
Grow figs at home. Remember that the fruit is big and abundant, and there are fruits on every branch.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Fig is a deciduous shrub, actually flowering, it is also called sugar buns on the tree, it can be seen that the fruit is particularly sweet and delicious. It is rich in nutrition and can be eaten by old people and children. But ripe figs are not easy to keep, so I.

Fig is a deciduous shrub, actually flowering, it is also called sugar buns on the tree, it can be seen that the fruit is particularly sweet and delicious. It is rich in nutrition and can be eaten by old people and children. But ripe figs are not easy to keep, so we can plant one on the balcony and patio. When we want to eat, we can just reach out and pick it.

It is very suitable for potted fruit. The two potted figs I planted on the terrace grow very fast. Now the leaves grow bigger than hands, just like small trees, and just hung a lot of small fruits.

When families grow figs, they want more fruit and high yield. There are these ways:

Figs can be propagated by cuttings. if you plant a fig, you can cut several branches from the mother plant, ten centimeters long, 2/3 cuttings into the sand, sunshade and moisturizing, and can be covered with a layer of plastic film to keep the air humid. it starts to take root in a month. After sprouting, put on the pot, cut a few more trees, you will be able to produce more, plant three trees, and the whole family will have enough to eat.

If you plant figs in a flowerpot, you want figs to bear more, the bigger the fruit, the bigger the flowerpot, the better, at least 30 centimeters in diameter, because its branches grow fast, and the roots need enough space and nutrition. In short, the corresponding flowerpots should be replaced every two years. In this way the figs grow bigger and bigger.

The soil for growing figs is very random, because it does not pick soil, as long as it is not particularly barren and hardened soil can be used, even the soil directly dug out from the outside can also be planted, but we must add some base fertilizer, such as mature chicken manure, cow dung fertilizer, bean cake fertilizer, and so on. In this way, figs will hang more fruit in the later stage.

When it rains, keep the figs in the patio or courtyard, do not let there is stagnant water in the pot soil, otherwise the fruit will fall. Also note that if there are snails, remove them in time.

Usually maintain sufficient light, figs in the sun can also, astigmatism can also be raised, but there must be sunshine. You can't put it in a place where the light is too dark.

If you want a lot of figs, you must chase more fertilizer or increase some fertile soil at ordinary times. I turn the kitchen waste in the kitchen into organic fertilizer, such as peel, vegetable, leaf, shrimp, bean dregs, etc., and pour some fat and water every once in a while, or put some in the basin.

The fig tree looks long, its leaves are getting bigger and bigger, it is thick green and beautiful, and there is a lot of fruit on each branch. You can put on some bags to prevent birds from eating.

When all the fruits turn fuchsia and are relatively soft, they can be picked. It's nutritious, sweet and delicious!