
Analysis of Plant fengshui in Landscape

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fengshui is a culture of Han nationality with a long history, which is called Kanyu in a more scientific way. Wind is energy and field energy, and water is flow and change. Flowers and trees in the courtyard design can improve the environment, purify the air and make the courtyard beautiful and windy.

Fengshui is a culture of Han nationality with a long history, which is called Kanyu in a more scientific way.

Wind is energy and field energy, and water is flow and change.

Flowers and trees in the courtyard design can improve the environment, purify the air, and make the courtyard beautiful and different in style.

Mountain can Wangding, water can gather wealth, landscape collocation, complement each other.

Courtyard geomantic plants

In ancient fengshui, China advocated that more trees and flowers should be planted in the courtyard, which not only has the functions of "hiding water, avoiding wind, defusing bad breath, increasing prosperity and good fortune", but also reducing the harm of air pollution and noise and creating a fresh and dynamic environment.

Plant five elements

According to the principle of mutual growth, plants can be divided into five categories: gold, wood, water, fire and earth. Proper planting can change fengshui and make everything "wind and water rise".

1) Gold-white, apricot, gold

Yellow plants, must be matched with metal flowers or accessories, in order to make a fortune tree, daffodils, yellow orange is the best.

2) Wood-cyan, green

Green plants are all for it, and seed plants are appropriate, implying the meaning of "hair", such as emeralds.

3) Water-black, blue

Hydroponic plants are typical, with flowers that use blue or transparent glass, such as evergreen.

4) Fire-red, purple

For plants that will blossom or bear fruit, choose safflower and containers, such as fire crane, Phalaenopsis and so on.

5) soil-yellow, brown

Indoor shade-tolerant plants are represented by black flowers or flowers inlaid with precious stones, such as cactus.

Plant selection

There is a choice for planting trees in the courtyard. In fengshui, plants are divided into two kinds: good and bad.

The assailant has two criteria: one is whether it is poisonous or not, because scholars' studies have shown that nocturnal incense can emit a strong pungent smell, which has adverse effects on patients with heart disease and high blood pressure, and, for example, bamboo and peach blossoms are poisonous, and the scent of flowers is easy to make people sleepy. It's not suitable to grow in the courtyard.

The second is to talk about auspiciousness in terms of the shape of the tree, such as "the tree bends its back", "the tree is like an ox", etc., the tree shape is not straight and dignified, and those with abnormal development are evil (except those with special tree shape as ornamental).

Auspicious trees are determined according to plant characteristics, meaning and homology, such as fengshui scholars believe that palms, oranges, Chunshu, locust trees, sweet-scented osmanthus are auspicious plants, peach trees, willows, disease-free seeds, gourds and so on can ward off evil spirits and avoid disasters. It can be used for reference in courtyard landscape design.

Planting location

1) it is not suitable to plant trees in the center of the courtyard

From the outside, planting trees in the middle of the courtyard is shaped like a "sleepy" word, which has a certain obscure meaning; big trees will affect ventilation and hinder the circulation of fresh air between the house and the courtyard, resulting in the rapid removal of moisture and harmful gases in the house; the root system of the big tree is strong and absorbs, which is easy to destroy the flat courtyard, which in turn affects the stability of the house foundation. And if deciduous trees often lose leaves, it is difficult to clean, and it is not conducive to beauty and hygiene.

2) trees should not tilt in front of the house

If there is a tree tilting in front of the house, it means that the house is exposed to light at a specific angle, and the growth of the tree will always be in a fixed direction, and the trunk can easily not support the branches over a long period of time, so there are hidden dangers.

3) there should not be dead trees at the front door.

If all the trees will wither, it means that there is a problem with the soil environment here, and it is not suitable for people to live here for a long time. On the other hand, dead trees in front of the door are easy to breed negative emotions visually and psychologically. Therefore, there are dead trees in front of the house and should be cleaned up immediately.

4) there should not be trees in front of the window

The whirling shadows of trees and sunlight outside the window will give the occupants a refreshing mood, but it should be noted that the trees should not be too close to the window. Generally speaking, the tree in front of the window should be more than two meters away from the house to keep a friendly distance between the house and the trees.

Auspicious tree species

1) Palm

The tree posture is tall and straight, the four seasons are evergreen, the ornamental value is extremely high, and it has the function of making money and protecting money in fengshui.

