
Must know | these six kinds of flowers are simply more and more prosperous as buckets are watered and water shortage immediately dies.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Flower cultivation Daquan & nbsp; Subscription account Click to follow, Hua Hua teaches you to grow flowers! One of the biggest headaches for flower friends is to water the flowers, once a few days, how much at a time. Today, Huahua introduces you several kinds of water-loving flowers, which are no longer needed.

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One of the biggest headaches for flower friends is to water the flowers, once a few days, how much at a time. Today, Huahua introduces you to several kinds of flowers that like water. You no longer have to worry that the dried flowers at home will die because they will not be watered.

Tongqian grass

Flower cultivation Daquan

Tongqian grass leaves are round, similar to copper coins, waterlogging is not cold-resistant, enough water can fill a large basin!

Watering notes:

Available in spring

2-3 days

Water once, if it is placed on the south balcony with high temperature and plenty of sunshine, it can be watered once a day. Can be in the water when watering.

Add 1 grain of compound fertilizer

Copper grass can grow more exuberantly.

Improper watering performance:

Copper grass is easy if it is not watered enough.

The leaves are yellow and wilting

, even

Dry up


Other maintenance notes:

Tongqian grass not only likes water, but also likes sunshine very much. Put the copper grass on it.

A south balcony or outdoor with direct sunlight

If you give enough sunshine, the copper grass will grow more and more prosperous!

Tortoise back bamboo

Flower cultivation Daquan

The leaves of Phyllostachys pubescens are too large, and the water evaporates quickly in the peak growing season, so it is necessary to replenish water in time.

Watering notes:

Water the basin soil as soon as it is found to be dry.

Pour thoroughly at one time

Until there is water flowing out from the bottom of the basin When supplying water, it can be fertilized every other time.

15 days

Add one diluted one

Cake fertilizer and water


Improper watering performance:

If you water too little, the tortoise will carry the bamboo.

Drooping wilting of leaves

The growth slows down, but if the amount of water is too large, it is easy to cause

Rotten root


Other maintenance notes:

Tortoise back bamboo is a shade-tolerant plant, which can be placed in


Maintain in the environment, such as a brightly lit living room. Spring on the outdoor north balcony to maintain and grow more exuberant.

Bowl lotus

Flower cultivation Daquan

The bowl lotus is a mini version of the lotus, petite and lovely, most suitable for raising a pot at home.

Watering notes:

At the initial stage of the growth of lotus, it is not appropriate to have too much water, otherwise it will affect the development of seedlings; after the plants grow up, add clear water to the bowl to make

The blade floats on the water.

To strengthen photosynthesis, it is necessary to add water when the water level becomes shallower.

Improper watering performance:

If too little watering, the bowl lotus will appear.

Leaf edge drying up

The phenomenon. If adding water directly to the bowl is easy to wash out the flowers, you should add water along the edge of the bowl.

Other maintenance notes:

Bowl lotus likes sunshine very much, and the more sunshine it gets, the better it grows. If possible, put it in the

A place where the sun shines directly outside

Maintenance. When the leaves become dense, remove some of the leaves to ensure that the lotus breathes normally.

Green pineapple

Flower cultivation Daquan

Green pineapple as long as there is water, a little conservation can survive, tenacious vitality, can be called "Xiaoqiang of the green plant world".

Watering notes:

The spring temperature reaches about 20 degrees, entering the peak growing season of green pineapple, and the water demand increases greatly. Probably

Water once every 4-6 days

You can choose to use the

Fish tank water

Watering green apple is more beneficial to the growth of green apple.

Improper watering performance:

Too much or too little watering will affect the growth of green pineapple.

Leaves yellowing

If long-term stagnant water, it may even cause green pineapple.

Rotten root


Other maintenance notes:

Watering green apples often needs to be guaranteed.

Good ventilation environment

To avoid rotting roots caused by too much humidity in the basin soil. You can put the green apple on the

A well-ventilated, brightly lit window.


Flower cultivation Daquan

Daffodils flowers are white and beautiful, fragrant and elegant, is one of the top ten famous flowers in China, and it is also very easy to maintain.

Watering notes:

After the cultivation of daffodils

Change the water once a day for the first five days

And then change the water every 3-5 days.

Improper watering performance:

Too much watering makes the daffodils bulbs all immersed in water, resulting in rotten buds.

Other maintenance notes:

Soil cultivation of daffodils needs light, which can be placed during the day.

Nanyang station or outdoor with plenty of light

Move indoors at night

And pour out the water in the basin, and add the sun-dried water in advance the next morning to prevent overgrowth.

Calla lily

Flower cultivation Daquan

Calla lily is a kind of flower that likes water very much. there is a saying called "calla lilies that cannot be watered", which can be seen that calla lilies love water.

Watering notes:

Calla lilies need to be watered frequently during the growing period to keep the basin soil moist. Can be changed into

Wooden chopsticks

Insert it into the soil to see if it can get wet. if the surface is dry, water should be poured through until water flows out from the bottom of the basin.

Improper watering performance:

If there is too little water, it is easy to cause calla lily leaves to dry up or even die, and water is poured on the leaves when watering, resulting in soft rot.

Other maintenance notes:

The horseshoe lotus likes light during the flowering period, which can be placed in

A well-lit balcony or window

To ensure 3-5 hours of light every day. During the peak growing season

Every 10 days or so

The rarefied liquid fertilizer mixed with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was applied once.

Do you have any of these water-loving flowers in your family?

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