
It can treat dyspepsia and enhance the intelligence of children. it can treat spermatorrhea and strengthen the body. It has too many effects. Will you know if you have it after reading?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Allium mongolicum Regel is a perennial herb of Liliaceae. Rhizomatous, bulb columnar, fascicled. Basal leaves finely linear. Scape cylindrical. Most florets are dense into hemispherical and globose umbels, bright lavender to purplish red. Florescence 6-8.

Allium mongolicum Regel is a perennial herb of Liliaceae. Rhizomatous, bulb columnar, fascicled. Basal leaves finely linear. Scape cylindrical. Most florets are dense into hemispherical and globose umbels, bright lavender to purplish red. The florescence is from June to August. Seeds have a long life and may germinate if buried in sandy soil for a few years. It is a companion plant of desert meadow plants, often growing in the Gobi of sandy soil at a higher altitude. It is called Allium mongolicum Regel because it is similar to young onions. Allium mongolicum Regel can be used as a variety of delicacies and has a certain medicinal value. Due to the scattered growth and distribution of Allium mongolicum Regel in Gobi sandy soil, it is not easy to pick and cut, and due to the limitation of its biological characteristics, its yield increases or decreases with different annual climate, and the yield can increase greatly in years with abundant rainfall.

Allium mongolicum Regel is a favorite delicacy of the people in Northwest China. We entertain guests with fresh scallions picked and steamed buns made of freshly slaughtered mutton. Pick the chopped onions, salt them or dry them in the sun. Put a handful of chopped onions into the pot when cooking the meat in soup, and the meat in the soup will be fragrant. The tender stem of Allium mongolicum Regel is not easy to be stored for a long time, but it can be prepared as a seasonal delicacy-- Water Scallion: wash the tender stem of Allium mongolicum Regel, blanch it in boiling water for one minute, then remove it and mix it with refined salt and aged vinegar. The storage and shelf life of its pickled products can reach more than five months. Allium mongolicum Regel has high nutritional value, has a certain medicinal value, is rich in a variety of vitamins, and has a certain effect on lowering blood pressure. Its pickled products taste refreshing, mellow and spicy, aid digestion and strengthen the stomach, which can be described as a good food. "Compendium of Materia Medica, Cai Yi, scallions": "scallions, wild onions, mountains and flat land all have it. Those who live in sand are called scallions, those who live in water are known as scallions, and savages eat them. They bloom white and bear seeds like small onions. " Regular eating can enhance children's intelligence, improve immune function, effectively prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease, but also inhibit and reverse the abnormal proliferation of cancer cells, so it is conducive to health and longevity. The aboveground part can be used as medicine, can appetizer, digestion, insecticidal, main treatment of indigestion, do not think about diet, bald sores, green leg disease and so on.

Wild onion is the whole plant of wild onion of Liliaceae, alias Allium mongolicum Regel and shallot. Wild onion temperature, Xin into the lungs, stomach two meridians. Efficacy: sweating, dispelling cold, detumescence, invigorating stomach. Mainly for colds, headache, fever, abdominal cold pain, indigestion, fracture.

Vicki, also known as Niu Mao Guang, is a plant of the family Osmunda, which is a perennial herb with crisp texture, less fiber, protein, organic minerals and a variety of vitamins, so it enjoys the reputation of "pollution-free vegetable" in the world. The young leaves of Osmunda Osmunda are rich in nutrition, scald with water to remove hair and knead into dried Osmunda. Can be fresh or dried vegetables, with a unique flavor, crisp and delicious, never tired of eating for a long time, but also can be used as medicine. Curly undeveloped tender taste is particularly high-quality food, boiling water scalding, rinsing, to the fishy smell, can be stir-fried, can be stir-fried, cold salad, make soup, add stir-fried food, etc., disease treatment, no disease prevention. Therefore, it is very beneficial for normal people to eat regularly.

Per 100 grams, Vicki contains 4.3 grams of carbohydrates, 2.2 grams of protein, 0.19 grams of fat, 1.68 milligrams of carotene, vitamin C and a variety of minerals. Osmunda also contains saponins and flavonoids, which has the effects of moistening the lungs and regulating qi, tonifying deficiency and relaxing collaterals, clearing heat and detoxification. It mainly treats hematemesis, dysentery and hematochezia, uterine functional bleeding, spermatorrhea and so on. Shortly after the peach blossoms in early spring, the buds were sent out, and the stems of the leaves grew tall from May to June, so they were collected in time. The collected Osmunda is boiled in boiling water, rubbed and dried, and then made into dried products, commonly known as dried Osmunda. In addition to eating, it can also be used as medicine.

Bactericidal and anti-inflammatory, anti-viral Osmunda decoction showed obvious inhibitory effect on influenza virus A, B and C, as well as adenovirus Ⅲ, poliovirus Ⅱ, Japanese encephalitis virus and herpes simplex virus. Hemostatic Osmunda can assist in the treatment of hemorrhagic diseases such as hematemesis, hematochezia, metrorrhagia and so on. Osmunda is rich in nutrition, tonifying the spleen and stomach, benefiting the intestines, and often eating it has the function of strengthening the body.

Have you ever eaten these wild vegetables? Is there any in your hometown?