2) Wealth Tree

The leaves are thick, the color is bright and broad, and the shape is like a treasure. The Chinese call it a wealth tree with strong vitality, symbolizing wealth and prosperity.

3) Orange trees

The homonym of "tangerine" and "auspicious" symbolizes auspiciousness. The color of the fruit is red and yellow. Orange leaves have the function of soothing the liver and relieving depression, which can bring joy to the family.

4) Chunshu

Chunshu is a tree of longevity, which has the function of protecting the house and praying for longevity.

5) Sophora tree

The tree material is hard, which represents "Lu". The locust tree has the highest taste among the many trees and is the representative of the town house.

6) Osmanthus fragrans

Sweet-scented osmanthus symbolizes nobility, fragrance in summer, is a natural air freshener. "Gui" is the homonym of "expensive". If you plant cinnamon in front of the door, you will be rich.

7) Plum blossom

The plum tree has a strong adaptability to the soil and blossoms with five petals, which means "plum blossoms and five blessings" to increase the happiness of the family.

8) Banyan tree

There is a "tolerance is great, no desire is just" meaning, encourage yourself to improve self-cultivation.

9) Pomegranate

The red pomegranate flower is a symbol of vitality and vitality, and the pomegranate has the meaning of many children and blessings since ancient times.

10) Begonia

The flowers are delicate and magnificent, expensive and Tiancheng, the rich flowers in front of the hall.

There is no doubt that plants can improve the environment and please the mood. As for the moral, it is the icing on the cake.

Courtyard fengshui mountains and rocks

Mountains and rocks are the finishing touch in the courtyard, and they are deeply loved because of their special shape and endless collocation. When it is integrated into the environment, it is full of human feelings.

If the setting of mountains and rocks is reasonable with the water, flowers and trees in the courtyard, and benefit each other, it can enhance interpersonal relations and flourish people.

Fengshui orientation

The rocks belong to the earth, the east is thunder, the thunder is the image of vibration, the five elements belong to wood, wood and earth, so the rocks should not be set in the east as far as possible. The west is Ze, the five elements belong to gold, earth gives birth to gold, suitable for the layout of mountains and rocks. The south is the land of fire, and so are the mountains and rocks, but the soil is too exuberant to go too far. The north is water, earth and gram water, which will restrain the fengshui of the north, and it is not suitable for mountains and rocks. The northwest is the sky, the rocks are the earth, and the elephant of the earth, so it is a good choice to pile up rocks. The northeast is a mountain, and the elephant in the stone fengshui is very auspicious.

Therefore, the suitable location for stacking rocks is the west, northwest and northeast.

Design principle

1) the principle of diversity and unity

Mountains and rocks come from nature, after carving, have a strong plasticity. So rocks can be well used in all kinds of courtyards from natural to regular, from classical to modern. But the space is limited, in which to ensure the coordination and unity of colors, lines and other aspects, so that the space is more stylish.

2) texture pays attention to principles

A variety of rocks, different texture, rocks and flowers and trees can be perfect integration, complement each other, can create a different kind of interest.

3) the principle of simplicity and generosity

In the design, the pursuit of simplicity, simplicity is to "wash practice" means to express feelings, modern courtyard design pay more attention to a simple and practical beauty. The courtyard lawn is dotted with a few stubborn stones, which can be used as seats for people to rest; a long stone on the grass, with a little flowers and trees, forms a natural taste.

Courtyard fengshui landscape

Among the elements of fengshui in the courtyard, the change and movement of water is a kind of art, and water is the most active. Nourishing life, enhancing the vitality of space, letting wealth flow continuously, etc., are inseparable from the influence of water.

Water not only has ornamental value, but also can adjust the microclimate in the courtyard, and has the value of environmental protection. The house takes spring water as its blood. A complete courtyard is inseparable from the living use of water.

In the courtyard design, there is no lack of pools as the center, with rocks, swimming fish, water lilies, etc., to create streams, swimming pools, springs, ponds, waterfalls and other different forms, bringing a different kind of scenery, bringing more vitality, interest and function to the space, but also has the role of prosperous house spirit.

Waterscape form

There are two kinds of courtyard water: dynamic and static. Dynamic water can be treated in a variety of ways, which can activate the space atmosphere and excite people.

