
50 common flower fertilization methods beginners can also grow amazing flowers

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Recently, many flower lovers have consulted about fertilization. Autumn is a good time for many flowers and plants to apply fertilizer, which is in the second most important growing season of the year. At this time, add flower fertilizer, leaves grow more prosperous, flowering plants are also more likely to accumulate energy.

Recently, many flower lovers have consulted about fertilization. Autumn is a good time for many flowers and plants to apply fertilizer, which is in the second most important growing season of the year. At this time, with the supplement of flower fertilizer, the leaves grow more vigorously, and flowering plants are more likely to accumulate energy to open more flowers. This is also the reason why the great god can keep the flowers flourishing and blooming, but he is getting thinner and thinner, and the flowers are scarce. Today, we have collected 50 kinds of common flower fertilization methods, after reading, you can also raise amazing flowers!

-common fertilization methods for flowers and plants-


Rhododendron has fine roots and strong ability to absorb water and fertilizer. It likes fertilizer but is afraid of thick fertilizer. From March to May, fertilization was applied once a week to promote the growth of branches, leaves and buds. From June to August is the midsummer season, the growth of rhododendron is gradually slow and semi-dormant, too much fertilizer will not only make the old leaves fall off, new leaves and yellowing, but also easy to be harmed by diseases and pests, so fertilization should be stopped. The weather gradually turns cool in late September, and azaleas grow in autumn. Applying 20%-30% phosphate liquid fertilizer every 10 days can promote the growth of plant flower buds. Generally speaking, after October, the growth in autumn basically stops, and it is no longer applied.

No matter when watering or fertilizing, do not use tap water directly, but acidify it (add ferrous sulfate or vinegar) and use it again when the pH value is about 6.

-Tiger tail orchid-

Tiger Pilan does not have high requirements for fertilizer, so it is possible to apply dilute liquid fertilizer once a month during the growing period. 3 holes of cooked soybeans can be buried evenly in the soil at the edge of the basin, 7-10 grains per hole, be careful not to come into contact with the root. Fertilization should be stopped from November to March of the following year.


Evergreen is a foliage flower, mainly nitrogen fertilizer. Liquid fertilizer with more nitrogen and potassium is applied every 15 to 20 days in spring and autumn, and fertilization should be stopped in midsummer and winter.

The period of vigorous growth is from June to September. Cake fertilizer and water are applied once every 10 days, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied twice after autumn. The application of nitrogen fertilizer every 1-2 months from spring to autumn could promote the glossy leaf color. If the room temperature is below 15 ℃, the fertilizer will be stopped.

-Green pineapple-

Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer for green pineapple, while potash fertilizer is supplementary. Spring is the peak growth period of green pineapple, and it is the best time to apply fertilizer, which can be applied once every 10 days. If the temperature is high in summer, the green pineapple grows faster, so it can be fertilized properly, but not frequently. It can be fertilized once every 15-20 days. In autumn and winter, green pineapple gradually stops growing, so it is not suitable to apply fertilizer at this time.

-hanging orchid-

Cymbidium is a more fertilizer-tolerant foliage plant, if the lack of fertilizer and water, it is easy to scorch head aging, leaves yellowing, loss of ornamental value.

From late spring to early autumn, organic fertilizer can be applied every 7-10 days, Phnom Penh, Jinxin and other mosaic varieties, less nitrogen fertilizer, lest the color of flowers and leaves fade or even disappear, affecting the beauty. The retting organic fertilizer such as bone powder and eggshell can be applied properly. after full fermentation, take appropriate amount of diluent and irrigate every 10-15 days to make the flowers and leaves bright and bright. In autumn and winter, fertilization was stopped when the ambient temperature was lower than 4 ℃.


Rose flowers like to be fat. The base fertilizer is mainly slow-acting organic fertilizer, such as cow manure, chicken manure, bean cake, oil residue and so on.

Potted rose flowers should be fertilized frequently and watered with light fertilizer every 10 days in the growing season, which can make the leaves thick, dark green and shiny. Before sprouting in early spring, a thicker liquid fertilizer can be applied, no fertilizer should be applied at flowering stage, and 1-2 times of quick-acting fertilizer should be applied after flower fade.


Cyclamen doesn't like fat. Some base fertilizer can be put in when changing the basin every year. Fertilize once a week or two during the growing period, and stop fertilizing when the summer temperature rises.

