
This flower is refreshing and refreshing. One pot is worth eight bottles of cool oil. It won't make a big loss in summer.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Flower cultivation Daquan & nbsp; Subscription account Click to follow, Hua Hua teaches you to grow flowers! When the weather was hot, I began to feel dizzy and feel lethargic day by day. Huahua suddenly thought that when I was a child, my grandmother often used some flowers and plants, temples and necks.

A complete Collection of Flowers

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Click to follow, Huahua teaches you to grow flowers!

When the weather was hot, I began to feel dizzy and felt lethargic day by day. Huahua suddenly thought that when I was a child, my grandmother often used flowers and plants, rubbed her temples and neck a few times, and immediately felt refreshed, not as exciting and choking as cool oil. I really have to raise a pot!

Magnolia incense

Flower cultivation Daquan

Magnolia incense, also known as green and green mint, is one of the older herbs in China. It has the effects of soothing wind, regulating qi, cooling and relieving summer heat.

The difference between Magnolia and peppermint

1. Look

Many flower lovers are not good at distinguishing between spearmint and peppermint. In fact, the difference between the two is obvious: the veins of mint leaves are "human", the leaves of Magnolia are crumpled, the patterns are more, and the colors are dark.

2. Smell

The main ingredient of peppermint is peppermint, which has a light smell; Magnolia fragrance has carvone and carvene, which has a strong smell. With a few hand fans, the taste spreads more quickly.

The use of Magnolia incense

1. Cool and stop itching, refreshing and refreshing

Dizziness and tiredness, when you are in low spirits, you can wipe your temples with orchid incense leaves for a sense of coolness. Itching is unbearable after being bitten by mosquitoes. It can also be rubbed to relieve itching quickly.

Usually raise a pot in the windowsill, smell the smell will rejuvenate the spirit!

2. As a freshener and flavor enhancer

Magnolia incense is often used in toothpaste to increase fragrance and cool. We can also air-dry the leaves of Magnolia incense, make sachet and put it at home, repelling mosquitoes and refreshing.

3. Edible

Use the leaves of Magnolia to make tea, refreshing and refreshing, and can be added to food as an ingredient, which is good-looking and refreshing.

Maintenance of orchid incense

Mode of reproduction:

Can be sown in spring, summer and autumn


Loose sand or rotten leaf soil

Light and moisture:

Keep astigmatism bright and water once every 1-2 days.

Purple shellfish

Flower cultivation Daquan

Purple shellfish, also known as red back vegetables, is more common in the south. People think that it has the effect of tonifying blood gas and physical strength, but in fact, it is still very effective in anti-inflammation and analgesia.

The use of purple shellfish

1. Calm down and relieve pain

After some mosquitoes bite, it itches and hurts and scratches bloodstains. Mash the purple shellfish and apply it in a circle to relieve the itching and pain.

2. Edible

Minced garlic, purple shellfish, Egg & vegetable soup and so on are all very delicious, tonifying qi and blood, suitable for women to eat.

Conservation of purple shellfish

Mode of reproduction:

You can sow seeds in spring, summer and autumn.


Ordinary vegetable garden soil is fine.

Light and moisture:

You can keep it in the open air or on the balcony, watering it every day.

Chinese wolfberry head

Flower cultivation Daquan

The head of Chinese wolfberry is the leaf bud of Chinese wolfberry. When it comes to Chinese wolfberry, flower friends must know that its fruit is very healthy. In fact, Chinese wolfberry leaf is also a good heat-clearing herb.

The use of Chinese wolfberry head

1. Make tea, clear the liver and clear the eyes to remove anger

In addition to making tea after drying, fresh Chinese wolfberry leaves can also make tea to drink, usually drink a little, reduce fire and clear the mind, but also conducive to the eyesight care of the middle-aged and the elderly

2. Edible

Fresh and tender Chinese wolfberry with a little head and leaves can be eaten as green vegetables, such as cold dressing, stir-frying or making soup. it tastes refreshing, liver and lung.

Conservation of Chinese wolfberry

Mode of reproduction:

It can be sowed in four seasons and cut in spring and summer.


Ordinary garden soil is fine.

