
It symbolizes patience-- mowing grass with snow

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Snow mowing grass, alias butterfly grass. Flower lobes broadly ovate, entire, apex slightly obtuse or obtuse, sometimes mucronate, sparsely pilose. Herbs perennial, 8-18cm high. Rhizome short, dense fibrous root. Basal plants go back to 3-6; petioles are 6-9 cm long.

Snow mowing grass, alias butterfly grass. Flower lobes broadly ovate, entire, apex slightly obtuse or obtuse, sometimes mucronate, sparsely pilose. Herbs perennial, 8-18cm high. Rhizome short, dense fibrous root. Basal return 3-6; petiole 6-9cm long, sometimes hairy, glabrescent; leaf blade Swertia deltoid-broadly ovate, 2.5-6.5cm long, 4.5-73.5cm wide, base deeply cordate, 3-lobed to scape 1-6, villous; bracts 3, ovate or elliptic, 7-12mm long, 3-6mm wide, apex acute or slightly obtuse, entire, slightly densely villous below. Flowers bisexual, solitary scape apical; sepals 6-11, petaloid, narrowly oblong, 8-14mm long, 3-6mm wide, apex obtuse, pink or pansy; stamens numerous, long 2-6mm, filaments narrowly linear, anthers elliptic, ca. 0.7mm; carpels numerous, ovary densely villous, style short. Achenes ovoid, ca. 4mm, with villous and short persistent styles. The flowering period is from April to May and the fruiting period is from May to July.

Mowing grass with snow

Like cold climate extremely hardy, like cool air, suitable for cultivation in non-tropical areas. There is no strict requirement on air humidity, so it's good to be moist, but it doesn't matter to dry a little bit.

Distribution range:

In Japan, snow mowing is as famous as cherry blossoms, and Japan is not allowed to export snow mowing, so other countries except Japan are quite rare. Main origin: Hokkaido

Medicinal value: medicine for promoting blood circulation and dispelling wind; medicine for killing insects and relieving itching. Garden use: ground cover or potted plants.

Mowing grass with snow

The flower words of snow mowing grass: patience.

Flower divination: snow mowing is a cold-tolerant plant, you were born on this day, but also have considerable patience, not afraid of difficulties and challenges, patiently break through one by one. You appear to be emotionally conservative and passive, even if you meet the right person, you will still pretend to be calm and be the ideal lover in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Flower motto: being loved is a kind of favor, which must be accepted wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly.

Mowing grass with snow

Snow mowing is the same to cherry blossoms, red lotus and hot snow, beautiful and tragic. Slender stems, round petals, boundless romance. It is a curse and fate to bloom after the snow and die before the snow melts. Because it is short-lived, we have no choice but to put all our eggs in one basket and brilliant horizon. This is a commitment, a commitment to life. Flowers with curses and promises struggle to bloom in contradictions, fragile and charming.

Snow mowing is a cold-tolerant plant, you were born on this day, but also have considerable patience, not afraid of difficulties and challenges, patiently break through one by one. You appear to be emotionally conservative and passive, even if you meet the right person, you will still pretend to be calm and be the ideal lover in the eyes of the opposite sex.