
A complete collection of fengshui plants

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Others tell me about science, but I believe in fengshui, and I believe in fengshui. Alibaba set up seven branches out of fengshui considerations. Ma Yunqi, the wind is scattered, the boundary water is to stop the ancients to gather together, so that there is a saying.

Others tell me about science, but I believe in fengshui, and I believe in fengshui. Alibaba set up seven branches out of fengshui considerations.

-- Jack Ma

Qi, if you ride the wind, it will disperse, and if you limit the water, you will stop.

When the ancients gathered together, they never broke up, and when they did, they made it stop.

The so-called feng shui

It is actually a variety of natural factors such as geography, ecology and so on.

A comprehensive discipline with human life information.

So that after people understand nature,

Conform to nature so as to create a good living environment

Today, let's talk about the plant fengshui in the living environment.

The plant itself is a so-called life field.

So how on earth are plants selected and placed?

So that our life can be boiled up.

Wang Weihua will talk about it today.


Plant fengshui theory

If I tell you that a pot of inconspicuous flowers around you may be affecting your body, you must think that the other person has taken the wrong medicine and become obsessed, but in fact, in fengshui theory, plants will affect home and office fengshui, there is really a scientific basis.

The fengshui of plants stems from its transpiration: it promotes air flow, regulates air humidity, and helps remove bacteria and plants from the air. Whenever they get close to a plant, people often feel relaxed and happy, but no one can explain the truth.

This involves plant fengshui.


What are fengshui plants?

Fengshui plants refer to Chinese fengshui that the species, attributes and location of some plants can affect people's numerology, such plants are called fengshui plants.

In the traditional theory of the five elements of public opinion, green plants belong to trees, and botanists have found that the species of plants are extremely rich and all-inclusive, in fact, there are also five elements, which have different regulatory effects on human health. He said that the five-element method of plants is very professional. On the one hand, people who are not familiar with plants can judge from the color of their reproductive organs-flowers: White belongs to gold, green to wood, blue to water, red to fire, and yellow to soil; on the other hand, it can also be distinguished according to the characteristics of plants, such as hot fire, warm soil, cool water, dry gold, and so on.

The theory of the five elements of plants

White and apricot plants are "gold"

The meaning is solemn, and it can regulate the lungs.

Such as gardenia, woody hydrangea, white camellia, magnolia, lotus magnolia, etc.

The turquoise category is "wood"

It means healthy, soothing, and can regulate the liver.

Such as green peony, green cherry blossoms, chicken claw maple, Sapium sebiferum, poplar and so on.

Blue and black are "water".

It means calm and solemn, which can regulate the kidney.

Such as Eucommia ulmoides, privet, bamboo cypress, du Ying, wide magnolia, deep mountain Michelia and so on.

Red and purple are "fire".

It means vitality and warmth, which can regulate the heart.

Such as pomegranate, kapok, red camellia, red rhododendron and so on.

Yellow and brown are "earthy".

It means wealth, harmony and regulating the spleen and stomach.

Such as cinnamon, forsythia, Admiralty, day lily and so on.

From the point of view of the five elements, we can make up for what is missing. Taboo one of the elements is too much, but also taboo elements. It is the best state to live together and complement each other.


Scientific basis of plant fengshui

Fengshui, from a scientific point of view, there are all kinds of plants.

"Wind"-- the secret of transpiration that allows air to flow naturally

The process by which water evaporates from a plant's leaves is called transpiration. Evaporation from the soil and transpiration from leaves are called evapotranspiration.

Plant physiologists have been discussing transpiration for many years. When transpiration is exuberant, it will form the flow of air. As long as the temperature difference between the leaf surface and the air is significant, convection will occur, even in the case of poor air circulation. It also makes the air flow.

The ability to produce air flow is very important for plants to remove toxins from the indoor environment, because air conditioning is often used inside the building, the air is quite dry, and the high transpiration rate helps to move the toxic air to the roots. the microbes in the roots decompose the gas into sources of nutrients and energy.

"Water"-transpiration, which helps regulate air humidity

Plants emit many different substances into the air around the leaves, and the most studied and known substance is water vapor. Plants play an important role in controlling humidity and climate conditions, and dry air is a feature of the indoor environment in winter. it irritates the sensitive mucosa of the nose and throat, making people more vulnerable to chemicals, viruses, mold spores, dust and allergens in the air, and plants can release water vapor to balance dry air humidity.