-Wealth Tree-

During the growing period, the rich tree grows rapidly and needs sufficient fertilizer. It can be fertilized once a month, and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are applied evenly to make the plant strong, the leaves green and prevent overgrowth. Do not fertilize the rest of the time.


Gardenia likes fertilizer, and organic fertilizer can be applied as base fertilizer when changing pots. During the growth period, topdressing should be done frequently, and it is advisable to apply thin fertilizer frequently. During the growth period, organic liquid fertilizer is applied every 10 days or so, with 10% to 15% concentration of cake fertilizer and water. During the growth period, it should also be combined with fertilization and watering, watering 0.2% ferrous sulfate once every 15 to 20 days or so to prevent leaf yellowing.

Apply 2 times more available phosphate fertilizer after budding, such as 0.5% superphosphate and so on. Fat but autumn, fertilize after autumn, suddenly grow autumn branches, easy to suffer frost injury.


Gentleman orchid likes fertilizer, and thin fertilizer can be applied every half a month or so during the growing period, and it is better to ferment rotten cake fertilizer. January is the period when flowers and arrows are drawn, and liquid fertilizer dominated by phosphorus should be applied 2 or 3 times in this period to make the flowers blossom and colorful. The growth of Cymbidium stops in the high temperature season in summer, and fertilization should be stopped. Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer in autumn, which is beneficial to the growth of leaves.

In addition, 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 0.5% calcium superphosphate can also be sprayed on the leaf surface, spraying once in about 10 days, the seedlings not only grow fast, flower buds differentiate well, but also blossom more, with large and colorful flowers.

-longevity flowers-

Longevity flowers like fertilizer, and the seedlings can be planted in pot for half a month or the old plants can be divided into two or three times to promote the growth of stems and leaves, and nitrogen-based liquid fertilizer can be applied once after anthesis to promote its rejuvenation. In the rest of the time, except for stopping application in summer, we can only apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, do not put fertilizer on the leaves, otherwise the leaves are easy to rot, such as accidentally dirty leaves, rinse off with water.

The flowering period of longevity flowers is long, so it is necessary to break the commandment of not applying fertilizer during flowering period, and apply thin nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer or 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution once a month, so that the later flowers will not become small and pale due to lack of fertilizer.

-Fugui bamboo-

Hydroponic rich bamboo can be added once a month to make the leaves more lush. Do not apply fertilizer in hot summer and cold winter. Soil-cultivated rich bamboo likes fertilizer, but it is not resistant to raw fertilizer and thick fertilizer, so it can apply thin fertilizer every half a month, and generally does not apply fertilizer in winter.


Asparagus fertilizes a small amount of fertilizer for many times, do not apply thick fertilizer, otherwise cause leaf yellow. Generally, you can choose to apply rotten thin liquid fertilizer once a month, and after the plant grows and finalizes, you can properly control and reduce fertilization.


The fertilizer application of orchids varies greatly, such as a large amount of fertilizer for Cymbidium and a small amount of fertilizer for Cymbidium, as long as 1/5 of that of Cymbidium. Therefore, it should be treated differently according to the variety.

It is not suitable to apply fertilizer in the first year of newly planted orchids, but can not be fertilized until the new roots grow vigorously after 1-2 years of cultivation. Generally from April to the Beginning of Autumn, fully mature thin pancake fertilizer and water are applied every 15 to 20 days. In the heat of summer, stop fertilizing. The suitable time for fertilization is in the evening. Avoid liquid fertilizer contaminating leaves when fertilizing. Winter is the dormant period for the growth of orchids, which is generally not suitable for fertilization.

-Happiness Tree-

The happiness tree grows rapidly and needs more nutrients, so it needs to be fertilized frequently during the growing period. generally, it can be mixed with equal proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, or diluted thin fertilizer water can be used instead of clear water.

In the growing season, quick-acting liquid fertilizer can be applied once a month, and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be applied continuously for 2 to 3 times after the Mid-Autumn Festival, so as to increase the cold resistance of happy tree plants and help them survive the winter safely. The temperature in summer is higher than 32 ℃, and topdressing should be stopped when the temperature in late autumn and early winter is lower than 12 ℃.

-crab claw orchid-

During the growing period, the crab claw orchid can be fertilized once every semimonthly, and the phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied twice in autumn. After the flower fade in March, it will enter a short dormant period, so watering should be controlled, fertilization should be stopped, and normal fertilizer and water management should be carried out after the stem nodes grow new buds. The newly grafted branches and buds should be avoided by fat and water, so as not to rot.


