
Ten thousand yuan package of materials built a small garden, the friend said: not worth it?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The house won't move in until next January. I haven't bought any furniture inside, but I want to start planting flowers next spring. I don't want to miss the season, so I only think about the garden, my little garden! My husband said I put the cart before the horse. People are the most.

The house won't move in until next January. I haven't bought any furniture inside, but I want to start planting flowers next spring. I don't want to miss the season, so I only think about the garden, my little garden!

My husband said I put the cart before the horse. People are the most important, your flowers? Having said that, he still actively supported me, discussed with me how to build a garden, and listened to my nagging about digging cement, filling soil and building fences and flower racks.

There was no channel to contact the workers, so they had to turn to TB. TB is so omnipotent.

The quotation is: knocking cement, transporting garbage, backfilling, building fences and flower racks, a total of 10500 yuan (the boss offered 12500 first, and I almost agreed. Then someone else told me that the price was too high to bargain, so he cut 2000 yuan again, but the boss even agreed, so we can see that there is still a lot of profit. I am a layman, and I know nothing about architecture and so on. )

This is what the site looks like after it is cleaned up.

I don't know what to do with the sewer exposed under the wall. I don't know what to do with the foreman. he suggested getting some bags of pebbles to fill them with good-looking and no stagnant water.

The cement board that enters the house cannot be knocked off for fear of damaging the steps because the cement is poured together with the steps.

I'm going to buy plastic and wood flooring DIY a trail.

The cement area is 2.35X1.9 meters.

The plastic and wood floor is 0.31X0.31 rice, about 48 yuan for B & Q, 23.90 yuan for one piece, and 1147 yuan for a big hairy yard. After a week, the yard has been basically built.

This is what it looks like when it's finished.

After a week, the yard is basically completed. This is what it will look like when it is finished.

These six garden stepping stones were bought by Yike gardening as a gift from my husband at Christmas.

Look over from the left side of the yard

Specially built an extra fence on it to facilitate Fujiyue climbing.

It's not blocking the neighbors, so the light is the best.

And a panoramic view from the right.

At the root of the wall, we are going to build a semicircular flower bed with red brick, which is what the flowerpot looks like now.

There are pansy and morning glory hanging on the fence. This girl blossoms all the time from summer to winter.

There are no flowers yet. Add them slowly.

10500 yuan package knocks off the cement floor, removes garbage, backfills, repairs fences and corridor shelves. Contract labor and materials. But some people say it's not worth the price. In any case, I think it is best to solve the problem. The price is within your affordability!