There are many changes in environmental factors that affect the switching of stomata. Most plants open their stomata at sunrise and close at night, while some plants (including most succulent plants, some orchids and pineapple plants) open and close stomata at night. These plants open and close their stomata at the opposite time, mainly to preserve water in a hot, sunny climate.

"Qi"-leaves, open the door of absorption and transport

The leaves of plants not only produce the oxygen needed to sustain life, but also play a major role in maintaining the health of plants and their root microbes. Leaves absorb carbon dioxide and transport various chemicals from one part of the plant to other parts, which is very important for the function of the plant.

Studies have shown that some organic matter from leaves is transported not only to the roots, but also to the surrounding soil, and systematic pesticides take advantage of the plant's ability to absorb and transport chemicals.

The organic chemicals transported from the atmosphere to the rhizosphere do affect the type and number of microorganisms in the soil around plants, which is of great significance, indicating that plants can absorb volatile organic compounds from indoor air. and transfer these chemicals to the root zone, where they are decomposed by microorganisms. The biological action of the plant itself destroys certain chemicals absorbed from the air without the intervention of microbes in the soil.

"Spirit"-- how plants affect the Human mind

Plants not only make the room more beautiful, but also make the environment more suitable for living or working. For most people, it has a more calming effect. This may explain why plants play an important role in some important occasions of our lives (such as weddings and funerals, visits, birthdays). People often feel relaxed when they are close to a living plant; adding green landscapes to the office can also effectively improve productivity and reduce absenteeism; and in high-end restaurants, restaurants and some commercial places, plants are often used to help attract customers.

Therefore, there is a scientific basis for the influence of plants on fengshui in home and office.


Garden plant fengshui

Ⅰ courtyard is suitable for planting plants "regarded as auspicious plants"

Generally speaking, for plants planted in the courtyard, it is best to give priority to fruit trees, because there are flowers and fruits, which represents a beginning and an end. And plant some plants that bear fruit in different periods of the four seasons, which is beneficial to family picking and promoting family harmony.

1. Orange tree: homophonic auspicious, symbolizing auspiciousness, red and yellow fruit, very festive.

two。 Pomegranate: a symbol of many children and many blessings.

3. Longan (longan): it also has the meaning of giving birth to a noble son early and full of roundness.

4. Litchi, the result is very similar to longan, after the result, the branches are heavy, red, but also very festive.

5. Jujube trees: planting jujube trees in the courtyard, Yuzao Dongli garden to get a noble son, everything is one step faster.

6. Bamboo: bamboo is also a better fengshui thing. When blocking the bad breath, it does not completely block it, which slows down the speed of the bad gas, when you accept the favorable aspects of the bad breath.

7. Palm: it has the function of making money and protecting money in fengshui

8. Rubber tree: Indian rubber tree with straight trunk, thick and glossy leaves, strong fecundity and easy to grow, suitable for outdoor and indoor planting.

9. Camphor tree: in Hangzhou, camphor is also known as daughter tree. There is a custom in ancient times. Wang Weihua told you that if your family gave birth to a daughter, plant a camphor tree and use camphor wood to beat a pair of boxes to fill the dowry before getting married.

10. Locust tree: the locust tree is considered to represent "Lu". The ancient court planted three locust trees and nine thorns, under which the Gongqing doctor sat, facing the three locust trees. Later, it was convenient for the world to plant locust trees in the courtyard.

11. Money tree: the scientific name is gorgeous, the leaves are round and plump, easy to grow, exuberant vitality, absorb external gold, and is very conducive to transporting money for the family.

twelve。 Sweet-scented osmanthus tree: sweet-scented osmanthus, also known as rhinoceros, is a natural air freshener when it comes to autumn. According to legend, sweet-scented osmanthus came from the Moon Palace. In ancient times, the imperial examination coincided with the season of sweet-scented osmanthus. People used "winning laurel in the toad" to describe the pride of the science field. at that time, people planted sweet-scented osmanthus in the yard to wish future generations to study hard.

13. Palm bamboo: because the trunk is like palm, and the leaves are like bamboo, brown bamboo is planted on the balcony to ensure the safety of the house.

