
If you don't water it for half a year, you will lose if you don't raise a pot of shade-resistant orchids in the room.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The one-leaf orchid is a kind of potted green plant that is more popular a few years ago, it does not need to take care of often, the maintenance is very simple, the adaptability to the environment is very strong, very shade-tolerant, cold-tolerant, barren-tolerant, one-leaf orchid maintained in indoor shade.

One-leaf orchid is a kind of potted green plant that is more popular a few years ago, it does not need to take care of often, the maintenance is very simple, the ability to adapt to the environment is very strong, very shade-resistant, cold-resistant, barren-resistant, and the one-leaf orchid maintained in indoor shade can be kept green for several months without watering.

A leaf orchid is also called spider holding egg, why is it called spider holding egg, because its rhizome grows berries like spider eggs.

It is an extremely shade-tolerant plant, and it is relatively hardy and not picky about the soil, but it also has its shortcomings, that is, it is difficult to blossom and grows so slowly that it does not see any change after several months of cultivation.

Note for the maintenance of a leaf orchid:

1. Suitable basin soil

If you want a leaf orchid to grow faster, it is best to choose loose and fertile slightly acidic sandy soil, or you can use rotten leaf soil to mix appropriate garden soil and river sand, the ratio is about 5:3:2, and you can add rotten organic fertilizer to the bottom of the pot. this can promote plant growth.

2. Rational watering

Although the orchid is very drought-resistant, suitable water can promote its growth faster, especially when it is relatively hot in summer, it can increase ventilation and keep the basin soil moist, so that it can promote plant growth very well. when the environment is well ventilated and dry, it can spray water around properly, which is beneficial to the growth and the germination of lateral buds.

3. Other maintenance attentions

A leaf orchid can be cultivated or potted, and the ground should choose a place with good drainage, preferably in a half-shady and half-sunny place, where you can properly see the light and avoid perennial sun exposure, otherwise it is easy to cause leaf burns.

Pot conservation should pay attention to keep the ambient light bright and regularly clean up the dust on the leaves, which can better promote photosynthesis and facilitate growth.

If you are raised in a dark room, remember to keep it in the other side with scattered light regularly to avoid long-term darkness causing dimness of leaves.

One-leaf orchid is slightly hardy, but the winter temperature should also be kept above 0 degrees Celsius, and the brief low temperature of minus 2 degrees to 3 degrees can also be withstood.

In addition, we should pay attention to avoid the environment is too dry, maintain appropriate humidity, long-term dry leaves are easy to become dry yellow.