
Strange and sweet appearance-- weeping flowers and bananas

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Perennial herbs with weeping flowers. The plant shape is similar to that of plantain, but smaller, with leaves similar to banana leaves, but smaller; flowering in late spring and early summer, inflorescences drooping from the leaves, native to tropical South America and cultivated everywhere. Droop.

Perennial herbs with weeping flowers. The plant shape is similar to that of plantain, but smaller, with leaves similar to banana leaves, but smaller; flowering in late spring and early summer, inflorescences drooping from the leaves, native to tropical South America and cultivated everywhere.

Weeping flowers and bananas

Morphological features:

Inflorescences 30 cm ~ 50 cm long; flowers yellow, lignified bracts red, edges yellow and green like colorful birds, very peculiar. Distributed in tropical America, introduction and cultivation are common in tropical areas, and greenhouse cultivation is common in the north. It is a relatively new type of garden flower. Propagate with separate plants. Sex likes high temperature, moisture and plenty of sunshine. Require deep, fertile, well-drained soil. It can be planted in large pots with rotten leaf soil or peat soil. For fear of cold, the overwintering temperature should be above 10 ℃. Because of its peculiar appearance and bright color, it is very popular with people, so it can cut off the inflorescence when flowering, so it is an excellent flower material for flower arrangement. Is a perennial herb. The plant is like plantain, 1.5-2m high, leaves erect and narrowly lanceolate, pedicels drawn from leaf axils, drooping, inflorescences about 30cm, flowers golden yellow, bracts bright red, margin yellowish green. The florescence is from May to July.

Weeping flowers and bananas

Growth environment:

Like warm, humid, semi-overcast environment, avoid strong light in direct sunlight. The suitable temperature for growth is 18-30 ℃, and the optimum temperature for winter is 10-20 ℃. Suitable for the growth of loose peat soil.

Main values:

He banana is one of the most popular ornamental flowers in the world today. Its flower shape is strange, the color is gorgeous, and the flowering period is long. An inflorescence does not wither for several months, so it can be used to decorate the hall, and it is also a high-quality cut flower material.

Weeping flowers and bananas?

Methods of reproduction:

Propagate in separate plants. Ramets are usually carried out in early spring combined with the replacement of basin soil. The basic fertilizer should be applied before the flower seedlings are put on the pot, and the topdressing should be applied once a month during the growing season, such as bean cake, soaking solution of sesame sauce residue and so on. A small amount of compound fertilizer can also be applied.