Light and moisture:

Xiguang, the seedlings were watered for 1-2 days, and the soil was rewatered after ripening.

Zanthoxylum nitidum

Flower cultivation Daquan

Grass is like its name-Zanthoxylum nitidum, you may have heard of toothpaste, but you certainly haven't seen it!

The use of Zanthoxylum nitidum

1. Remove blood stasis and relieve pain

The leaves of Zanthoxylum nitidum are fried in water for about 15 minutes, frying out a bluish yellow thick juice, and smear on the bruised position to reduce swelling and blood stasis.

2. Treat toothache

The root of Zanthoxylum nitidum can be used as medicine after drying. It is a famous toothache medicine, so it is often added to toothpaste.

Maintenance of Zanthoxylum nitidum


Ordinary garden soil and rotten leaf soil will do.


In addition to summer shade, spring, autumn and winter can be directly sun-cured.


The basin soil is dry and rewatered to avoid stagnant water.


Flower cultivation Daquan

As the main medicine of Huoxiang Zhengqi water, patchouli is of course the strongest magic weapon for clearing heat and relieving summer summer. have you grown it in your family?

The use of patchouli

1. Clearing heat and dispelling summer heat

People who are physically weak are prone to dizziness and fatigue when the temperature is high in summer, especially middle-aged and elderly people are prone to heatstroke. Soak a cup of Huoxiang tea to relieve heat, relieve dizziness and chest tightness.

2. Edible

Patchouli leaves can be eaten, can be fried whole leaves, but also can be cooked with fish to remove the fishy smell.

Patchouli conservation


Ordinary garden soil and rotten leaf soil will do.

Light and moisture:

Put it in a ventilated place with astigmatism and water it every day

Snow grass

Flower cultivation Daquan

Primrose, also known as wild mint, can be used medicinally. The ancient prescription records the effects of cooling blood, reducing swelling and relieving cough. It's common in the wild, but now some people plant it at home.

The use of Rabdosia oleifera

1. Clear the throat and remove the anger

Wash the leaves of Primrose, make tea and drink, clear your throat and remove anger.

2. Relieve cough

The snow grass is washed and boiled in a pot for about 20 minutes. Drinking it can relieve cough and reduce phlegm. This is an old folk method, but the effect is also a matter of opinion.

Maintenance of snow grass

Methods of reproduction:

Field digging


Ordinary soil is fine.

Light and moisture:

Xiguang, put it in a place with good light and water once every 2-3 days.

Jingtian Panax notoginseng

Flower cultivation Daquan

Jingtian Panax notoginseng is also called Fei dish, it has the effect of nourishing the heart (the specific effect is unknown), it is very effective in anti-inflammation and anti-itching!

The use of Sedum panax notoginseng

1. Special effect to relieve itching

After the mosquito bites, crush the leaves and wipe them on the bag. It won't itch for a while. Adults and children can use it. Grandma of Huahua has planted it. In summer, you must prepare a pot.

2. Edible

Jingtian Panax notoginseng has been on the table in the last two years, either with cold dressing or stir-frying, but Huahua hasn't tried it yet.

Maintenance of Panax notoginseng

Methods of reproduction:

Cuttage and hydroponic rooting


Ordinary garden soil can be cultivated in water.

Light and moisture:

Put it in the astigmatism ventilation place and water it once every two days.

Towel gourd

Flower cultivation Daquan

Plant towel gourd, do not just know to eat gourd, towel gourd leaves are also very useful, it has the effect of heat-clearing and detoxification, do not waste

Use of loofah leaves

1. Cool and relieve itching

Rub the towel gourd leaves out of juice and rub them on the mosquito bites, which can relieve itching gently and effectively, without irritation, especially for people and children who can't stand cool oil.

2. Dyeing

Loofah leaves are an ancient source of dyeing, which can be dyed light green and dreamy.

Towel gourd maintenance


Ordinary garden soil and rotten leaf soil will do.

Light and moisture:

Put it in a ventilated place with astigmatism and water it every day

While it's not too hot.

These practical natural cool grasses

Plant it quickly.

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A complete Collection of Flowers

Hua Hua

Teach you how to grow flowers.


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