
The flower is yellow and white on the balcony and blossoms all the year round.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Honeysuckle stem climbing, vine leaves Cuibi, evergreen all the year round; flowering, two flowers and pedicel, first silver, then golden, long petal beard, new and old, yellow and white, really good-looking. In addition, the flowers of honeysuckle pass by.

Honeysuckle stem climbing, vine leaves Cuibi, evergreen all the year round; flowering, two flowers and pedicel, first silver, then golden, long petal beard, new and old, yellow and white, really good-looking. In addition, honeysuckle flowers, after drying, can also be used as tea to drink, with heat-clearing and detoxification effect.

Honeysuckle balcony cultivation can be protected on the balcony in winter. Generally speaking, when the temperature drops to 0 ℃ after the beginning of winter, fine dry soil should be piled under and around the basin, and grass and sacks should be covered on the basin in the severe cold season to prevent the cold. When the weather becomes warmer from winter to spring, the cover can be removed gradually, and all the cover can be removed when the temperature reaches 6 ℃ in early March.

Honeysuckle changed or poured the pot before sprouting in spring, replaced with part of the new basin soil, and applied base fertilizer. The basin soil is made of rich sandy loam. Base fertilizer is made of rotten cake fertilizer or sesame paste powder.

Honeysuckle is not a flower that needs much fertilizer. On the basis of applying basic fertilizer, it can be infiltrated into the soil with organic nutrient solution diluted by 500x before each stubble of Grain Rain, Grain in Beard and Greater Heat respectively.

Watering potted honeysuckle should be dry and wet, so as to avoid continuous watering. Water thoroughly before the winter cover, not very dry but not watered during the overwintering period, if you need to water, you should choose sunny and warm weather, properly water the basin soil in the noon sun, and do not water the basin soil. In the vigorous growing season, it is necessary to increase the number of watering times and the amount of water, and at the same time, it should be noted that foliar spraying can not only remove dust, but also humidify.

When honeysuckle is cultivated on the balcony, in addition to cultivating bonsai stumps, there are two plastic forms: one is the hanging and drooping of the stem, and the other is the climbing support of the stem. In order to make honeysuckle leaves and flowers multiply, they should be pruned. After the beginning of winter, thin and weak branches and old and residual branches should be thinned, and 3 or 4 strong main branches should be selected for each plant, and each main branch of the drooping type can be cut short by 30 cm to 40 cm, while the climbing branch can be cut short by 50 cm and 60 cm.

The side branches on each main branch should be weak and strong, and only part of the selected strong branches should be cut off slightly. Pruning in the growing season is mainly to pick the heart of new branches after flowering, in order to promote the development of new branches; climbing, but also according to the requirements of shade and other appropriate thinning branches and leaves.

Picture from Huayou: Qinghe hhydwg