
The leaves of the peace tree droop? Don't do this again.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The safe tree is a kind of plant that many people like very much. recently, some flower friends said that the leaves of the safe tree at home are drooping. How is this going on? Improper watering when Ping an tree is overwatered, stagnant water will occur.

The safe tree is a kind of plant that many people like very much. recently, some flower friends said that the leaves of the safe tree at home are drooping. How is this going on?

Improper watering

When the safe tree is watered too much, the phenomenon of stagnant water will occur. After the stagnant water, the root absorptive capacity of the safe tree decreases, resulting in rotting roots, which will cause the leaves to droop.

Improper acidity and basicity

Flower lovers in the north know that most of the soil in the north is alkaline, and Ping an trees like to grow in acidic soil. In normal times, pay attention to neutralizing the acidity and basicity of the soil.

The root is too deep

When planting a safe tree, many flower lovers will bury the roots a little deep, but if the roots are buried too deep, it will affect the breathing of the roots and lead to rotting roots.


In order to get enough light, the safe tree should not be placed in a place that is too dark. Although the tree is tolerant of shade, it will droop if its leaves do not get light for a long time.

When it is found that the leaves of the safe tree in the home are sagging, you should first judge what causes the leaves to droop. If it is due to root rot, you should pay attention to cleaning up its roots and then potting them again.