In the growing season, liquid fertilizer is applied once a month to supplement the nutrients needed for the replacement of new and old leaves, and can promote plant health. The leaves are bright in color. When lack of fertilizer, the plant becomes obviously short, the leaf color is yellowish, and the metal luster is not new. The application of fertilizer should be based on phosphorus and potassium, and there should not be too much nitrogen fertilizer. Generally, 0.2% liquid fertilizer is sprayed directly on the leaf surface and washed with a small amount of water to prevent fertilizer damage. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is also very beneficial to the germination and growth of new buds. Fertilization should be stopped in winter.


Camellia likes fertilizer, we should pay attention to put base fertilizer in the basin soil, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, including mature bone powder, hair, chicken feathers, rice chaff ash, poultry dung and superphosphate and other substances. Usually should not fertilize too much, generally apply 2-3 times thin fertilizer water between April and May after flowering, and apply a slightly thicker water and fertilizer in autumn November. When using fertilizer, we should pay attention to a slightly larger proportion of phosphate fertilizer in order to promote the blooming and colorful flowers.


Yushu grows fast and has a certain demand for fertilizer, but the requirement is not high. During the growing period, fertilizer based on nitrogen fertilizer can be applied for 2-3 times, and no fertilizer is applied when the summer temperature is high and the winter temperature is low. For example, if the plant shape of the jade tree is larger, it can only apply base fertilizer without topdressing to control the height.


Hydrangea likes fertilizer, and during the growth period, it is common to apply rotten thin pancakes every 15 days. In order to maintain the acidity of the soil, 1-3% ferrous sulfate can be added to the fertilizer solution. Regular watering of alum fertilizer and water can make the plant branches and leaves green; the application of 1-2 potassium dihydrogen phosphate during the bud period can make the flowers bright and colorful; the application of cake fertilizer should avoid summer days, so as not to cause diseases and insect pests and damage the root system.

-White palm-

Smooth sailing is more like fertilizer, when the lack of fertilizer, the growth of new leaves is slow. Fertilizer can be applied once a month in the growing season, and fertilization can be stopped in autumn and winter. Be careful not to splash the fat liquid on the leaves, otherwise it is easy to burn the leaves and rinse them with clean water in time.

-good luck-

Liquid fertilizer can be applied once every 10 to 20 days in the growing season. When applying fertilizer, do not apply fertilizer in the leaf tube in the center of the plant, so as not to cause harm. Fertilization should be stopped during flowering, dormancy and summer.

-Douban Green-

Can be fertilized once a month, in the way of thin liquid fertilizer or foliar fertilizer, do not use raw fertilizer or thick fertilizer, stop fertilization in winter.


Milan blossoms a lot, so it is necessary to replenish nutrients in time. The lack of fertilizer is an important reason why Milan flowers do not blossom or leaves and buds fall. During the peak growth period and flowering stage, liquid fertilizer can be applied every 10 days or so to promote the growth of branches and leaves, and a thicker fertilizer dominated by phosphate fertilizer should be applied every 15 days.

Special attention is paid to the fact that the florescence must be dominated by phosphate fertilizer, otherwise there will be only long leaves but no flowering. In the flowering period from June to October, if there is insufficient fertilization, not only the number of blossoms will decrease and the flowers will not smell good, but the buds that have already appeared will wither and cannot open.


Jasmine likes fertilizer, especially the long flowering period, which needs more fertilizer. It also likes the acidic environment, usually can pour 1:10 alum fertilizer water once a week, can also use our rapid self-made acid water method.

During the growing period, fertilizer should be applied once every 7-10 days, liquid fertilizer with more phosphorus should be applied frequently from June to September, preferably every 2-3 days, and fertilizer should be stopped after October.

-Dragon Blood Tree-

The dragon blood tree should apply thin fertilizer, less nitrogen fertilizer, more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, avoid applying too much nitrogen fertilizer, the golden markings of leaves are not obvious, and stop fertilization in winter dormancy period.


Generally, rotten liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer is applied every 1-2 weeks to promote plant growth, thick green leaves, appropriate topdressing of nitrogen-containing organic fertilizer in summer, and organic flower fertilizer such as sesame sauce residue in winter to keep the pot soil dry and wet.

