
Triangulated plum can't be raised? Learning from grandpa is taller than a nine-story building.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, A few days ago, an old man in Yunyuan New Village in Guangzhou was very popular. The triangular plum he raised was nine stories high. This set a new record for the eight-story height of a grandmother in Shenzhen last year. Haha, the rest of the onlookers, how does your triangular plum grow.

A few days ago, an old man in Yunyuan New Village in Guangzhou was very popular. The triangular plum he raised was nine stories high. This set a new record for the eight-story height of a grandmother in Shenzhen last year. Haha, the rest of the onlookers, how is your triangular plum growing?

Strong triangular plum

Flower cultivation Daquan

Come on, let's first take a look at these two "Internet celebrities" triangle plums, what they look like:

The 9-story triangular plum of the grandfather in Guangzhou on the left and the 8-story triangular plum of the grandmother in Shenzhen on the right

No more than I don't know, sure enough, Grandpa's is more symmetrical, and the Triangle Plum Falls with long streams live up to its reputation!

Standing downstairs and looking up, I can't even see the end!

I don't know how the neighbors feel. Huahua just wants to say, "Uncle, that's awesome!"

After watching the triangular plum of my uncle and aunt, is it time to show your family? recently, many flower friends have come to complain: it is said that triangular plum is easy to raise, but mine is not good.

The habit of triangulated plum

Flower cultivation Daquan

Triangulated plum is native to Brazil and likes light and heat. Triangular plum blossoms in winter and spring in the south and in spring, summer and autumn in the north. Good maintenance, florescence can have more than 200 days!

Triangular plums like light, it is necessary to ensure sufficient light in order to blossom normally, in addition to the yard, rooftop planting, southward balcony can also be raised

Triangular plum has many flowers and basks in the sun every day. According to common sense, it should be easy to be thirsty, but it is drought-resistant. The triangular plum of each family is of different size. Just water the pot soil when it is dry.

Triangular plum controls water and promotes flowers to strengthen roots.

Flower cultivation Daquan

If you want to raise a triangulated plum as tall as a god, it cannot be achieved in a step or two. the most important thing is to control the water!

Why to control water?

Triangular plum is more resistant to drought. Now we are proud of growing flowers and watering them easily. Triangular plum is easy to grow, the main stem is not strong, and blossoms are not frequent.

After controlling the water, the triangulated plum nutrition concentrated on the main pole, speeding up the Lignification of the branches, and soon became like a small tree, and the bud came out.

How to control water

The situation varies from region to region, starting 1-2 months before flowering, not watering until the leaves are half-drooping (as shown in the following figure), keep this state for half a day and then water thoroughly.

After pouring through the water, the triangular plum is absorbed quickly, and after repeated several times, it becomes stronger and stronger.

Maintenance after water control

It is generally controlled for about 18-21 days, and the bud begins to appear. At this time, the water control can be stopped. According to the plant size, the water can be watered once a day normally.

Triangulated plum fertilizes and grows rapidly

Flower cultivation Daquan

The most effective way for triangular plum to grow rapidly and bloom for a long time is to apply fertilizer continuously.

Fertilization 1: professional fertilizer

Generally speaking, we can use compound fertilizer and all kinds of phosphate fertilizer for growing flowers. We can apply fertilizer according to the instructions.

Fertilizer 2: manure

Chicken manure, cow and sheep manure are very good organic phosphate fertilizers. It is best to dry them in the sun before use, and then add them to the soil 3 times a month, about 2-5 grams each time, depending on the size of the plant.

Fertilization 3: fish scale, fish intestine fertilizer

Fish scales, fish intestines cooked into alum fertilizer water, can act as phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, fertilizer water mixed with water (1Suzhou 1000) watering triangle plum, absolutely blossom can not stop!

Fertilizer 4: fruit peel fertilizer

Fruit peel retting fat is not smelly, watermelon peel, orange peel, grapefruit peel, orange peel and banana peel can all be retted into water.

Fertilization 5: Amoy rice water

The stronger triangular plum can be watered directly with rice washing water, so you don't have to worry about burning roots. If your home is still thin, it is recommended that it be drenched for a week and then watered with clean water.

Triangular plum pruning, beautiful and healthy

Flower cultivation Daquan

Triangular plum will grow teeth and claws if you don't pay attention to it, so it should be trimmed frequently.

Huahua suggests that after the triangulated plum blossoms, cut off the pedicel, cut off 1/3 of the length of the protruding twig, and remove the overdense branches and weak branches, short branches and bore branches.

Flower friends can also prune according to the trend they want to create a more unique shape!

Grow "Internet celebrities" triangle plum

It's not that hard.

Just be patient and persevere.

Your family can be on the news!