
It's a simple trick to grow tomatoes on the balcony. Tomatoes bear twice as much fruit.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Tomatoes are tomatoes, which have high nutritional value and can be eaten and watched. Plant a pot on the balcony. You don't have to go out to buy tomatoes when you want to eat them. Just pick them now. How to plant potted tomatoes in a flowerpot on the balcony.

Tomatoes are tomatoes, which have high nutritional value and can be eaten and watched. Plant a pot on the balcony. You don't have to go out to buy tomatoes when you want to eat them. Just pick them now. How can you grow potted tomatoes in a flowerpot on the balcony?

When growing tomatoes, if the soil is dug from the suburbs, it is best to sift it, throw away the stones, and then expose it to the sun or disinfect it with boiling water. Add some fermented organic fertilizer. Use less chemical fertilizer.

When sowing, soak the seeds in warm water for four hours, put them on wet paper towels, spray water constantly, and sow them in the soil after a day or two of whitening.

Tomato seedlings grow to five leaves can be transplanted, be sure to bring part of the original soil to a new flowerpot, that is, with dirt. After planting, watering thoroughly, transplanting can make the tomato seedlings grow more luxuriantly.

When the bifurcation of a tomato is ten centimeters long, it needs to be crossed and pinched in time. So as not to rob the side branches of nutrition. Affect the growth of tomato.

The operation method of tomato crossing and pinching:

In this picture, the marked place is the lateral bud that needs to be pinched. The first lateral bud under the first crop of flowers should be pinched in time, and when the tomato grows to 15 centimeters, pinch off the other lateral buds under the flower. And the lateral buds on the first crop of flowers.

In addition, when the result reaches the fourth floor, the top can be topped, and when it is about 80 centimeters high, it is to pick the heart at the top. In this way, it doesn't grow like crazy.

The whole growing period of tomatoes is not only crossed, but also pinched, and so on, after the flowering and knot, after the fourth layer of flowers and fruits, the top of the trunk is also pinched off.

After potted tomatoes are planted on the balcony, the crazy growth of the plant can be controlled.

After that, you need to give it a support to prevent the plant from lodging, and water and fertilize it in time before blossoming and bearing fruit.

It takes about 90 days for tomatoes to be sown and harvested, and they will be able to eat their own tomatoes in three months.