-Ping an Tree-

Ping an tree has large leaves and prosperous growth, so it needs a large amount of fertilizer. During the growing season, thin cake fertilizer or alum can be applied once a month. After entering autumn, phosphate and potassium fertilizer should be applied twice, such as 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, in order to increase the cold resistance of the plant, promote the young shoots to Lignification as early as possible, so that they can survive the winter safely. Stop fertilizing in winter to prevent fertilizer from injuring the roots and causing the leaves to yellowing or scorching.


Water to raise daffodils, generally do not need fertilization, if there are conditions, in the flowering period a little application of some available phosphate fertilizer, flowers can bloom better.


Before planting hyacinth, apply sufficient basic fertilizer, apply phosphate fertilizer once after the leaves are exposed to the soil, cut off the flower stem after the flowers fade, and then apply fertilizer again. Water-cultivated hyacinth can produce beautiful flowers without fertilization.

-triangular plum-

Triangulated plum is the peak growth period from April to July, and liquid fertilizer can be applied every half a month to promote plant growth. Starting from August, phosphate fertilizer is applied every 10 days or so to promote the gestation of flower buds. After flowering, topdressing once, so that the flowering stage is constantly supplemented with nutrients.

-money tree-

During the growing period, liquid fertilizer can be applied twice a month, nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped in autumn, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied for 2-3 times, and fertilization should be stopped in winter.


Lily needs more nitrogen and potash fertilizer, so it should be applied every 10 to 15 days during the growing period, while the supply of phosphate fertilizer should be limited, because too much phosphate fertilizer will cause withered and yellow leaves. Phosphate fertilizer can be increased by 1 to 2 days at flowering stage. In order to enrich the bulb, the residual flowers should be cut off in time after flowering to reduce nutrient consumption.

Zhu Dinghong-

Zhu Dinghong likes to be fat. The bottom fertilizer should be applied at the same time when changing the basin, changing the soil and planting, and the phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied once a month after the pot is put on the pot. the principle of fertilization is thin application to promote flower bud differentiation and flowering. Stop fertilization at flowering stage, continue to apply fertilizer after flowering, give priority to phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, reduce nitrogen fertilizer, and stop fertilization at the end of autumn.

-calla lilies-

Calla lilies like moist and fertile soil, which is often called "big fat and big water", so calla lilies can be properly watered and fertilized. Fertilizing can be done fortnightly, but be careful not to touch flowers and leaves when applying fertilizer. The amount of fertilizer should be increased after seeing the buds, so as to ensure that the flowering period is long, the flowers are large and colorful, and the buds continue to bloom all the year round.


Fertilizer application should be based on organic fertilizer, which can be mixed into the soil or mixed with clear water to water the flowers. Slow-release fertilizer can also be used, preferably with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, supplemented by nitrogen fertilizer, and burying holes in the basin, which can make cactus plants stronger! Topdressing can be 4-5 times in spring, 2-3 times in autumn, and no fertilizer is applied in summer and winter.


Peony is a fertilizer-loving plant, so we should pay attention to topdressing at the right time. However, the new peony should not be fertilized, and the base fertilizer added when the basin soil is prepared can meet the needs of its growth. Usually start to topdressing after half a year on the pot. It is appropriate to apply fertilizer 2 to 3 times a year. It is mainly in the flower bud stage in spring, the flowering stage and autumn fertilization. It is OK to apply traditional organic fertilizer, and pay attention to the combination of watering and fertilization.

-tortoise back bamboo-

Nitrogen topdressing is applied every 10 days from June to October, both organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer can be used, and mature fertilizer or bean cake fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer can be used. We should pay attention to the principle of "light rather than thick" until the middle of October.

-Pocket coconut

Pocket coconut does not have high requirements for fertilizer, generally applying liquid fertilizer once or twice a month in the growing season, with little or no fertilization at the end of autumn and winter. The basin is changed in spring every 2-3 years.

-Brazilian wood-

Brazilian wood can use cake fertilizer or rotten cow manure, chicken manure and so on as base fertilizer. Fertilizer was applied once every 10-15 days during the growth period, such as 0.1% urea and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution for extra-root fertilization. From the first ten days of September, stopping the application of nitrogen fertilizer and applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer 2 or 3 times every 30 days can make the plant tissue fully mature and improve the cold resistance of overwintering.

