
The little sausage farmers in the wheat field hate it when they see it, but they don't know it can cure beriberi.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Warm Tip Wo Mu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if you need medicine, it is recommended to consult a professional physician to avoid problems! In the countryside, the most is not the crops in the fields, nor is it the orchards.


Wo Mu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if you need medicine, it is recommended to consult a professional physician to avoid problems!

In the rural wild, the most is not the crops in the field, nor the fruit trees in the orchard, but all kinds of weeds in the rural wild. For these weeds, peasant friends are not strange, and many weeds are also loved by peasant friends, especially weeds like Houttuynia cordata and mother-in-law, which can be eaten as wild vegetables and herbs to cure diseases. However, there are also many weeds that are too common to be taken seriously by people, and even many people do not know their names. Here, I would like to introduce a kind of weeds in wheat fields.

Whenever spring comes, such a weed will grow in the wheat field, its fruit is shaped like a "little sausage", this kind of weed is "look at Mai Niang". It can be said that this kind of weed is very common in the countryside, but although it is common, most people still can not name it. Even if it can be called, it is only a kind of regional soil name, that is to say, people elsewhere may not be able to know it, but in my hometown, I call it "mountain sorghum".

The author remembers that the old farmer in the village said that Mai Niang's fruit in the shape of "little sausage" was actually very similar to wheat, hence the name. However, although the name Mai Niang is very beautiful, it is indeed a kind of harmful grass in the wheat field and farmland that is very annoying to farmers.

According to the old farmer, Mai Niang most likes to grow in the fields of wheat, rape, green manure and other crops, and the fecundity of Mai Niang is very strong. Often, a large area of Mai Niang can be reproduced by one plant, so it will cause serious harm to wheat and other crops, so many farmer friends hate it very much and often cut it off as soon as they see Mai Niang, lest it propagate too fast and affect the growth of crops.

Although Mai Niang can be regarded as a kind of "malignant weed" in wheat fields and other crop fields, it is not useless. In fact, it is still very useful. One is that Niangmai is a kind of good forage grass, which is medium in quantity, rich in leaves, good in quality, high in protein, and favored by horses, cattle and sheep.

The second is to see that Mai Niang is still a traditional Chinese herbal medicine among the people. according to records, the whole herb can be used as medicine, and its taste is light, and it has the effect of dampness, detumescence and detoxification. it can be used to treat edema, chicken pox, infantile diarrhea, indigestion and beriberi and other diseases.

When the author helped to get rid of it in the field these days, an old farmer in the village told me that the effect that Mai Niang used to remove beriberi was very good. He would wash the whole grass of Mai Niang, and then use it to boil water and wash his feet with the boiled water. Because Mai Niang has the function of dehumidifying, it can remove the moisture on sweaty feet, so as to achieve the effect of treating beriberi.

Dear friends, do you know anything about Mai Niang? Welcome to leave messages and exchange messages.

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