14. Iron tree: also known as dragon blood tree, the most popular on the market is the mud-planted Ba Tieshu. The leaves of the iron tree are long and narrow, and there are yellow spots in the center. The iron tree means that it is strong and replenishes the qi and blood of the house. It is the main one of the important thriving plants.

15. Magnolia: Magnolia is very much like a lotus in shape. When it is in full bloom, its petals spread in all directions. It is very beautiful. It is a valuable ornamental tree. It symbolizes a pioneering and enterprising spirit.

16. Begonia: bright flowers, full of wealth when blooming, known as "immortals in flowers" reputation. "Shi Xiaoya Chang Di" is a poem that states that brothers should love each other. Later generations grow begonia at home and pray for brothers and brothers to be respectful and the whole family to be harmonious.

17. Sang: more solid, homophonic with mourning, so you can't fall in front of the door. There is a taboo about opening the door for mourning.

18. Begonia: bright flowers fill the house with wealth, while the flower of Tangdi symbolizes brotherly harmony and happiness.

19. Mei: the best thing in the world, the one who monopolizes the world. The flower has five petals, symbolizing the five blessings: happiness, happiness, longevity, smoothness, peace (or happiness, income, longevity, joy, health), and the life couplet of "blooming five blessings, bamboo newspaper three or more".

20. Rose: folk custom is regarded as auspicious, which means "peace of the four seasons". It is also known as the queen of flowers.

21. Peony: the world is called the king of flowers. Co-planted with peony. It is known as the flower of wealth and honor among the people. The combination of wood carving and Shoushi implies "longevity and wealth".

Ⅱ is considered to have the effect of calming demons and dispelling evil spirits.

twenty-two。 The peach tree is handed down as the essence of the five elements, which can make a hundred ghosts, so it hangs on the door with Peach Fu during the Spring Festival. In the pupil days of thousands of families, they always replace the old peach charm with a new door god.

23. Willow trees play the same role as peach trees by inserting wicker into the door to exorcise evil spirits.

23. Please follow Wechat platform China fengshui Research Association and I Ching World.

24. Gourd: multi-seeded, native to India, in fengshui, gourd is a plant that can exorcise evil spirits, but also has the meaning of many sons and blessings.

25. Cornus officinalis: auspicious plant, strong fragrance, can be used as medicine. According to the ancient custom, wearing dogwood bags on the ninth of the ninth lunar month can ward off evil spirits.

twenty-six。 Trouble-free: particularly respected. Vulgar ghosts see sorrow, Buddhism is called Bodhi son, used in series to make a rosary, with it "trouble-free".

twenty-seven。 Ginkgo biloba: the tree is more than a thousand years old, because it blossoms at night, people can not see, hidden mysterious power, so the runes of many town houses have to be carved with ginkgo wood.

What are the taboos of Ⅲ garden plants?

Taboo 1. Do not have trees in front of the window.

The whirling shadow and mottled light outside the window will bring the occupants a refreshing mood, but it should be noted that the tree should not be too close to the window, otherwise it will incur dampness and is not conducive to the health of the occupants. Generally speaking, the tree in front of the window is more than 2 meters away. The ancients said: "the tree to the house is good, the back of the house is evil."

Taboo 2. Trees should not tilt in front of the house.

If there are sloping trees in front of the house, it means that the sunlight received by the house has a specific angle, and the growth center of gravity of the trees is always in an inherent direction, so it is very likely that the trunk will not be able to support the branches over time, and there are also security risks.

Taboo 3. There should be no dead trees at the front door.

If all the trees are withered and decayed, there may be a problem with the atmosphere of the place, and people's luck will run according to the rise and fall of their luck. On the other hand, dead trees form a shadow in front of the door, visually and psychologically, affecting the travel mood of the family, which will adversely affect the occupants over time. If there are dead trees in front of the house, you should immediately cut down and plant new trees, new lawns, or think of other ways such as relocation.

Taboo 4, the center of the courtyard should not plant trees, the roots will destroy the flat courtyard.

The big tree is in the middle, so it is easy to block the sunlight of the house and is not conducive to daylighting. In addition, if deciduous trees often lose leaves, it is difficult to clean, and it also hinders beauty and hygiene. In addition, it is not suitable for the position of your own gate.