-Goose palm wood-

Sufficient nutrients are needed in the growing season, so granular fertilizer should be applied once a month or diluted water should be watered regularly from April to September to ensure an adequate supply of fertilizer in the potted soil, and some elements should not be partially applied, otherwise it is easy to appear symptoms of element deficiency, resulting in poor growth potential of the whole plant. On the other hand, less nitrogen fertilizer was applied to the variegated leaves, and if there was too much nitrogen fertilizer, the patches would fade and turn green.

-hibiscus flower-

When the hibiscus sprouts, it is necessary to apply topdressing in time, mainly with quick-acting fertilizer, which can promote the growth of nutrition. Before flowering and budding, 1-2 times of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were added to promote the budding and flowering of hibiscus. The flowering period of hibiscus is from May to October every year. during this period, combined with weeding and soil cultivation, topdressing is applied twice to ensure the yield of hibiscus flowering and the growth of trees.


Carnation Happy Fertilizer should be applied with sufficient amount of baking fertilizer and bone meal before planting, and liquid fertilizer should be applied continuously during the growing period, generally applying mature thin fertilizer and water every 10 days or so, and topdressing after flower picking.

-hang the golden bell upside down-

The golden bell grows rapidly in spring and autumn. It should be watered 1-2 times a day during flowering. It is better to be wet than dry. Combined with loose soil, thin pancake fertilizer and water were applied every 7-10 days. From July to August in summer, when the temperature is high, the golden bell generally enters a semi-dormant state, so fertilization should be reduced and the basin soil should be watered slightly when the soil is dry. The rotten cake was watered every 10-15 days from September to December to make it blossom one after another.


During the growth period of geranium stems and leaves, fertilization is applied once a month, but nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied too much. If the growth of stems and leaves is too prosperous, it is necessary to stop fertilization and properly remove some leaves, which is beneficial to flowering. In the period of flower bud formation, phosphate fertilizer was applied once every two weeks.


Dahlia is a fertilizer-loving plant, there must be an adequate supply of fertilizer, otherwise it is easy to cause flowers to become smaller, dim color and lower ornamental. According to the growth situation, cake fertilizer should be applied for 4 times and 5 times, thin fertilizer should be applied, and fertilization is prohibited when the high temperature is more than 30 ℃ in summer.


Tulips prefer fertilizer and should be fully fertilized before planting. Generally, dry chicken manure or rotten compost is used as base fertilizer and fully irrigated, and carefully ploughed and raked 2-3 days before planting to ensure that the soil is loose. After two leaves, liquid fertilizer can be applied 1-2 times, compound fertilizer with balanced nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be applied 3-4 times a month in peak growing season, fertilizer should be stopped at flowering stage, and liquid fertilizer of 1-2 potassium dihydrogen phosphate or compound fertilizer should be applied after anthesis.

-Hewang orchid-

During the growing period of the orchid, it is required to apply thin fertilizer and water every semimonthly, and it is best to irrigate fermented rice water or soya bean soaking solution. 0.5% calcium superphosphate can be added to the fertilizer solution from the formation of the flower stem to the full flowering stage, which will make the flower color more gorgeous.

-Anthurium andraeanum

Anthurium andraeanum is planted with a small amount of organic fertilizer as base fertilizer to meet the growth needs. Because of its fast growth rate and large amount of fertilizer, liquid fertilizer should be applied every 1-2 weeks in the growing season. Fertilization on the root of Anthurium andraeanum is better than foliar fertilization.


Petunia likes fertilizer, and there is a great difference in whether to use fertilizer or not. from 4 true leaves to the stage of pseudo-planting, 2000 times of Biwang is fertilized once a week, 1500 times of Biwang is fertilized once a week, and a little slow-release fertilizer can be added during pseudo-planting. 1000 to 1500 times of Biwang is fertilized twice a week when the plant is planted to the full stage, 1000 times blooming from the bud to the blooming stage and 1000 times as much as twice a week. Sometimes the dwarf will be iron deficient. You can add some ferrous sulfate.

Goldfish hanging orchid-

During the growing period, it is necessary to apply thin organic fertilizer every 1-2 weeks to make it grow vigorously. The application of phosphate fertilizer before flowering can make it more pregnant buds, blossom and enhance the ornamental effect. Goldfish orchids should not be fertilized during flowering, but should be pruned and shaped after blooming, and more nitrogenous fertilizers should be applied.

Whether the flowers bloom well or not, the leaves are not flourishing.

Fertilization is too important.

Show it to the flower friends who need it.