Static water is mainly swimming pool, water bowl, mirror pool, etc., in the courtyard, generally equipped with plants, to create a concise and clear space, giving people a sense of serenity and peace of mind. The general area of this form of waterscape should not be too large, otherwise the original space of the courtyard will appear boring, empty, monotonous, and not practical enough.

Shape design

From the point of view of fengshui, whether it is a swimming pool, a fountain or a pool, it is more appropriate to make it similar to a circle.

1) accumulate wealth by hiding the wind

2) elegant style

3) easy to clean

4) Safety and health

Matters needing attention

1) judge which direction can dig the pool according to the orientation of the house, and then determine what form and shape to dig. In general, the water system flows in front of the house with a soft curve, which is more appropriate and can avoid the outflow of wealth and water.

2) Chinese people like to carry mountains and face water, and if the same water is behind the house, it runs counter to the basic pattern, which makes people feel bad psychologically. If you set up a pool directly behind the house, it is not appropriate to dig deep into the ground, but to build a pool wall high on the ground.

3) pay attention to the distance between the pool and the house, just as the trees should not be too close to the house, and the pool should not be too close.

4) fountains, swimming pools, pools, etc., should not dry up, at least eight percent full, dry water will have the impact of bad fortune, because in fengshui, water generally represents money, so the courtyard reclaimed water is properly placed, which is closely related to the homeowner.

Through the organic combination of plants, rocks and waterscape, an interesting courtyard slowly emerges, with the vitality of plants, the kindness of rocks and rocks, and the dexterity of waterscape. In addition, there is another element that can not be ignored, that is, the courtyard fence, which reflects the style and features of the house and affects the existence of the overall beauty of the house.

Courtyard fengshui wall

As a vertical space partition structure that surrounds, divides and protects the courtyard, the fence affects the overall beauty, safety and comfort of the courtyard. therefore, when building the fence, it takes into account practicality, aesthetics and scientific fengshui way. it can make the fence become a beautiful scenery in the courtyard.

Fence shape

The fence is suitable to be round or square. According to the idea of "round place in the sky", the house generally presents a square or rectangle, and the fence can be curved or round. The principle that square or rectangular walls are square and stable is the most widely used.

Avoid the form of "wide in front and sharp behind". This situation is commonly known as "returning the pen to the field", and the master refunds the money. In addition, the triangular fence will make the family feel pressure, emotional, health and other aspects are easy to cause negative effects.

Fence height

There should be coordination and unity between the fence and the house, so the height of the fence is generally about 1.5 meters, that is, it is appropriate to slightly exceed the body height. If the fence is too high, it will make people feel oppressed, like being imprisoned. And the excessively high fence blocks the window, which is not conducive to daylighting, ventilation and beauty.

Of course, the fence should not be too low, there will be no sense of security, lose its role, can not play a protective role, but also not conducive to the accumulation of gas.

Matters needing attention

1) fence spacing

The fence is not recommended to be too close to the house, at least two meters or more should be maintained in order to ensure proper secrecy. On the contrary, it is easy to lead to poor ventilation and lighting, so that the space appears to be depressed, people in which activities, over time, will also be depressed.

2) fence type

Wooden fence, brick fence, iron fence, green wall, etc., the production of a variety of materials, the design should be based on the overall style of the courtyard, otherwise it will seem out of place. In general, the European-style courtyard is mainly surrounded by iron walls, while the American-style natural pastoral courtyard is dominated by wooden walls, brick walls and other walls that highlight texture.

3) the fence gate is facing

The fence gate is the entrance to the courtyard, which is selected according to the fengshui position and the evil position. If the courtyard is located in the south and the murder in the northeast, the orientation of the gate should be set in the south. At the same time, do not face the shady places, such as the corner of the temple, the entrance of the hospital, the garbage collection yard and so on.

4) Wall decoration

The fence is not suitable to be covered with wild vines, you may think it is very poetic, but it will make the hospital full of shade, after a long time, the wall will also be destroyed by plants, the green wall is another matter. If you use flower and stone to decorate the wall, although the color is bright, but from the feng shui point of view, these things belong to Yin, also not suitable for multi-use.

Courtyard is different from interior decoration, no matter how good the courtyard needs long-term careful maintenance, as the saying goes, "three points of planting, seven points of maintenance", if there is no good maintenance, no matter how good the courtyard is just a flash in the pan. With professional and careful care and conditioning of fengshui, Pepsi will be happy, wind and water will rise, and good luck will continue.

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Plant net

The plants are related to each other in one stop.