
It turns out that the leaves of plants can still make so many works of art, or can you play?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, There are many people who like to cultivate plants, but not many people really play with plants. Raising a plant is to decorate the home environment and purify the environment, so we can also call creative decoration to ensure that it will be an eye-opener! Actually.

There are many people who like to cultivate plants, but not many people really play with plants. Raising a plant is to decorate the home environment and purify the environment, so we can also call creative decoration to ensure that it will be an eye-opener!

In fact, it is very simple, we all know that photos can be framed, similarly, the leaves of plants can also do this, not only can beautify your home environment, but also very artistic!

The picture frame can choose some plain colors, such as log color, black, white, silver white and so on. This kind of color matching can reflect the vitality and beauty of green leaves.

You may be worried that the leaves that leave the soil may not last long and are easy to dehydrate and cause them to dry and curl, or even turn yellow and moldy, but there is no need to worry about them at all. we can make dried leaves, just like dried flowers. Don't worry about these problems at all!

You can frame the green leaves directly according to the shape of the green leaves, or you can artificially shape some beautiful shapes, using a number of leaves with the same or different shapes and colors from light to deep to make them look what you like!

Of course, this process requires a very patient pressing process, so that the vein of each leaf is clearly visible and does not deteriorate, not only to ensure that the dead leaves show the most natural state, but also not too rigid layout. Although it's complicated, it doesn't matter. If you try it a few times, you may be able to become a master designer.

Such a beautiful work is a work of art on any wall of the house, no matter the staircase corridor, living room, study, bathroom. Even bedrooms are also environmentally friendly and pollution-free.

Not only decorate the home environment, if you do not know how to grow flowers, or do not grow flowers well, but want to have a little green at home, you can frame the plant leaves without watering, no worms, and a little more artistic flavor.