Home plant fengshui

Plants suitable for growing in Ⅰ 's home

1. Green pineapple, the best plant, is a good choice to relieve evil spirits and urge money.

two。 Golden Pueraria, you can plant more because of the lack of gold in the five elements.

3. Asparagus, a nice plant on the table, means to rise steadily.

4. Rich bamboo, mentioned many times in other articles, has the best effect on promoting Wenchang.

5. Orchids, there are a variety of orchids on the market, the taste is fragrant and clear, it is also a good choice.

6. The fragrant dragon blood tree, also known as Brazilian iron, has a variety of Phnom Penh and is also suitable for growing at home.

7. Tortoise back bamboo, with large leaves, is also a good choice for increasing indoor oxygen content.

[note] like Di Shui Guanyin, the branches and leaves of the tortoise back bamboo are poisonous and must be kept out of reach of children.

8. Hanging orchid, easy to grow, relatively simple to grow, but also suitable for planting at home. Please follow Wechat platform China fengshui Research Association and I Ching World.

9. The rich tree is good for the fortune of Tiangan Gengjin, or it can be planted by people who need sunwood for the five elements.

Where is the suitable location for Ⅱ indoor plants?

1. Gate

If the door to the staircase, you can use sword leaf red, fish tail sunflower, brown bamboo evil spirit. Put it in the collision place. Also like balcony window to have evil spirit, can use rose, jade unicorn to change evil spirit, also can potted gourd change evil spirit.

two。 Bedroom

Most flowering plants consume oxygen at night, so it is not suitable to put it in the bedroom, but Hu Pilan releases oxygen at night, which can help sleep.

3. Living room

The plants placed in the living room can choose some warm tones and brighter vases, which can add a lot of vitality to the living room, and the bouquet can be slightly larger, so that people can be attracted by them as soon as they enter the living room.

4. Dining room

In addition to the health of the owner of the dining room, neatness and unity are required. Plants can first take yellow roses, yellow carnations, yellow Jasminum, etc., mainly orange, to increase appetite and promote health.

5. Kitchen

In recent years, the beautification and embellishment of the kitchen is becoming more and more important, especially the flower furnishings are loved by people. There are some difficult-to-decorate pipes and kitchen utensils in the kitchen, which can be concealed with the help of floral furnishings so as to create a small space pleasing to the eye.

6. Study room

The study should be full of bookish flavor, and the plants should be placed in the owner's Wenchang position. You can choose mangosteen, asparagus, rich bamboo, ivy and so on. These plants can strengthen people's thinking, conducive to learning, can also be put on the desk Gladiolus calamus thin has the effect of tranquilizing the mind to prevent insomnia.

7. balcony

The balcony is the place with the best light at home, plus plenty of space, it is a good place to put plants. The plants arranged on the balcony can choose some colorful flowers and evergreen plants. Wang Weihua told you that in fengshui, the plants placed on the balcony can not only beautify the environment, but also play a good fengshui effect, which can not be underestimated.

What plants can be planted on the balcony to protect the home?

① cactus: the stem of the cactus is thick and succulent, often covered with hard hairs and needles. Put the big cactus on the balcony to dissolve the invisible.

② keel: the shape of the keel is very unique, the stem grows tall and straight upward, like an upright keel, full of strength, and has a strong resistance to the outside.

③ Jade Kirin: the keel grows upward, while the Jade Kirin stretches horizontally. It is shaped like a stone mountain, stable and powerful, and has a Zhenzhai effect.

④ rose: rose gorgeous and colorful, although beautiful but thorn, awe-inspiring and inviolable, not only can decorate the scenery of the balcony, but also has the function of transforming evil spirits, things are suitable for more female household use.

⑤ rhododendron: that is, Pueraria lobata, flowers like rhododendron, dense flowers and leaves with sharp thorns, easy to grow, is also an excellent chemical evil spirit plant.

04:00 flowers and plants should be selected according to sunshine conditions, such as jasmine, chrysanthemum, Holland, begonia. Passionflower, asparagus, carnation, begonia, sunflower, Milan, sweet-scented osmanthus, crab orchid and so on; when all kinds of flowers are placed, the positive ones should be placed close to the sun and the negative ones should be placed behind.