then take out and water diluted according to the ratio of 1:10, used to plant roots or spray leaves can be. Every other week, to use once, after using three or four times, is found that the spider orchid becomes green oh.

In fact, the most important step is to apply fertilizer reasonably. To burst pots, we must pay attention to fertilization. If yogurt is a snack, fertilization is a dinner. When fertilizing, the leaves should be lifted up to avoid polluting the leaves, which is easy to hurt the tender leaves. After fertilization, it is best to clean the leaves with water, so that the leaves of the spider plant will grow very beautiful.

Fertilizer can choose a better organic nutrient solution, organic liquid fertilizer on the plant zero damage, and absorption rate is very high. Fertilizer does not depend on how much it is applied, but on how much plants can absorb. It is best to choose one with high nitrogen content, which can promote the growth of leaves.

The last step is to do oh, after the cultivation of small hanging orchid may not be suitable for the original flower pot, generally raise hanging orchid, then plant 3 plants per pot is good, potted diameter in 15-20cm is more suitable. In addition, if the root grows out of the bottom of the basin, it also needs to be changed immediately, otherwise the leaf tip will be easy to yellow, curl and other phenomena, or even die.