
Five kinds of difficulty summer succulent plants should be treated in this way, or they will die as soon as it gets hot.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, With the approach of summer, many flower friends who raise succulent plants are becoming more and more anxious. They are not easy to raise succulent plants for nothing, and they are most afraid that they will not be able to spend the summer well this summer. And have these five kinds of succulent plants is more difficult in summer, hurry up like this.

With the approach of summer, many flower friends who raise succulent plants are becoming more and more anxious. They are not easy to raise succulent plants for nothing, and they are most afraid that they will not be able to spend the summer well this summer.

It is more difficult to have these five kinds of succulent plants in summer, so hurry up to deal with and protect them like this, otherwise you will die as soon as the weather is hot.

1. Still Night

Jingnight belongs to the mini stone lotus, which is small, gregarious, not easy to grow, relatively fragile in vitality, sensitive to drugs, and cannot be sprayed directly on the leaves. In summer, it will enter a dormant period, and poor maintenance will lead to leaf loss and withering.

Summer maintenance quiet night, keep in mind: frequent ventilation and less watering, you can put it on the south balcony or the bright place of the hall, keep the basin soil dry, do not need to water thoroughly, can maintain the normal state.

2. Mountain roses

Mountain rose has a characteristic: in the winter and spring growth season, the leaves are expanded, and in summer dormancy, the leaves will collapse, so in order to make it better summer, shade water is very important, when the temperature is more than 25 ℃, it should be placed in the bright shade, can directly cut off water to deal with.

3. Little Red clothes

Little red clothes are notoriously difficult to raise in summer. They need enough light to grow tightly, the leaves are bright, but they are not resistant to exposure. Especially in summer, they are easily "roasted". If the light is not enough, they will grow too much, and the leaves will be arranged loosely, affecting the viewing degree.

So summer maintenance of small red clothes, to give it enough scattered light and better ventilation environment, basin soil to keep dry, about half a month can be irrigated, when the temperature is too high to stop watering.

4. Frost Dynasty

Frost will not be too difficult to spend the summer, it needs enough light, just shade it at noon to avoid being burned by the strong sun.

Frost Dynasty can not water too much in summer, it can be watered once every ten days, but it should be noted that when watering, do not pour water on the leaves, the water is easy to stay on the leaves or wash away the white powder, which can easily lead to decay.

5. Qingxing Beauty

Qingxing beauty is difficult to teach because it blossoms in summer and needs enough light, but it cannot be exposed to the sun. It is best to move it to a cool and bright ventilated place without fertilizing, otherwise the whole bead will die before the flower is seen. 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be poured every ten days or so, which can promote flowering and prolong florescence.

Qingxing beauty should pay special attention to watering in summer, slowly supplying water from the flowerpot, as long as the root is not too dry and dry.

This is the end of the introduction of five kinds of succulent plants. Flower friends have other additions. You can share them with you in the comments area below. If you want to know more about flower cultivation, you can pay attention to flowers.