
Frame cultivation and Pest Control of Aidang Pear

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Compared with the traditional vertical cultivation mode, rack cultivation can effectively improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions of trees, effectively regulate the supply of nutrients and water, and promote vegetative growth and reproduction.

Frame cultivation and Pest Control of Aidang Pear

One-frame cultivation

Compared with the traditional vertical cultivation mode, frame cultivation can effectively improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions of trees, effectively regulate the supply of nutrients and water, promote the balance of vegetative growth and reproductive growth, and is conducive to the implementation of fine orchard management. The common cultivation scaffolding types are inverted V-shaped scaffolding (figure 1), simple scaffolding (figure 2) and so on. The inverted V-shaped frame is suitable for high-density cultivation, the row spacing is 0.75 × 1m × 4m, and the tree height is controlled at about 2.5m. The simple scaffolding is a cement column of 15cm × 10cm × 330~350cm around the garden, and a pillar is erected every 15m at the corresponding position of about 1m from each side of the planting row. Tighten the main shed network line and the dense shed network line to make them cross with each other to form a network structure, and keep the scaffolding height about 2.5m.

2 shaping and pruning

The inverted V-shaped pruning is used to pull the first row of pear trees to the west and the second row to the east when the central trunk is 1.5 m long, and the angle between the central trunk and the ground is 45 °~ 55 °(figure 1). It should be noted that the upright branches on the back should be pulled to both sides in time to fix or remove them to prevent interference with the tree.

The simple scaffolding was used for pruning. After planting, two main branches were selected for culture, and the angle between the main branch and the ground was 60 °~ 70 °. When cutting in winter, the 80cm of the main branch was cut short to erase the competitive buds and keep the main branch extending uniaxially. Pay attention to strengthening summer pruning, by taking continuous coring or pulling branches, twisting treatment to slow down the growth of branches, and sparse excessive branches to promote flower formation.

Fig. 1 inverted V-shaped frame cultivation

Fig. 2 simple scaffolding cultivation

(3) Scientific fertilization

Aidang pear has higher requirements for fertilizer and water conditions, but its root system is sparse and its absorptive capacity is weak, and its growth response is slow, so it is difficult to form absorbing roots after root cutting. Therefore, we should apply fertilizer scientifically according to the characteristics of root growth and the demand for fertilizer. First, it is necessary to apply base fertilizer as early as possible in autumn, and apply base fertilizer in time after fruit harvest, which is beneficial to the growth of new roots and increase the storage nutrition of trees. 2kg base fertilizer is applied to every production of 1kg Aidang pear. The strip-furrow fertilization method and the fertilization depth 30~50cm were used to prevent the root system from floating. Second, soil topdressing should be applied frequently, and the key is to pay attention to pre-anthesis fertilizer, post-anthesis fruit promotion fertilizer, fruit expansion fertilizer, late growth fertilizer and so on. Third, foliar fertilizer spraying should pay attention to the concentration, spraying 3%-0.5% zinc sulfate solution before sprouting to prevent lobular disease, spraying 0.3%-0.5% urea in the early growth stage, spraying 0.2%-0.3% borax during flowering, and spraying 0.2%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate many times from physiological fruit drop to fruit ripening, which can effectively improve fruit quality.

4 grass covered with grass

The adoption of grass growing between rows and grass mulching under trees in Aidang pear orchard can effectively improve soil environment, increase soil organic matter content and improve fruit quality. Natural grass method is often used, but malignant weeds should be removed in time. When the grass is higher than 40cm, cut regularly and cover the tree plate with the cut grass. Cover the tree plate with wheat bran, sawdust, weeds, wheat straw, corn straw, bean straw and other materials, and then spray 10% urea solution to cover a thin soil to accelerate decay and decomposition and increase the content of soil organic matter.

5. Fruit thinning and yield control

Aidang pear has a large fruit, if we do not pay attention to control the yield, it is easy to have problems such as different fruit size, deformed fruit, serious pre-harvest fruit drop and so on, and it is not conducive to the improvement of fruit quality. Results in the peak period of Aidang pear orchard, the yield of 666.7m2 was generally controlled at 2500~3500kg. Thinning flowers and fruits as early as possible, leaving 1 inflorescence at the interval of 30cm, and 1-2 well-developed marginal flowers in each inflorescence. In order to improve the smoothness of the fruit surface, it is best to adopt bagging cultivation, and the paper bag had better choose the high-quality Kraft paper bag with yellow outside and black inside, good ventilation and permeability. When bagging, let the young fruit hang in the paper bag to reduce friction, the mouth of the bag should be tied tightly with thread, and there is no need to pick the bag in advance until the fruit is harvested and listed on the market.

(6) Disease and pest control

On the basis of agricultural control, biological control as the core, rational use of chemical control technology, the implementation of integrated control of diseases and insect pests, joint prevention and control, economic, safe and effective control of diseases and insect pests. During the dormant period, the cleaning management of the orchard should be strengthened, the diseased fruit, diseased leaves and scraped bark should be destroyed, and the whole orchard should be ploughed before soil freezing, so as to reduce the overwintering base of diseases and insect pests. Before sprouting, the orchard should be dried with the original solution of stone-sulfur mixture or sprayed with 5 °Be stone-sulfur mixture. Hanging insecticidal lamps during the growing season to trap and kill Lepidoptera and Coleoptera pests; hanging a yellow armyworm board every 15m to control aphids; using sweet and sour solution to kill beetles, nocturnal moths, pear heart borer and other pests; hanging bird nets above the scaffolding to reduce the harm of birds. In chemical control, pesticides that are safe to human beings and animals, no pollution to the environment, high efficiency and low toxicity to target pests should be selected, and pesticides should be used reasonably according to the safe interval of pesticides, so as to reduce disease resistance and improve fruit quality and safety. In Qihe area, the main diseases of Aidan pear are pear black spot, pear scab and so on. When the diseased shoot appears in the garden, 50% carbendazim 800 × 1000 times liquid is sprayed twice, and when the disease is aggravated, 50% mancozeb 500 times liquid or Fuxing 400 × 500 times liquid is sprayed. The main pests are pear heart borer, pear stem wasp, pear yellow aphid and so on. The main control agents are 1.8% avermectin 1000 × 1200 times, 10% imidacloprid 800 × 1000 times or 3% acetamiprid 1000 times. Pay attention to the alternate use of drugs to prevent diseases and insect pests from developing drug resistance.