
What are the common ornamental species of the genus Buckeye?

Published: 2025-03-04 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2025/03/04, What are the common ornamental species of the genus Buckeye? Aesculus is a deciduous tree and sparse shrub. Leaves opposite, palmately compound consisting of 3-9 (usually 5-7) leaflets, with longer petioles.

What are the common ornamental species of the genus Buckeye?

Long-stalked seven-leaf tree

Aesculus is a deciduous tree and sparse shrub. Leaves opposite, palmately compound consisting of 3-9 (usually 5-7) leaflets, with longer petioles; leaflets oblong, Obovate or lanceolate, margin serrate. Thyrse terminal, erect, lateral florets are scorpion-shaped Cymes. Petals 4-5, Obovate, oblanceolate or spatulate. Capsule. The florescence is usually in spring. There are 23 species of this genus, widely distributed in Asia, Europe and the United States. China takes the subtropical areas in the southwest as the distribution center, reaching the Yellow River basin in the north, Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the east, and the north of Guangdong in the south. Often born in moist broad-leaved forests at an altitude of 100m to 1500m.

The branches of the genus Aesculus are tall and straight, the tree posture is elegant, the flowers and leaves are of high ornamental value, the flowers are rich in color, the flowers are yellow, red and white, and some autumn leaves can be turned to red or yellow to achieve the effect of common appreciation of flowers and leaves. Cultivation is very common in Europe, North America and Japan, and there are a few applications in Chinese gardens. Suitable for parks, gardens and other isolated planting as shade trees, alone into the landscape, can also be planted on both sides of the road to do street trees or used for scenic forest. There is also a deep relationship between the seven-leaf tree and Buddhism. It is said that the place where the Buddha first lectured with his disciples was under the seven-leaf tree. The wood of the seven-leaf tree is dense and can be used to make utensils and buildings.

1. Long-stalked seven-leaf tree Aesculusassamica

The seven-leaf tree is a deciduous tree, often up to more than 10 meters high. Leaves palmately compound, leaflets 6-9, subleathery, oblong-lanceolate, apex acute, base broadly cuneate. Inflorescences terminal, basal florets with 5-6 flowers. Flowers polygamous, petals 4, white with purple-brown patches. Capsule. Produced in China, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Bhutan, Bangladesh and India. (see inscription picture)

two。 'Proti 'safflower seven-leaf tree Aesculus × carnea'Briotii'

'Proti 'safflower seven-leaf tree

The seven-leaf tree is a deciduous tree, up to 10-15 meters high, with a round crown. Leaves palmately compound, leaflets 5-7, sessile, serrate. Panicle up to 25 cm long, flowers crimson. Horticultural species, obtained from the cross between European seven-leaf tree and North American red seven-leaf tree. Fruit subglobose, capsule.

3. Seven-leaf tree Aesculuschinensis

Seven-leaf tree

Deciduous trees, up to 25 m high. Palmately compound, composed of 5-7 leaflets, leaflets papery, oblong-lanceolate to oblong-oblanceolate, base cuneate or broadly cuneate, margin obtusely pointed serrulate. Inflorescences cylindric, florets often composed of 5-10 flowers, petals 4, white. Capsule. Only the Qinling Mountains are wild.

4. Darimo Buckeye Aesculus dallimorei

Darimo seven-leaf tree

The seven-leaf tree is a deciduous tree. Leaflets 5, oblong-Obovate, leaves dark green, dorsally tomentose. Inflorescences terminal, flowers white to yellowish, with chestnut spots. Grafted bastard.

5. Yellow flower seven-leaf tree Aesculusflava

Yellow flower seven-leaf tree

Deciduous trees, 15 m tall. Leaves compound, leaflets 5-7, ovate, glossy, dark green, turning red in autumn. Flowers yellow, capsule, orbicular. Made in the United States.

6. European Buckeye Aesculushippocastanum

European seven-leaf tree

The seven-leaf tree is a deciduous tree, usually up to 25-30 meters high. Palmately compound leaves opposite, with 5-7 leaflets; panicle terminal, flowers larger, petals 4 or 5, white, red striped, claws primary yellow, later brown, sparsely pubescent outside. Capsule. Originally from Albania and Greece.

7. Aesculus × hybrida

Big flower seven-leaf tree

The seven-leaf tree is a deciduous tree. Leaves palmately compound, leaflets 5, long Obovate, green, margin serrate. Panicle terminal, flowers larger, flowers reddish. Capsule. Horticultural hybrids.

8. Indian seven-leaf tree Aesculusindica

Indian seven-leaf tree

The seven-leaf tree is a deciduous tree with a height of 20 meters. Palmately compound, leaflets often 7, smooth, narrow ovate, green, young leaves bronze, autumn leaves orange or yellow. Panicle, petals 4, white to pale pink, with red or yellow spots. Produces the Himalayas.

9. North American safflower seven-leaf tree Aesculuspavia

North American safflower seven-leaf tree

Also known as small seven-leaf tree, seven-leaf tree is a deciduous tree, sometimes shrubby, plant height of 5 meters. Leaves palmately compound, leaflets 3-5, narrowly ovate, smooth, dark green. Panicle, petals 4, red. Capsule. Made in North America.

10. Japanese Buckeye Aesculusturbinata

Japanese seven-leaf tree

Deciduous trees, usually up to 30 m tall. Palmately compound leaves opposite, with 5-7 leaflets, Obovate, oblong Obovate to Obovate-oval. Panicle terminal, erect, petals 4, sparse 5, white or yellowish, with red spots, changing from yellow to red when flowering. Capsule. It's made in Japan.