
Do you really get the right posture for letting the fleshy pot burst into the fleshy leaves?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Le 'an leaf insert is a common artificial reproduction method of succulent plants. The bud formation probability of leaf insert is large. Because it is asexual reproduction, its characters will be inherited from motherhood and can maintain the unity of plants. When do I need to use a leaf?


Picture and text: le an

Leaf cuttage is a common way of artificial propagation in succulent plants, and the bud formation rate of leaf cuttings is high. Because it is asexual reproduction, its characters will inherit motherhood and maintain the unity of the plant. When do I need to use leaf inserts? When you want more meat, of course. So the question is, do you have the correct posture from get to succulent leaves?


Selecting leaves and picking leaves

Leaves to choose mature and healthy, fully developed, can not be moth-eaten, can not choose yellowing leaves. Of course, the young leaves that have just grown are not good either.

Pull out the leaf is to hold it with your hand, and then turn a circle, the leaf will naturally fall.


Leafy succulent plant

Many beginners will mistakenly think that leaf insertion is to insert the bottom of the leaf straight into the soil, which is a big mistake.

The real leaf insertion is to put the leaves flat on the soil, with the leaves tilted upward, trying to simulate the situation of leaves falling in the wild environment.


Waiting to sprout

The next step is to wait slowly. The sprouting time of leaves is affected by many factors, so some are long and some are short.

During this time, what we need to do is:

(1) never water in large quantities, only once every two or three days, and the unit is "dripping". Succulent plants do not need too much water, otherwise the leaves may turn yellow or black rot.

(2) do not bask in the sun as far as possible, put it on the balcony and other well-ventilated places.

When the leaves germinate, they may grow roots first, or they may grow leaves first. For the sake of the beauty of the new buds, many people are eager to remove the mother leaves, which is wrong. Mother leaves are nourished by new buds, and new buds without mother leaves tend to grow very slowly. When the nutrients of the mother leaves are all absorbed by the new buds, they will dry up and turn yellow, and then we can pull out the mother leaves.

Finally, when the leaf cuttings grow to a certain extent, remember to change the pot.

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